Querydsl is a query building and object mapping framework that allows for type-safe queries in Java. It provides a fluent query syntax that is close to SQL and supports multiple backends like JPA, MongoDB, and Lucene. Querydsl aims to make querying more productive and code less error-prone by enabling compile-time validation, intuitive syntax, and consistent APIs across backends. It handles common tasks like filtering, sorting, grouping, projections, and subqueries in a type-safe manner. Mysema provides commercial support and services for Querydsl along with free public support through forums and blogs.
2. What?
● Querydsl is an easy to use unified type-safe query
● Compile time query validation
● Instant feedback on query errors
● Compact and intuitive fluent syntax
● Syntactically close to SQL
● Great for dynamic query building
● Supports multiple back-ends and query languages
with consistent query API
● JPA/Hibernate, Mongodb, SQL, Lucene...
3. Why?
● Querydsl makes you more productive and your code
less errorprone
● Query syntax validation by execution is slow and
breaks the flow
● Each back-end has its own query language and API
● SQL-like for JPA and JDO, but not for MongoDB
and Lucene
● Verbose parameter binding by name or position to
parameter placeholders of a prepared statement
● Or risk injection attack if parameters are directly
concatenated to query
4. How?
QPerson person = QPerson.person;
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
List<Person> persons = query.from(person)
is translated into
select person from com.acme.Person person
where person.firstName eq = ?1 and person.lastName = ?2
5. Before Querydsl
● Queries as strings within code
TypedQuery<Person> query = em.createQuery(
"select person from Person person " +
"where person.firstName = ?1", Person.class);
query.setParameter(1, "Max");
List<Person> persons = query.getResultList();
● Must remember query syntax, domain classes,
properties and relationships
● Syntax reference always at hand
● Domain model/schema reference at hand
● High cognitive overhead
● Error-prone
6. Before Querydsl
● Dynamic query building by string concatenation
● Very hard with multiple joins, ordering and complex
conditionals depending on actual parameters
StringBuilder where = new StringBuilder();
if (firstName != null)
where.append("person.firstName = :firstName");
TypedQuery<Person> query = entityManager.createQuery(
"select person from Person person where " + where,
if (firstName != null) query.setParameter("firstName", firstName);
List<Person> persons = query.getResultList();
7. Before Querydsl
● Hibernate Criteria API as an alternative?
● Better for dynamic queries and has easier
parameter binding, but...
● Lacking expressivity, unintuitive, verbose,
cognitive overhead for schema if not for syntax,
not type-safe, slow validation...
● Hibernate with three query languages to
master with different focuses and expressivity
8. Querydsl to the rescue!
● Create your variables
QPerson.person // default variable
new QPerson("myPerson") // custom variable
● Create your query
JPAQuery, HibernateQuery, SQLQuery etc
● Populate your query
from, where, groupBy, having, orderBy
● Get the results
count, iterate, list, uniqueResult
9. Order
// Get persons ordered by last name and first name (desc)
.orderBy(person.lastName.asc(), person.firstName.desc())
translated into
select person from Person person
order by person.lastname asc, person.firstName desc
10. Order
// Get persons ordered by women first
translated into
select person from Person person
order by case person.gender = Gender.FEMALE then 0 else 1 end asc
11. Grouping
// Get person counts grouped by last name
.list(person.lastName, person.count());
translated into
select person.lastName, count(person) from Person person
group by person.lastName
12. Subqueries
//Get persons with max child count
QPerson parent = new QPerson("parent");
new JPASubQuery().from(parent)
translated into
select person from Person person
where person.children.size() = (
select max(parent.children.size()) from Person parent)
13. Constructor projection
// DTO class with @QueryProjection constructor annotation
public class PersonInfo {
long id;
String name;
public PersonInfo(long id, String name) {
this.id = id;
this.name = name;
// List PersonInfo DTOs
List<PersonInfo> infos = query.from(person)
.list(new QPersonInfo(person.id,
person.lastName.concat(", ”).concat(person.firstName)));
14. Tuple projection
// List ages of persons
List<Tuple> tuples = query.from(person)
.list(new QTuple(
for (Tuple tuple : tuples){
// Typed access to mapped query results!
