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Club of Rome Global Assembly 2009
Climate, Energy and Economic Recovery

                                                                               Photo: Collection Amsterdams Historisch Museum
Amsterdam, 26 and 27 October 2009, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ/Harbour Music Hall

•	 	 ince	1976,	the	Club	of	Rome	has	been	organising	an	annual	
  world	conference	on	what	it	refers	to	as	the	Predicament of Mankind
  or the Problematique.	In	its	reports	over	the	years,	the	Club	of	
  Rome	has	highlighted	the	many	underlying	issues:	food	production,	
  resource	depletion,	population,	pollution,	energy,	poverty,	the	
  global	economy	and	so	on.
•	 	 n	its	first	report,	Limits to Growth,	the	Club	presented	a	novel	
  analysis	of	these	issues,	adopting	a	‘systems	approach’	based	on	a	
  computer	model	called	World	III	(see	Appendix	1).	In	a	2008	study,	
  the	Australian	research	organisation	CSIRO	showed	that	actual	
  developments	over	the	40	years	since	the	report’s	publication	
  conform	very	closely	to	the	scenarios	described	in	Limits.
•	 	 any	see	the	current	world	crisis	as	a	signal	of	the	encroaching	
  limits	to	growth.	The	2009	Club	of	Rome	conference	will	provide	a	
  unique	opportunity	to	debate	whether	this	is	indeed	the	case.

    Front	page:

    The	Golden	Lion,	flagship	of	the	Dutch	fleet,	is	saluted,	coming	home	after	20	years	

    of	loyal	service	in	the	harbour	of	Amsterdam;	the	same	venue	as	where	the	Club	of	

    Rome	will	have	its	Global	Assembly!	

    Painted	by	Willem	van	der	Velde	jr.	in	1686.
•	 	 he	event	is	being	organised	by	IMSA	Amsterdam,	an	organisation	
  created	by	Club	of	Rome	Member	Wouter	van	Dieren,	Chairman	of	          The	aims	of	the	Club	of	Rome’s	Annual	Assembly	are	to	
  IMSA.	Van	Dieren	is	supported	by	Piet	Briët,	Project	Manager.	The	      present	the	results	of	on-going	programmes	and	future	plans,	
  Club	of	Rome	International	Secretariat	in	Winterthur,	Switzerland,	     to	exchange	ideas	and	to	identify	the	defining	features	of	
  Secretary-General	R.	Martin	Lees	and	the	Executive	Committee	           today’s	trends	and	future	challenges.	
  of	the	Club	are	also	providing	support.	A	steering	committee	has	
  been	established,	operating	under	a	special	entity,	the	Stichting	      The	issue	of	sustainable	development	remains	as	pivotal	
  (Foundation)	“Club	of	Rome	Global	Assembly	2009	Amsterdam”.	            as	ever.	This	has	been	a	major	response	to	the	original	
  The	Dutch	Association	for	the	Club	of	Rome	is	involved,	helping	with	   message	of	Limits to Growth,	which	brought	the	Club	of	
  conference	preparations	and	the	Master	Classes.                         Rome	worldwide	recognition.	The	key	issues	in	this	context	
                                                                          are	energy	efficiency,	climate	stabilisation	and	economic	

                                                                          This	year’s	Assembly	is	taking	place	at	a	key	stage	of	
                                                                          the	preparations	for	the	United	Nations	Climate	Change	
                                                                          Conference	to	be	held	in	Copenhagen	in	December	2009.

