データマイニングや機械学習をやるときによく問題となる「リーケージ」を防ぐ方法について論じた論文「Leakage in Data Mining: Formulation, Detecting, and Avoidance」(Kaufman, Shachar, et al., ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 6.4 (2012): 1-21.)を解説します。
Rob Pike discusses Plan 9, an operating system developed at Bell Labs as the successor to UNIX. Some key points of Plan 9 include its use of /proc instead of /dev for I/O, its distributed file system design with everything treated as a file, and its emphasis on concurrency through lightweight processes and message passing. Plan 9 aims to improve on UNIX with a more unified and simplified design.
【DL輪読会】Unpaired Image Super-Resolution Using Pseudo-SupervisionDeep Learning JP
The document summarizes an academic paper on unpaired image super-resolution using pseudo-supervision. It presents the following key points:
1. The paper proposes a method using GANs and two networks - a correction network to transform real low-resolution images to clean low-resolution, and a super-resolution network to generate high-resolution images from clean low-resolution.
2. Experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate better results than previous methods, generating high-resolution images from diverse, unpaired low-resolution data.
3. The proposed method was incorporated into Sharp's newest smartphone just 1.5 years after the paper was published, showing the speed of applying academic research.
My presentation may be the last. So I need to speak the development history.
I have been developed Vim plugins over 10 years. I talk about my plugins development history and current development thoughts.
【DL輪読会】Unpaired Image Super-Resolution Using Pseudo-SupervisionDeep Learning JP
The document summarizes an academic paper on unpaired image super-resolution using pseudo-supervision. It presents the following key points:
1. The paper proposes a method using GANs and two networks - a correction network to transform real low-resolution images to clean low-resolution, and a super-resolution network to generate high-resolution images from clean low-resolution.
2. Experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate better results than previous methods, generating high-resolution images from diverse, unpaired low-resolution data.
3. The proposed method was incorporated into Sharp's newest smartphone just 1.5 years after the paper was published, showing the speed of applying academic research.
My presentation may be the last. So I need to speak the development history.
I have been developed Vim plugins over 10 years. I talk about my plugins development history and current development thoughts.
deoplete: The dark powered auto completion plugin for neovimShougo
Unfortunately neovim does not support neocomplete but I need an auto completion plugin. So, I have developed deoplete. Deoplete is an auto completion framework for neovim. I will describe the features and its future works.
This document summarizes a presentation about Neovim given in Japanese. It introduces Neovim as a fork of Vim developed on GitHub with the goal of being a "Modern Vim". Key points are that Neovim refactors the source code, uses asynchronous communication, allows plugins in multiple languages while keeping Vimscript compatibility, and aims to eventually implement GUI features. The presenter expresses support for Neovim due to user excitement around solving Vim problems and competing in a landscape where other editors and IDEs are becoming more full-featured.
6. Linux を使うようになり……
● Linux では Emacs が使いやすかったので
● しかし、もう Vim に慣れた後では乗り換える
7. Windows での使いやすさ
● 宗教上の理由により Windows で開発しなければいけない
● Vim は Windows でもまともに動く
● 日本の Vim パッチ職人にはなぜか(?) Windows メイ
● Emacs は昔よりはマシになったとはいえ、Windows で
● Emacs を Mac で使うのも辛いと風のうわさで……
8. 機能がなければ追加すれば?
● Vim plugin で大抵の機能は実現できる
● もしものときはソースコードを変更すればよい
● Vim のソースコードをいじるのは大変だが、
● Vim script を書くのは苦痛?
● 我は毎日 Vim script を書いているが……