2. Safe harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that involve risks, uncertainties, and
assumptions. If any such uncertainties materialize or if any of the assumptions proves incorrect,
the results of salesforce.com, inc. could differ materially from the results expressed or implied
by the forward-looking statements we make. All statements other than statements of historical
fact could be deemed forward-looking, including any projections of product or service
availability, subscriber growth, earnings, revenues, or other financial items and any statements
regarding strategies or plans of management for future operations, statements of belief, any
statements concerning new, planned, or upgraded services or technology developments and
customer contracts or use of our services.
The risks and uncertainties referred to above include – but are not limited to – risks associated
with developing and delivering new functionality for our service, new products and services, our
new business model, our past operating losses, possible fluctuations in our operating results
and rate of growth, interruptions or delays in our Web hosting, breach of our security measures,
the outcome of intellectual property and other litigation, risks associated with possible mergers
and acquisitions, the immature market in which we operate, our relatively limited operating
history, our ability to expand, retain, and motivate our employees and manage our growth, new
releases of our service and successful customer deployment, our limited history reselling non-
salesforce.com products, and utilization and selling to larger enterprise customers. Further
information on potential factors that could affect the financial results of salesforce.com, inc. is
included in our annual report on Form 10-Q for the most recent fiscal quarter ended April 30,
2011. This documents and others containing important disclosures are available on the SEC
Filings section of the Investor Information section of our Web site.
Any unreleased services or features referenced in this or other presentations, press releases or
public statements are not currently available and may not be delivered on time or at all.
Customers who purchase our services should make the purchase decisions based upon features
that are currently available. Salesforce.com, inc. assumes no obligation and does not intend to
update these forward-looking statements.
3. Q1. Herokuをしっていますか?
Do you know Heroku?
Q2. Herokuを試したことは?
Have you ever been tried Heroku?
Q3. Herokuでサービスを運営している?
Are you using Heroku for your biz?
4. Q1. Herokuをしっていますか?
Do you know Heroku?
Q2. Herokuを試したことは?
Have you ever been tried Heroku?
Q3. Herokuでサービスを運営している?
Are you using Heroku for your biz?
6. ”Webアプリケーションのホスティング
“This presentation from Ayumu Aizawa
who is an evangelist of Heroku - web hosting service
and is Ruby committer”
7. ”HerokuといえばRuby on RailsのPaaSを
“Heroku is providing PaaS of Ruby on Rails,
and hiring Matz as chef architect of Ruby.”
15. “ Developer productivity is our
battle cry, at the core of
everything we do.
16. happy developers
=> productivity
=> innovation & business value!!
17. Q1. Herokuをしっていますか?
Do you know Heroku?
Q2. Herokuを試したことは?
Have you ever been tried Heroku?
Q3. Herokuでサービスを運営している?
Are you using Heroku for your biz?
20. $ git push heroku master
Counting objects: 67, done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done.
Writing objects: 100% (67/67), 86.33 KiB, done.
Total 67 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
-----> Heroku receiving push
-----> Rails app detected
-----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.1er
-----> Compiled slug size is 8.3MB
-----> Launching... done, v5
http://severe-mountain-793.herokuapp.com deployed to
To [email protected]:severe-mountain-793.git
* [new branch] master -> master
23. Use the tools & languages you love!
Sinatr Ruby on Play Mongo Amazon Postgres
Rub Cloju Node.J
Sprin Lif
Wave Halcyo Noi
Padrin Rin Compojur Jav Scal
Frameworks Languages Databases
30. Q1. Herokuをしっていますか?
Do you know Heroku?
Q2. Herokuを試したことは?
Have you ever been tried Heroku?
Q3. Herokuでサービスを運営している?
Are you using Heroku for your biz?