12. 正規表現中の
「 C 」文字クラ
スは削除文字列の内部表現を変更できたりするので 5.20 で廃止
my $c = "N{U+3042}"; # あ
say unpack "H*", $c; # e38182
$c =~ /(.)/; say sprintf "%x", $1; # 3042
$c =~ /(C)/; say sprintf "%x", $1; # e3
$c =~ s/(CC)C/$1x84/; say $c; # い
my $c = "N{U+3042}"; # あ
say unpack "H*", $c; # e38182
$c =~ /(.)/; say sprintf "%x", $1; # 3042
$c =~ /(C)/; say sprintf "%x", $1; # e3
$c =~ s/(CC)C/$1x84/; say $c; # い
13. :utf8 レイヤ付きハンドルへの
sysread()/syswrite() は廃止
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<:encoding(cp932)', 'test.txt';
# こちらは正しく「文字単位」
read($fh, my $buf, 3);
# こちらは「文字単位」にならないので警告
sysread($fh, my $buf, 3);
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $fh, '<:encoding(cp932)', 'test.txt';
# こちらは正しく「文字単位」
read($fh, my $buf, 3);
# こちらは「文字単位」にならないので警告
sysread($fh, my $buf, 3);
23. 正規表現中の { の扱いが変更に
5.16 で廃止、 5.22 以降警告が出ていたのが死ぬように
$foo =~ /d{1,10}/; # ok
$foo =~ /d{1}/; # ok
$foo =~ /something{}/; # 5.26 ではエ
$foo =~ /something{/; # 5.26 ではエ
$foo =~ /something[{]/; # ok
$foo =~ /something{/; # ok
$foo =~ /d{1,10}/; # ok
$foo =~ /d{1}/; # ok
$foo =~ /something{}/; # 5.26 ではエ
$foo =~ /something{/; # 5.26 ではエ
$foo =~ /something[{]/; # ok
$foo =~ /something{/; # ok
$foo =~ /{}/; # これも ok
24. レキシカルサブルーチン
5.18 で実験的に導入。詳しくは perldoc perlsub
sub whatever {
my $x = shift;
my sub inner {
... do something with $x ...
sub whatever {
my $x = shift;
my sub inner {
... do something with $x ...
25. ${^ENCODING} は削除
2015 年の YAPC で Yappo さんがおっしゃっていた通り
× use encoding 'cp932';
○ use encoding 'cp932', Filter => 1;
× use encoding 'cp932';
○ use encoding 'cp932', Filter => 1;
45. package Point {
use Moxie;
extends 'Moxie::Object';
has '$!x' => sub { 0 };
has '$!y' => sub { 0 };
sub BUILDARGS : init_args(
x => '$!x',
y => '$!y',
sub x : ro('$!x');
sub y : ro('$!y');
sub set_x : wo('$!x');
sub set_y : wo('$!y');
sub clear ($self) {
@{ $self }{'$!x', '$!y'} = (0, 0);
sub pack ($self) {
+{ x => $self->x, y => $self->y }
package Point {
use Moxie;
extends 'Moxie::Object';
has '$!x' => sub { 0 };
has '$!y' => sub { 0 };
sub BUILDARGS : init_args(
x => '$!x',
y => '$!y',
sub x : ro('$!x');
sub y : ro('$!y');
sub set_x : wo('$!x');
sub set_y : wo('$!y');
sub clear ($self) {
@{ $self }{'$!x', '$!y'} = (0, 0);
sub pack ($self) {
+{ x => $self->x, y => $self->y }
49. $ perl6 -v
This is Rakudo version 2017.02 built on MoarVM version 2017.02
implementing Perl 6.c.
This is Rakudo version 2017.02 built on MoarVM version 2017.02
implementing Perl 6.c.
• say $*PERL.version; # v6.c
• say $*PERL.name; # Perl 6
• say $*PERL.compiler.version; # v2017.02
• say $*PERL.compiler.name; # rakudo
• say $*VM.version; # v2017.02
• say $*VM.name; # moar
• say $*PERL.version; # v6.c
• say $*PERL.name; # Perl 6
• say $*PERL.compiler.version; # v2017.02
• say $*PERL.compiler.name; # rakudo
• say $*VM.version; # v2017.02
• say $*VM.name; # moar
use 文で制御できるのは v6.c の部分だけ
50. 最終的な目標をすべて達成できて
ROAST から切り出される各実装向けのテストにはいろい
given $*DISTRO.name {
when "macosx" {
#?rakudo.jvm skip "file system events NYI? RT #124828"
subtest &macosx, "does watch-path work on Mac OS X";
default {
pass "Nothing reliable to test yet";
given $*DISTRO.name {
when "macosx" {
#?rakudo.jvm skip "file system events NYI? RT #124828"
subtest &macosx, "does watch-path work on Mac OS X";
default {
pass "Nothing reliable to test yet";
(for IO::Notification.watch-path)
57. TWEAK サブメソッ
ドPerl 6 の BUILD は Moose の BUILDARGS 相当
use v6.c;
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod BUILD() {
$!id = $!x * 2; # $!x is not set yet
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 0
use v6.c;
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod BUILD() {
$!id = $!x * 2; # $!x is not set yet
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 0
58. TWEAK サブメソッ
use v6.c;
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod BUILD(:$x) {
$!id = $x * 2;
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 2
use v6.c;
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod BUILD(:$x) {
$!id = $x * 2;
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 2
59. TWEAK サブメソッ
ドMoose の BUILD 相当のものが新設されました
use v6.c; # since 2016.11 (or v6.d when ready)
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod TWEAK() { # called after BUILDs
$!id = $!x * 2;
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 2
use v6.c; # since 2016.11 (or v6.d when ready)
class Foo {
has ($.x, $!id);
submethod TWEAK() { # called after BUILDs
$!id = $!x * 2;
method generated_id { $!id }
say Foo.new(x => 1).generated_id; # 2
60. モジュールの読み込みが
use A;
class B {}
use A;
class B {}
use B;
A.new; # die since 2017.01
use B;
A.new; # die since 2017.01
• これによってアプリ内
• Rakudo のバージョンを
• rakudobrew で切り替え
class A {}class A {}
61. Unicode サポート
say 「こんにちはこんにちは」 ; # 半角「 」
my $ 税率 = 1.08; ($ 金額 ×$ 税率 ).say;
say 100² ÷ ⅕; # 50000;
say 100 ** 2 / unival("x[2155]");
say 「こんにちはこんにちは」 ; # 半角「 」
my $ 税率 = 1.08; ($ 金額 ×$ 税率 ).say;
say 100² ÷ ⅕; # 50000;
say 100 ** 2 / unival("x[2155]");