This document discusses streaming video to HTML. It begins with introducing the speaker and their background in building video applications. The rest of the document covers: an overview of video traffic on the internet; how HTTP adaptive streaming works; the different streaming protocols like HLS, Smooth Streaming, and DASH; browser support for streaming; MediaSource Extensions; what DASH is and how it works; building a DASH player using dash.js; and resources for learning more about streaming video.
2. Who am I?
• Senior Consultant at Digital Primates
– Building next generation client applications
• Built video applications for many of the most
attended streaming events.
• Developing Internet applications for 17 years
• Author of 12 books on Internet technologies
3. Agenda
• Video and the Internet today
• Understanding HTTP Streaming
• What are the Streaming options without a
• Understanding MediaSource Extensions (MSE)
• What is DASH
• Making it work in a browser
• Questions
4. Video is dominating the Internet
• Desktop: Video makes up 50% of traffic at peak periods
– notably 30% from Netflix and 11% from YouTube
• Mobile: Video traffic is growing exponentially
Fixed Internet Mobile Internet
5. HTTP Adaptive Streaming
Media Capture & Encoding
Media Origin Servers HTTP Cache Servers Client Devices
Encode each segment
at multiple bitrates
2 Split the video into
small segments
Make each segment
addressable via a HTTP-URL3
Client makes decision
on which segment to
Client splices together
and plays back5
6. HTTP Streaming Landscape
• Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
• Microsoft’s Smooth Streaming
• Adobe’s HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS)
• And many more…
7. The challenge
• Most agree that HTTP Streaming is the most
efficient choice
• Different devices support different streaming
• No one standard is currently supported
• Results in media being served in several
different formats to support the broadest
range of devices
8. What do browsers support?
• Unfortunately, Progressive Download is the only
ubiquity supported option
• Different Browsers support different video
– H.264
– webM
– Etc.
• Safari (iOs and MacOS only) natively supports HLS
• MediaSource Extensions in Chrome (and soon
9. MediaSource Extensions (MSE)
• MSE allow for pieces (segments) of media to
be handed to the HTML5 video tag’s buffer
• This enables HTTP Streaming in HTML
• Not universally supported, yet.
10. What is MPEG-DASH
DASH – Dynamic Adaptive Streaming via HTTP
International open standard, developed and
published by ISO
Addresses both simple and advanced use cases
Enables highest-quality multiscreen distribution
and efficient dynamic adaptive switching
Enables reuse of existing content, devices and
Attempts to unify to a single standard for HTTP
11. DASH and codecs
• The DASH specification is codec agnostic
• Any existing or future codec can work with
• DASH manifest describes which codec is used
– Different codecs store the actual video data
12. DASH264
• H.264 is dominant format today
• Many vendors and service providers are
committed to supporting/enabling DASH264
• Provides support for today’s requirements
such as DRM
• H.264 is backed by rigorous testing and
13. DASH Industry Forum
• Addressing the dramatic growth of broadband
video by recommending a universal delivery
format that provides end users with the best
possible media experience by dynamically
adapting to changing network conditions.
14. DASH Industry Forum
• Objectives:
– promote and catalyze market adoption of MPEG-DASH
– publish interoperability and deployment guidelines
– facilitate interoperability tests
– collaborate with standard bodies and industry
consortia in aligning ongoing DASH standards
development and the use of common profiles across
industry organizations
• Over 65 members
• Visit for more information
• Released the DASH/264 standard
15. Building a DASH player
• We have built DASH players for several
different platforms
– Flash
– Android
– HTML5/JavaScript (dash.js)
• DASH.js is available as an open source project
(bsd3) on github
• DASH.js is the reference player for the DASH
Industry Forum (
16. How to play a DASH Stream
• Download Manifest
• Parse Manifest
• Determine optimal bandwidth for client
• Initialize for bandwidth
• Download Segment
• Hand segment to MSE
• Check Bandwidth to determine if change is
17. Understanding DASH structure
• Three types of files
– Manifest (.mpd)
• XML file describing the segments
– Initialization file
• Contains headers needed to decode bytes in segments
– Segment Files
• Contains playable media
• Includes:
– 0…many video tracks
– 0…many audio tracks
18. DASH Manifest
• Manifest contains:
– Root node
– 1 or more periods
• Periods contain 1 adaptation set per video stream and
• Periods contain 1 adaptation set per audio stream
• Adaptation Sets contain:
– Content Composition nodes (for each video or audio track)
– 1 or more Representation node
» Each representation describes a single bitrate
» Representations contain data on finding the actual segments
» Different ways a representation can describe segments
19. Describing Representations
• SegmentBase
– Describes a stream with only a single Segment per bitrate
– Can be used for Byte Range Requests
• SegmentList
– A SegmentList will contain a specific list of each
SegmentURL (individual HTTP packet with media data)
– Can be used for Byte Range Requests
• SegmentTemplate
– Defines a known url for the fragment with wildcards
resolved at runtime to request a segments (see bbb.mpd)
– Alternatively, can specify a list of segments based on
24. Tools used by dash.js
Core Player
• Q – Asynchronous handling with promises
• Dijon – DI / IOC
• Jasmine – unit tests
Web Site
• JQuery – DOM manipulation
• Flat-ui – UI elements
• Flot – Charting
• Kendo - Components
25. Class Structure
• The player is divided into two main packages.