                                                                          It	is	intended	that	the	conclusions	and	insights	of	the	
                                                                          Assembly	will	lead	to	a	declaration,	as	a	contribution	to	the	
                                                                          negotiating	process	for	this	Conference.
Programme of the Assembly                                                  MONDAY	OCTOBER	26

Day 1                                                                      14:55	-	15:30		   Panel	with	Ruud	Lubbers,	Mikhail	Gorbachev,	Ricardo	
Chair: Paul Hohnen                                                                           Lagos	and	Martin	Lees
08:00 - 09:30 Registration and Coffee
                                                                           15:30 - 16:00     Break
09:30 - 10:15        Opening
09:30	-	09:35	       Paul	Hohnen,	Introduction                             16:00 - 18:15     The Urgency for Sustainable Economy
09:35	-	09:40	       Wouter	van	Dieren,	Welcome                            16:00	-	16:25	    Jacqueline	Cramer,	Growth	within	Limits
09:40	-	09:50	       Job	Cohen,	City	of	Amsterdam                          16:25	-	16:50	    James	E.	Hansen,	Latest	News	on	Climate	Change
09:50	-	10:05	       Ashok	Khosla	and	Eberhard	von	Koerber,	Club	of	Rome   16:50	-	17:10	    Mary	Nichols,	Proven	Practical	Solutions	in	California
10:05	-	10:15	       Paul	Hohnen,	Logistics	and	Master	Classes             17:10	-	17:30	    Martin	Lees,	The	Programme	of	the	Club	of	Rome
                                                                           17:30	-	18:00		   Panel	Jacqueline	Cramer,	James	Hansen,	Mary	Nichols	
10.15 - 12:45        Master Classes >>                                                       and	Martin	Lees
                                                                           18:00	-	18:15	    The	Enlightenment	Transition,	LED	Solution
12:45 - 13:45        Lunch
                                                                           18:15 - 19:30     Reception
13:45 - 15:30        The Need for Urgent Action on Climate
                     Change at the National and International              19:30 - 22:00     Dinner
                     Levels                                                                  Dinner	Speech	Annemarie	Rakhorst
14:00	-	14:05	       Paul	Hohnen,	Reflection	on	the	Morning                	          	      Musical	Intermezzo	
14:05	-	14:15	       Ruud	Lubbers,	Introduction	Mikhail	Gorbachev          	          	      -	W.A.	Mozart	‘Isis	und	Osiris’	from	the Zauberflöte
14:15	-	14:45	       Mikhail	Gorbachev,	Keynote	Statement                  	          	      -	J.	Brel	‘Le	plat	pays’
14:45	-	14:55	       Ricardo	Lagos,	Special	Envoy	on	Climate	Change        	          	      -	R.	Strauss	‘Morgen’
Programme of the Assembly                                                      TUESDAY	OCTOBER	27

Day 2
Chair: Paul Hohnen
08:00 - 09:30 Registration and Coffee                                           14:15 - 15:30     The Power of Optimism and New Models
                                                                                14:15	-	14:35		   Christine	Loh,	Development	in	China
09:30 - 11:30        How must Corporations and Financial                        14:35	-	15:00	    Michael	Baungart,	Cradle	to	Cradle	
                     Institutions adapt to the New Challenges?                  	15:00	-	15:25	   Ernst	von	Weizsäcker,	Factor	5:	A	Convenient	Truth:	
09:30	-	09:45	       Paul	Hohnen,	Reflections	and	Introduction	Day	2                              Increasing	Wealth	and	Reducing	Resource	Use	
09:45	-	10:00	       Barry	Gardiner,	Latest	News	on	Negotiations	for	COP15
10:00	-	10:55	       	Company	of	the	Future	in	the	Context	of	Climate	Change    15:30 - 16:00     Break
	                    Keynotes	by	Desso,	Method,	Philips,	Shell,	Triodos	Bank
10:55	-	11:30	       Panel,	Stef	Kranendijk,	Adam	Lowry,	Harry	Hendriks,	       16:00 - 17:30     The Message to Copenhagen
                     Jorma	Ollila,	Peter	Blom                                   16:00	-	16:15       Robert	Swan	message,	Solutions	to	the	Climate	Crisis
                                                                                16:15	-	16:45	    Panel	Wendy	Luhabe,	Robert	Rubinstein,	Liesbeth	van	
11:30 - 12:00        Break                                                                        Tongeren,	Aart	van	Veller,	Last	Call
                                                                                16:45	-	16:55	    Ashok	Khosla,	Amsterdam	Declaration
12:00 - 13:15        Keynotes on Energy, Climate and Oceans                     16:55	-	17:00	    Amsterdam	Declaration	to	Copenhagen
12:00	-	12:30	       Ian	Dunlop,	Climate	Change	and	Peak	Oil                    17:00	-	17:25	    Bil	McDonough,	Motivating	COP15	and	Beyond
12:30	-	12:40	       Q&A                                                        17:25	-	17:30	    Eberhard	von	Koerber	and	Paul	Hohnen,	Closing	
12:40	-	13:05	       Charles	Moore,	Plastic	Soup                                                  Remarks
13:05	-	13:15	       Q&A
                                                                                17:30 - 19:00       Reception
13:15 - 14:15        Lunch
Master Classes

