AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
20200422 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amaz...Amazon Web Services Japan
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). The webinar will cover the basics of ECS, its main components, container execution environments, key ECS features, task definitions, and container execution. It includes introductions to the presenter and notices about pricing and content details. The target audience is those considering using containers in production environments on AWS.
The document discusses implementing an event-driven architecture using events instead of synchronous APIs. It explains that events decouple services by allowing them to communicate asynchronously through a centralized event routing system. This loose coupling makes services more independent and resilient, as failures in downstream services do not block upstream ones. It also improves scalability and maintainability by reducing dependencies between services. The document provides examples to illustrate how an event-driven system has less coupling between producers and consumers compared to a synchronous API approach.
AWS Japan YouTube 公式チャンネルでライブ配信された 2022年4月26日の AWS Developer Live Show 「Infrastructure as Code 談議 2022」 の資料となります。 当日の配信はこちら からご確認いただけます。
20200422 AWS Black Belt Online Seminar Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amaz...Amazon Web Services Japan
This document provides an overview and agenda for an AWS webinar on Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). The webinar will cover the basics of ECS, its main components, container execution environments, key ECS features, task definitions, and container execution. It includes introductions to the presenter and notices about pricing and content details. The target audience is those considering using containers in production environments on AWS.
The document discusses implementing an event-driven architecture using events instead of synchronous APIs. It explains that events decouple services by allowing them to communicate asynchronously through a centralized event routing system. This loose coupling makes services more independent and resilient, as failures in downstream services do not block upstream ones. It also improves scalability and maintainability by reducing dependencies between services. The document provides examples to illustrate how an event-driven system has less coupling between producers and consumers compared to a synchronous API approach.
デスクトップ仮想化の実践 - powered by Windows Server 2016 & Azure - (Microsoft de:code 2016)Takamasa Maejima
2016年5月に開催された Microsoft de:code 2016 での、RDS (Remote Desktop Services) on Microsoft Azure に関するセッションスライドです。
[イベント名] Microsoft de:code 2016
[開催日] 2016年5月24日
[セッションID] INF-012
[セッションタイトル] デスクトップ仮想化の実践 - powered by Windows Server 2016 & Azure -
PDF版 世界中のゲーム分析をしてきたPlayFabが大進化!一緒に裏側の最新データ探索の仕組みを覗いてみよう Db tech showcase2020Daisuke Masubuchi
世界中のオンラインゲームやスマフォアプリの分析をしてきたPlayFab。最近、従来のイベント分析に加えて様々なテレメトリーを包含したクラウド分析機能が備わりました。今回は、その裏の Azure Data Explorer a.k.a Kusto での構成や仕組みをご紹介します。Windowsのテレメトリー分析やAzureのログ解析基盤の裏側と共通した仕掛けが含まれているのでお楽しみに!ゲーム業界に限らず、ビックデータ運用を考えている大規模なSaaS事業やIoT事業にもご参考いただけたら幸いです。
at db tech showcase ONLINE 2020 #dbts2020 #gamestackjp
*本資料は 2020年11月11日に開催された DB Tech Showcase イベントにてお話させていただいた、同タイトルのセッション資料となります
The document lists various cloud services provided by Alibaba Cloud including databases, networking, storage, security, big data, containers, serverless computing, and more. It provides the names of over 50 different computing and data services without descriptions.
This document provides tips for integrating and monitoring AWS billing metrics using Datadog. It discusses using IAM roles for integration, exploring the aws.billing metric in the Metric Explorer, debugging the Datadog agent, using tags in monitor messages, configuring the agent collection interval, and alternatives to DogStatsD for submitting metrics. The tips are presented in 6 sections and conclude by wishing happy monitoring.
- The document discusses Kumogata, an open source Ruby library for generating AWS CloudFormation templates
- Kumogata-template is a gem that provides a command line interface for initializing and deploying CloudFormation templates using Kumogata
- The CLI makes it easy to generate templates using predefined resources and parameters, reducing template code from 1500 lines to around 60 lines
This document describes the network configuration and management scripts used in Scientific Linux release 6.1. It discusses the main scripts and files used like /etc/rc.d/init.d/network, /etc/sysconfig/network, and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. It provides details on how the network script starts and stops network interfaces, and brings interfaces up at boot time using files in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. It also summarizes some of the functions available in the network-functions file.
The document discusses the configuration of the fastcgi_param directive in the nginx fastcgi_conf file. It explains the purpose and value of each parameter line, including parameters for the script filename, query string, request method, content type, length, URI, server protocol, and more. Key variables like $document_root, $fastcgi_script_name, and $remote_addr are also described. A second section covers the mime.types file and defines common file extensions and their associated MIME types.
This document summarizes the configuration of an nginx.conf file. It explains the purpose and optimal settings for various configuration directives over 24 lines, including setting the user and group, number of worker processes, log files, included configuration files for mimetypes and proxies, the index directive, default response type, log formatting, and settings for access logging, sendfile, tcp_nopush, and server_name_hash_bucket_size.
mod_security introduction at study2study #3Naoya Nakazawa
This document summarizes the ModSecurity open source web application firewall. It discusses how ModSecurity operates as an engine embedded within the Apache web server to shield applications from attacks. It provides an overview of the core components and configuration files. Key points include that ModSecurity has 4 projects, and configuration is done through files such as base_rules, which contains the core rule set, and modsecurity_localrules.conf for custom rules.
This document discusses using Puppet and Cobbler together to provision and manage servers. Some key points:
1) Puppet is used to configure and manage servers, while Cobbler is used for provisioning like PXE booting and installing operating systems.
2) Cobbler can install a base operating system and register the server with Puppet. Then Puppet can configure the server by applying manifests.
3) Koan can be used at kickstart time to register virtual machines as Cobbler systems and provision them, allowing virtual machines to be managed like physical servers.
This document summarizes Naoya Nakazawa's notes and presentation from the Velocity 2009 conference. The conference took place from June 22-24, 2009 in San Jose, CA at the Fairmont Hotel. It covered topics like infrastructure management with Puppet, Hadoop operations, scaling Twitter, and frontend performance at Facebook. Many talks discussed lessons learned from scaling sites like Flickr, Google, Facebook and Twitter to handle massive traffic. Overall the conference provided insights into building fast, scalable and efficient web applications and services.
The document introduces the Standard Template Library (STL) in C++, which provides common data structures like vectors, lists, maps, sets, and algorithms using templates. It lists the main container classes in STL including vector, deque, list, set, map, and bitset. It then provides short code examples for how to use lists and vectors, specifically how to add and remove elements from the lists and vectors and output vector elements.
IoT Devices Compliant with JC-STAR Using Linux as a Container OSTomohiro Saneyoshi
Security requirements for IoT devices are becoming more defined, as seen with the EU Cyber Resilience Act and Japan’s JC-STAR.
It's common for IoT devices to run Linux as their operating system. However, adopting general-purpose Linux distributions like Ubuntu or Debian, or Yocto-based Linux, presents certain difficulties. This article outlines those difficulties.
It also, it highlights the security benefits of using a Linux-based container OS and explains how to adopt it with JC-STAR, using the "Armadillo Base OS" as an example.
Feb.25.2025@JAWS-UG IoT