String name = tuple.get(person.firstName) +
" " + tuple.get(person.lastName);
int age = tuple.get(person.yearOfBirth)
- getCurrentYear();
System.out.println(name + " is " + age + " years");
15. BooleanBuilder
● Helper for building complex Boolean expressions
BooleanBuilder nameDisjunction = new BooleanBuilder();
for (String name : names) {
16. Update
// Set firstName of all Does to John
long updatedRowCount =
new JPAUpdateClause(getEntityManager(), person)
.set(person.firstName, "John")
translated into
update Person person
set person.firstName = ?1
where person.lastName = ?2
17. Delete
// Delete all John Does
long updatedRowCount =
new JPADeleteClause(getEntityManager(), person)
translated into
delete Person person
where person.lastName = ?1 and person.firstName = ?2
18. Querydsl extensions
● Customize the code generation
● @QueryType(PropertyType.NONE)
● Non searchable
● @QueryType(PropertyType.SIMPLE)
● Equality comparisons only (eq, ne, in)
● Custom query classes
● Extend abstract super classes and preserve fluent
● Custom expressions
● Static delegate methods with @QueryDelegate
● Template expressions for e.g. custom SQL
19. Querydsl extensions
● Query serialization can be customized
● Works for JPA, JDO and SQL
● SQL dialects
● Overriding default templates (e.g.
String#startsWith with like or regexp or...)
● Expression DSL can be replaced
● E.g. Querydsl for Scala
● Custom back-ends
● Lucene (10 classes) + Mongodb (6 classes)
20. Delegate methods
public class MyQueryExtensions {
public static NumberExpression<Integer> yearAndMonth(DateTimePath<Date> date) {
return date.year().multiply(100).add(date.month());
causes code generation of
package ext.java.util;
public class QDate extends DateTimePath<java.util.Date> {
public NumberExpression<Integer> yearAndMonth() {
return MyQueryExtensions.yearAndMonth(this);
22. Custom query classes
public class PersonQuery extends AbstractJPAQuery<PersonQuery> {
final QPerson person = QPerson.person;
public PersonQuery(EntityManager em) {
public PersonQuery nameMatches(String name) {
return where(person.firstName.like(name)
23. JPA 2.0 Criteria vs Querydsl
● JPA 2 Criteria is the standard for type-safe
queries in JPA, but Querydsl is in our opinion
superior in many ways
● Easier and less verbose syntax
● Customizable
● Supports multiple back-ends – not just JPA
● JPA has a difficult to use static query-model
● Verbose property paths
● Operations via builder object
● Inverse order: “equals property value” vs.
“property equals value”
● Broken flow
24. Criteria example
// All possible pairs of single males and females
CriteriaQuery<Person> query = builder.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> men = query.from( Person.class );
Root<Person> women = query.from( Person.class );
Predicate menRestriction = builder.and(
builder.equal( men.get( Person_.gender ), Gender.MALE ),
builder.equal( men.get( Person_.relationshipStatus ),
RelationshipStatus.SINGLE )
Predicate womenRestriction = builder.and(
builder.equal( women.get( Person_.gender ), Gender.FEMALE ),
builder.equal( women.get( Person_.relationshipStatus ),
RelationshipStatus.SINGLE )
query.where( builder.and( menRestriction, womenRestriction ) );
25. Querydsl example
// All possible pairs of single males and females
JPAQuery query = new JPAQuery(entityManager);
QPerson men = new QPerson("men");
QPerson women = new QPerson("women");
query.from(men, women).where(
26. SQL
● Pretty similar to JPA/Hibernate
● No deep paths over relations though
● No implicit joins
SQLTemplates templates = new MySQLTemplates();
SQLQuery query = new SQLQuery(connection, templates);
● Shortcut for joins with foreign keys
query.innerJoin(person.parentFK, parent);
27. SQL
● Maven plugin for generating query model
● Support for special SQL constructs and extensions
● Databases supported include
● PostgreSQL
● Oracle
● MS SQL Server
● H2
● Derby
● SQLite
● Teradata
28. SQL extensions
● Sub class of AbstractSQLQuery
● e.g. OracleQuery with connectByPrior
● Template expressions
● Direct addition of “flags”
SQLInsertClause insert =
new SQLInsertClause(connection, templates, person);
insert.addFlag(Position.START_OVERRIDE, "replace into ");
29. Collections
● Provides querying functionality over collections of
beans with joins, filtering and sorting
● The same metamodel types can be used like for e.g.
JPA and Mongodb
List<User> users = CollQueryFactory.from(user, users)
32. What services does Mysema
offer for Querydsl?
● Free public support
● GitHub Issues
● Querydsl Google Group
● Mysema Blog
● Consulting services
● User support
● Custom extensions and integration
● Training