1. The Sustainable Economy: A New Model from the
2. Economic Recovery on the Way to a New
     Sustainable Economy
3. The Latest on Climate Change
4. Peak Oil, Climate Change and Our Future Energy
5. Practical Steps to a Sustainable Economy: China
     and the US
6. Climate Change is Key, but What About Food and
7.   Climate Change and Sea Transport
8. From Resource Efficiency to Effective Use of
9. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
10. Sustainable Finance, Green Investment and
     Capitalism 3.0
Master Classes

1. The Sustainable Economy: A New Model from the Netherlands
Fred	Langeweg,	Rob	Maas;	Chair:	Klaas	van	Egmond

The	financial	and	environmental	crises	demonstrate	that	the	current	economic	model	is	

unsustainable.	At	present	growth	rates,	the	world	economy	would	double	by	2030	with	immense	

implications	for	resource	use,	the	climate,	waste	and	pollution	and	the	survival	of	ecosystems.	The	

new	economy	must	properly	recognize	and	adapt	to	these	challenges.	The	problems	are	clear	and	

the	contours	of	the	measures	required	are	emerging.	An	ambitious	simulation	has	been	developed	

in	the	Netherlands	and	this	will	be	presented.	

2. Economic Recovery on the Way to a New Sustainable Economy
John	Kay,	Franz	Josef	Radermacher,	Wolfgang	Sachs;	Chair:	Anders	Wijkman

The	world	economy	has	been	confronted	by	a	financial	crisis	leading	to	an	economic	recession,	

and	governments	have	directed	trillions	of	dollars	to	stimulate	economic	recovery	and	to	

generate	employment.	These	reactive	measures	must	be	positioned	within	a	broader	purpose,	

to	undertake	the	structural	reforms	necessary	to	lay	the	foundations	for	a	new,	low-carbon,	

environmentally	responsible	and	socially	equitable	economy.	This	is	a	positive	opportunity	and	

an	immense	challenge,	to	improve	human	welfare	and	provide	new	jobs	and	opportunities	within	

the	constraints	of	a	stable	climate	and	a	healthy	environment.	The	failure	of	the	conventional	

economic	wisdom	has	opened	a	way	to	many	new	concepts,	which	will	be	debated	in	this	Master	

Master Classes

3. The Latest on Climate Change
James	Hansen,	Mohan	Munasinghe,	Pier	Vellinga;	Chair:	Crispin	Tickell

The	scientific	community	is	achieving	a	deeper	understanding	of	the	systems	and	processes	which	

drive	accelerating	climate	change.	This	understanding	is	firmly	based	on	the	Paleolithic	record,	
increasingly	sophisticated	modeling	and	above	all,	practical	evidence	from	all	over	the	world.	In	spite	

of	all	the	negotiations	and	agreements	to	date,	concentrations	of	greenhouse	gases	in	the	atmosphere	

are	rising	at	a	rate	higher	than	the	business-as-usual	scenario	of	IPCC.	We	are	thus	facing	the	risk	of	

catastrophic	climate	change.	Measures	to	avert	this	risk	must	become	the	central	focus	of	policy.		

