12. Maker Movement
● Maker Movementとは?
○ DIYの延長としてものづくりを行なう人,又は,そのためのスキ
● 2005年,Makeマガジン創設者Dale Dougherty氏が提唱
● 世界最大規模のDIY展示発表会「Maker Faire」
○ 毎年,全世界約200ヶ所で開催
○ 来場者数は年間140万人以上にのぼる
“ Like artists, they are motivated by internal goals, not extrinsic rewards. They are inspired by
the work of others. Most importantly, they do not wait until the future to create and make.”
27. Meaning of “Raspberry Pi”
Raspberry is a reference to a fruit naming tradition in the old days of microcomputers. A lot of
computer companies were named after fruit. There's Tangerine Computer Systems, Apricot
Computers, and the old British company Acorn, which is a family of fruit.
企業はフルーツに因んでいました. …)
Pi is because originally we were going to produce a computer that could only really run
Python. So the Pi in there is for Python. Now you can run Python on the Raspberry Pi but the
design we ended up going with is much more capable than the original we thought of, so it's kind of
outlived its name a little bit.
(Piは,当初Pythonのみを実行できるコンピュータを作ろうとしていたためです.この PiはPythonのためです.
− Eben Upton, Techspotインタビューより