The document describes the structure of various user activity log collections stored in different databases. It includes collections for errors, access logs, attribute changes, status changes, and purchase charges with details on the fields captured for each user event.
35. •
MySQL: select * from things where x=3 and y="foo"!
MongoDB: db.things.find( { x : 3, y : "foo" } );!
MySQL: select z from things where x=3!
MongoDB: db.things.find( { x : 3 }, { z : 1 } );
db.collection.find({ "field" : { $gt: value } } ); !
// : field > value !
db.collection.find({ "field" : { $lt: value } } ); !
// : field < value !
db.collection.find({"field”: {$gt: value1, $lt: value2}});!
// value1 <= field <= value2