4. Peak Oil, Climate Change and Our Future Energy Supply
Ian	Dunlop,	Wim	Turkenburg;	Chair:	Paul	Hohnen

Modern	civilization	is	based	fundamentally	on	the	availability	of	cheap	energy,	particularly	oil.	For	

political,	geographic	and	technical	reasons	it	appears	that	the	supply	will	not	be	able	to	keep	up	with	

the	escalating	demand.	High	oil	prices	have	impacts	across	the	world,	particularly	for	the	poorest	

sections	of	the	population.	And	energy	use	is	fundamental	as	a	driver	of	climate	change.	Policies	and	

actions	to	address	these	two	interconnected	issues	are	difficult	to	define	and	may	be	contradictory	

in	their	consequences.	The	level	of	energy	demand	in	2050	will	be	around	double	the	demand	today.	

These	issues	are	real	today,	but	they	will	be	more	severe	in	the	future.	How	can	energy	production	

double	while	cutting	emissions	by	around	80%	to	preserve	a	stable	climate?
Master Classes

5. Practical Steps to a Sustainable Economy: China and the US
Christine	Loh,	Mary	Nichols,	Zhang	Shigang;	Chair:	Martin	Lees

China	is	doubling	its	GDP	every	ten	years	with	consequent	escalation	of	energy	use	and	a	rapid	growth	in	emissions.	The	Chinese	
are	making	a	remarkable	progress	in	improving	energy	efficiency,	in	developing	new	patterns	of	production	and	in	re-orienting	

their	economy	onto	a	less	environmentally-damaging	path.	Nevertheless,	although	emissions	per	capita	are	low,	China	is	now	the	

world’s	largest	aggregate	producer	of	climate	change	emissions	and	the	prospects	are	that	its	rapid	growth	will	continue,	as	an	

explicit	policy	to	provide	employment	and	improve	the	living	standards	of	its	growing	population.	Major	transformations	are	also	

in	progress	across	the	US,	and	the	State	of	California	has	been	playing	an	innovative	role	for	many	years.	The	negotiating	positions	

of	China	and	the	United	States	in	the	UN	Climate	Change	Conference	in	Copenhagen	will	be	a	determinant	of	the	outcome.

6. Climate Change is Key, but What About Food and Poverty?
Hans	Eenhoorn,	Daudi	Sumba,	Young	Club	of	Rome	NL;	Chair:	Ian	Johnson

The	world	community	is	heavily	focused	on	the	key	issue	of	climate	change,	but	we	face	an	array	of	present	and	future

issues	which	cannot	be	ignored.	For	hundreds	of	millions	of	people	the	food	crisis	is	immediate	and	increasingly	

desperate	while	over	a	billion	people	live	in	abject	poverty.	The	focus	of	negotiations	on	mitigation	and	adaptation	is	essential,	

but	immediate	and	early	action	is	needed	to	deal	with	problems	of	poverty	and	food	security	across	the	world	which	will	be	greatly	

worsened	by	the	impacts	of	climate	change:	for	example,	increased	water	stress,	desertification,	contamination	of	aquifers,	

flooding	and	drought	and	extreme	weather	events.	The	Millennium	Development	Goals	endorsed	by	world	leaders	are	now	at	risk	

and	global	warming	will	aggravate	this	problem.	The	poor	did	not	cause	the	problem	of	climate	change,	but	they	are	paying	the	

highest	price.	Climate	justice	and	humanitarian	support	will	be	key	elements	for	the	success	of	the	Copenhagen	negotiations.
Master Classes

7. Climate Change and Sea Transport
Koen	Overtoom,	Tiedo	Vellinga,	Stephan	Wrage;	Chair:	Freek	Ossel	

International	trade	and	transportation	systems	on	which	it	depends	have	flourished	for	decades	as	the	

process	of	globalization	has	accelerated.	But	sea	transport	and	the	intensive	activities	in	ports	contribute	
significantly	to	global	emissions.	As	energy	use	per	cargo	unit	for	maritime	transport	is	a	fraction	of	the	use	

for	air	transport,	there	have	been	few	initiatives	and	incentives	to	improve	energy	efficiency	in	the	maritime	

sector.	Although	emissions	per	unit	are	low,	the	aggregate	of	maritime-related	emissions	is	substantial.	The	

largest	port	in	Europe,	Rotterdam,	and	its	sister	port	Amsterdam,	are	major	drivers	towards	an	agreement	

aimed	at	reducing	the	levels	of	CO2	emissions	for	sea	transport.		