• streaming – Contains the classes responsible
for creating and populating the MediaSource
buffers. These classes are intended to be
abstract enough for use with any segmented
stream (such as DASH, HLS, HDS and MSS).
• dash – Contains the classes responsible for
making decisions specifically related to Dash.
27. MediaPlayer.js
• Exposes the top level functions and properties
to the developer (play, autoPlay, isLive, abr
quality, and metrics).
• The manifest URL and the HTML Video object
as passed to the MediaPlayer.
28. Context.js
• The dependency mapping for the stream
• The context is passed into the MediaPlayer
object allowing for different MediaPlayer
instances to use different mappings.
29. Stream.js
• Loads/refreshes the manifest.
• Create SourceBuffers from MediaSource.
• Create BufferManager classes to manage
• Responds to events from HTML Video object.
• For a live stream, the live edge is calculated
and passed to the BufferController instances.
30. Debug.js
• Convenience class for logging methods.
• Default implementation is to just use
• Extension point for tapping into logging
31. BufferController.js
• Responsible for loading fragments and
pushing the bytes into the SourceBuffer.
• Once play() has been called a timer is
started to check the status of the bytes in the
• If the amount of time left to play is less than
Manifest.minBufferTime the next fragment
is loaded.
• Records metrics related to playback.
32. FragmentLoader.js
• Responsible for loading fragments.
• Loads requests sequentially.
• Responsible for loading manifest files.
• Returns the parsed manifest object.
33. AbrController.js
• Responsible for deciding if the current quality
should be changed.
• The stream metrics are passed to a set of
• Methods:
getPlaybackQuality(type, data)
type – The type of the data
data – The stream data.
34. DownloadRatioRule.js
• Validates that fragments are being
downloaded in a timely manner.
• Compares the time it takes to download a
fragment to how long it takes to play out a
• If the download time is considered a
bottleneck the quality will be lowered.
35. InsufficientBufferRule.js
• Validates that the buffer doesn’t run dry
during playback.
• If the buffer is running dry continuously it
likely means that the player has a processing
bottleneck (video decode time is longer than
playback time).
36. LimitSwitchesRule.js
• Watches for competing rules to avoid constant
bitrate switches.
• If two or more rules are causing switches too
often this rule will limit the switches to give a
better overall playback experience.
39. DashParser.js
• Converts the manifest to a JSON object.
• Converts duration and datetime strings into
number/date objects.
• Manages inheritance fields.
– Many fields are inherited from parent to child
nodes in DASH.
– For example, a BaseURL can be defined in the
<MPD> node and all <Representation> nodes
inherit that value.
40. DashHandler.js
• Responsible for deciding which fragment URL should be
• Methods:
getInitRequest(quality) – Returns an initialization
request for a given quality, if available.
getSegmentRequestForTime(time, quality) – Returns
a fragment URL to load for a given quality and a given
time. Returns a Stream.vo.SegmentRequest object.
getNextSegmentRequest(quality) – Returns the next
fragment URL to load. Assumes that
getSegmentRequestForTime() has already been called.
getCurrentTime (quality) – Returns the time for the
last loaded fragment index.
41. DashHandler.js (cont’d)
• Uses available information in the manifest
(SegmentList, SegmentTemplate, SegmentBase).
• When using a single, non-fragmented mp4 file the SIDX box
will be loaded to determine byte ranges for segments.
42. Flow
1. Create the Context and MediaPlayer instances.
var context = new Dash.di.DashContext(),
player = new MediaPlayer(context);
2. Initialize MediaPlayer and set manifest URL.
3. Attach HTML Video element.
video = document.querySelector(".dash-video-player
player.autoPlay = true;
43. 2. Call play()on the MediaPlayer (if autoPlay =
3. The Stream object will be created and initialized with the
manifest URL.
4. The manifest is loaded and then parsed.
5.MediaSource, SourceBuffers, and
BufferControllers are created.
– Create one BufferController per stream type (usually
video and audio).
6. Set the duration of the MediaSource to the duration of the
manifest (or infinity for a live stream).
7. If the stream is live, calculate the live edge.
8. Call play() on the HTML video element.
9. The BufferManager instances create a timer. When the
timer ticks the state of the buffers is checked.
44. BufferManager.validate()
1. Check to see if the buffers need more data.
• Must be in a playing state.
• Must not already be loading data.
• Must require more data to be buffered.
amountBuffered < manifest.minBufferTime
2. If automatic ABR is enabled check to see if the bitrate
should be changed.
• Ask AbrController for the new quality.
• Rules will determine which bitrate to change to.
3. If initial playback, seeking, or the bitrate has changed load
the initialization fragment (if available).
45. 4. Ask the IndexHandler for the next fragment request.
• If seeking pass the seek time to the IndexHandler.
• Otherwise ask for the ‘next’ fragment.
• Pass the bitrate to the IndexHandler.
6. The IndexHandler returns a SegmentRequest indicating
what action the BufferManager should take next.
• “download” – Download and append the fragment to the buffer.
• “stall” – Wait because the IndexHandler is not ready.
• “complete” – Signal that the stream has completed playback.
7. Repeat.
46. Resources
– Provides baseline test streams
– Provides baseline player
• MP4Parser
– Open Source java project
– Allows for display of contents within boxes
• DASH Industry Forum
– Test Vectors
– Reference Player