コンテナ技術入門/Container tech intro
この資料は,2024年3月に開催される「高専テクノゼミ/実践教育プログラム vol.2」の技術LT「コンテナ技術入門」にて発表した際に使用したものです.
This document was used in a presentation at the technical LT "Introduction to Container Technology" of "Techno Seminar/Practical Education Program vol.2" to be held in March 2024.
コンテナ技術入門/Container tech intro
この資料は,2024年3月に開催される「高専テクノゼミ/実践教育プログラム vol.2」の技術LT「コンテナ技術入門」にて発表した際に使用したものです.
This document was used in a presentation at the technical LT "Introduction to Container Technology" of "Techno Seminar/Practical Education Program vol.2" to be held in March 2024.
2015年12月7日に開催されたIVS CTO Night & Day 2015 WinterのSession B-2 : EC2 Container Service Deep diveの資料です。イベントの様子や他の資料は以下ブログをご覧ください。
P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With containerd and nerdctlKohei Tokunaga
Talked at FOSDEM 2022 about IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl (Feburary 6, 2022).
nerdctl is a Docker-compatible CLI of containerd, developed as a subproject of containerd. nerdctl recently added support of P2P image distribution on IPFS. This enables to share container images among hosts without hosting or relying on the registry.
In this session, Kohei, one of the maintainers of nerdctl, will introduce IPFS-based P2P image distribution with containerd and nerdctl. This session will also show the combination of IPFS-based distribution with the existing image distribution techniques, focusing on lazy pulling (eStargz) and image encryption (OCIcrypt). The status of integration work with other tools including Kubernetes will also be shared.
Related blog post: "P2P Container Image Distribution on IPFS With Containerd" . https://medium.com/nttlabs/nerdctl-ipfs-975569520e3d
Faster Container Image Distribution on a Variety of Tools with Lazy PullingKohei Tokunaga
Talked at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021 Virtual about lazy pulling of container images with eStargz and nydus (October 14, 2021).
CloudNative Days Spring 2021 ONLINE キーノートでの発表資料です。
Starting up Containers Super Fast With Lazy Pulling of ImagesKohei Tokunaga
Talked at Container Plumbing Days about speeding up container startup by lazy pulling images on Kubernetes, containerd, BuildKit, Podman and CRI-O with eStargz and zstd:chunked.
eStargz and Stargz Snapshotter: https://github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter
zstd:chunked proposal: https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/775
Patch set to enable lazy pulling on Podman and CRI-O (a.k.a. Additional Layer Store): https://github.com/containers/storage/pull/795
Build and Run Containers With Lazy Pulling - Adoption status of containerd St...Kohei Tokunaga
Talked about lazy pulling of container images with eStargz and Stargz Snapshotter at FOSDEM 2021.
Details: https://fosdem.org/2021/schedule/event/containers_lazy_pull/
Stargz Snapshotter: https://github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter
CloudNative Days Tokyo 2020での、lazypullに関する発表資料です。https://event.cloudnativedays.jp/cndt2020/talks/16
Stargz Snapshotterのリポジトリ:
Startup Containers in Lightning Speed with Lazy Image DistributionKohei Tokunaga
Talked about lazy container image distribution technologies including containerd + Stargz Snapshotter ( https://github.com/containerd/stargz-snapshotter ) at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 Virtual.