8. From Resource Efficiency to Effective Use of Resources
Michael	Braungart,	Stefan	Bringezu,	Bill	McDonough;	Chair:	Friedrich	Schmidt-Bleek	

For	forty	years,	the	Club	of	Rome	has	emphasized	that	economic	growth	of	the	world	economy	based	on	

waste,	overuse	and	the	squandering	of	resources	is	not	sustainable	in	the	longer	term.	Scientists,	such	as	

Bio	Schmidt-Bleek	and	Ernst	Ulrich	von	Weizsäcker	have	produced	convincing	studies	which	demonstrate	

that	this	is	true.	Their	research	into	Factor	10	and	Factor	4	has	shown	how	high	levels	of	welfare	can	be	

attained	together	with	deep	reductions	in	the	use	of	energy	and	natural	resources.	For	this	work	they	

received	the	Takeda	Prize.	Other	scientists	such	as	“Cradle	to	Cradle”	chemist	Michael	Braungart	and	US	

architect	Bill	McDonough	make	the	case	that	effectiveness	should	be	the	focus	rather	than	efficiency.	Re-

design	of	products	to	allow	chemical	recovery	and	recycling	would	make	possible	a	prosperous	economy	

with	a	major	reduction	of	waste.
Master Classes

9. Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services
Ashok	Khosla	with	Pavan	Sukhdev’s	message,	Charles	Moore,	Johan	Rockström;	Chair:	Hans	Alders

While	the	international	focus	on	climate	change	is	clearly	justified,	the	threats	arising	from	the	degradation	of	

biodiversity	and	species	loss	are	also	acute.	Humanity	depends	entirely	on	the	ecosystems	services	and	the	
natural	capital	of	the	planet.	The	loss	of	biodiversity	is	accelerating	and	global	warming	will	aggravate	this	trend.	

Such	issues	are	not	included	in	our	economic	models:	they	are	considered	effectively	as	free	public	goods.	To	

create	favourable	conditions	for	the	future	of	humanity,	major	efforts	will	be	needed	to	preserve	and	restore	

biodiversity	and	ecosystems,	without	which	the	issue	of	climate	cannot	be	resolved.		

10. Sustainable Finance, Green Investment and Capitalsm 3.0
Peter	Blom,	Alois	Flatz,	Eberhard	von	Koerber,	Robert	Rubinstein,	Chair:	Otto	Scharmer

Recent	events	have	demonstrated	the	instability	of	the	world	financial	system	which	has	triggered	a	deep	

economic	recession	with	direct	impacts	on	the	jobs	and	lives	of	millions	of	men	and	women	across	the	world.	

Governments	are	focused	on	the	need	for	rapid	recovery,	but	this	must	be	achieved	within	the	context	of	

strategies	to	promote	a	new	path	of	sustainable	economic	growth.	To	revert	to	traditional	models	and	strategies	

for	finance	and	growth	may	bring	short-term	recovery	at	the	cost	of	further	crises	in	the	future.	For	this	reason,	

many	initiatives	are	emerging	worldwide	to	create	a	sound	framework	for	the	regulation	of	the	financial	sector,	

to	establish	new	criteria	and	methodologies	for	green	investment,	for	integrating	sustainability	into	corporate	

strategy	and	to	formulate	a	new	conception	of	sustainable	socio-economic	growth	which	respects	the	environment	

and	considers	the	prospects	of	future	generations.
Proposals for a Low Carbon Economy

All	over	the	world,	economic	recovery	is	being	linked	to	what	can	be	
called	the	low	carbon	economy.	An	economic	model	will	be	presented	
which	shows	the	effects	of	sustainability	interventions,	such	as	fiscal	
measures,	treaties	and	regulation	and	demonstrates	that	a	flourishing	
economy	is	feasible	with	a	factor-10	reduction	in	(carbon)	energy	use	
and	a	similar	factor-10	increase	in	resource	efficiency.	

The	underlying	model	by	the	Netherlands	Environmental	Assessment	
Agency	(PBL)	will	be	elucidated	in		Master	Class	1.	The	report	will	be	
launched	by	Jacqueline	Cramer,	Minister	of	the	Environment	in	the	
List of World Master Class Assessors

Hans	Alders	            Chair	Taskforce	Biodiversity	the	Netherlands,	Netherlands
Peter	Blom	             CEO	Triodos	Bank,	Sustainable	Bank	of	the	Year	2009,	Netherlands
Michael	Braungart		     Director,	EPEA	Internationale	Umweltforschung,	Germany
Stefan	Bringezu	        Senior	Fellow	and	Deputy	Director,	Department	for	Material	Flows	and	Structural	
                        Change,	Wuppertal	Institute,	Germany
Stephen	Byers	          Chairman	of	GLOBE	International,	UK
Ian	Dunlop	             Expert	on	climate	change	and	peak	oil,	Australia
Hans	Eenhoorn		         Member	UN	Task	Force	on	hunger,	former	Vice-President	Unilever,	Netherlands
Klaas	van	Egmond		      Professor	of	Earth	and	Sustainability,	University	of	Utrecht,	Netherlands
Walter	Erdelen	         Assistant	Director-General	for	Natural	Sciences,	UNESCO,	Germany
Alois	Flatz	            Co-founder	of	the	Dow	Jones	Sustainability	Indexes
James	Hansen		          Head	of	the	NASA	Goddard	Institute	for	Space	Studies,	Professor	of	the	
                        Department	of	Earth	and	Environmental	Sciences,	Columbia	University,	USA
Paul	Hohnen		           Associate	Fellow,	Royal	Institute	for	International	Affairs	(Chatham	House),	London	
                        and	former	Strategic	Director,	Global	Reporting	Initiative	(GRI),	Australia/NL
Ian	Johnson		           Former	Vice-President	Sustainable	Development	(ESSD),	The	World	Bank,	USA
John	Kay	               Author	of	The Truth about Markets,	columnist	The	Financial	Times,	UK
Ashok	Khosla		          Co-President	Club	of	Rome,	India;	Chairman	of	Development	Alternatives
Eberhard	von	Koerber	   Co-President	of	the	Club	of	Rome,	Chairman	and	CEO	of	Eberhard	von	Koerber	AG
Fred	Langeweg	          Deputy	Director	at	Netherlands	Environmental	Assessment	Agency,	Netherlands
Martin	Lees		           Secretary-General	Club	of	Rome,	Scotland
Christine	Loh		         Founder	and	CEO	of	Civic	Exchange,	non-profit	public	policy	think	tank,	HK
Rob	Maas	                   European	air	quality	and	sustainability	expert	at	the	Netherlands	Environmental
	                           Assessment	Agency,	Netherlands
Bill	McDonough	             Director	McDonough	Braungart	Design	Chemistry,	USA
Charles	Moore	              Oceanographer	and	Founder	of	Algalita	Marine	Research	Foundation,	USA
Mohan	Munasinghe		          Vice-Chair,	Intergovernmental	Panel	on	Climate	Change,	Sri	Lanka
Freek	Ossel		               City	of	Amsterdam	Alderman	on	Air	and	Sea	Ports,	Netherlands
Koen	Overtoom	              Managing	Director	Commercial	Division	Port	of	Amsterdam,	Netherlands
Franz	Josef	Radermacher		   Founder	of	the	Global	Marshall	Plan,	Germany
Johan	Rockström	            President,	Stockholm	Resilience	Centre,	Sweden
Robert	Rubinstein	          Founder	and	CEO	of	TBLI,	Netherlands
Wolfgang	Sachs	             Professor	at	the	Wuppertal	Institute,	Germany
Friedrich	Schmidt-Bleek	    President,	Factor	10	Institute,	France
Zhang	Shigang		             Head	of	UNEP	China	Office,	China
Daudi	Sumba	                Director	Capacity	Building	&	Leadership	Development,	African	Wildlife,	Kenya
Crispin	Tickell		           Author	of	Climate Change and World Affairs, UK
Wim	Turkenburg	             S
                            	 cientific	Director,	Copernicus	Institute	for	Sustainable	Development	and	
	                           Innovation,	Netherlands
Pier	Vellinga	              Director	of	the	Wageningen	University	Climate	Programme,	Netherlands
Tiedo	Vellinga	             International	Project	Leader	Environmental	Shipping	Index,	WPCI,	and	Associate	
                            Professor	Ports	and	Environment	Delft	University	of	Technology,	Netherlands
Anders	Wijkman		            Vice-President	Club	of	Rome,	Former	Member	of	the	European	Parliament,	
Stephan	Wrage	              Managing	Partner	SkySails,	Germany
The Sustainability Fair

Sponsoring	companies	and	invited	institutions	will	be	given	
an	opportunity	to	exhibit	their	innovations	and	sustainability	
programmes	at	the	Global	Solutions	Sustainability	Fair.	

It	will	be	a	unique	chance	to	demonstrate	the	potential	of	the	latest	
innovations	and	familiarise	a	key	audience	and	a	wider	public	with	the	
latest	green	technologies	and	programmes.

The	fair	will	be	open	to	all	invitees	and	engaged	press	throughout	the		
two	days	of	the	Assembly.
The Club of Rome

The	Club	of	Rome	is	an	independent		global	think	tank	
with	no	particular	political,	ideological	or	religious	
affiliations.	Its	essential	mission	is	“to	act	as	a	global	
catalyst	for	change	through	the	identification		and	
analysis	of	the	crucial	problems	facing	humanity	and	
the	communication	of	such	problems	to	the	most	
important	public	and	private	decision-makers	as	well	
as	to	the	general	public.”	Its	activities	should	“adopt	
a	global	perspective	with	awareness	of	the	increasing	
interdependence	of	nations.	They	should,	through	
holistic	thinking,	achieve	a	deeper	understanding	of	
the	complexity	of	contemporary	problems	and	adopt	
a	trans-disciplinary	and	long-term	perspective	
focusing	on	the	choices	and	policies	determining	the	
destiny	of	future	generations.”
The Programme of the Club of Rome

   The	global	issues	which	were	the	focus	of	the	1972	Report,	“Limits	to	Growth”	are	even	more	severe	and	urgent	today.	At	its	40th	Anniversary	
  Assembly	in	June	2008,	the	Club	launched	a	three-year,	integrated	programme	of	international	research	and	consultation	on	the	topic:	A	New	Path	
  for	World	Development.		
  The	Programme	now	complements	the	ongoing,	worldwide	activities	of	the	Club	and	uses	the	potential	of	the	internet	to	engage	its	Members,	its	
  33	National	Associations	and	its	European	Support	Centre	together	with	experts	and	institutions	across	the	world	in	an	“open	systems”	approach.	
  In	this	way,	it	mobilises	and	focuses	the	best	brains	available	on	the	critical	issues	which	will	determine	the	future	of	humanity	and	of	the	planet.	
                                                                                                              The	research	and	content	are	outlined	at

The	present	path	of	world	development	is	generating	imbalances,	vulnerabilities,	        and	reform	the	structure	of	international	institutions	to	address	the	integrated	
inequities,	exclusion	and	polarization	which	constitute	clear	threats	to	the	            problems	of	a	world	in	rapid	transformation;	and	broadly,	to	achieve	equitable	and	
prospects	of	both	present	and	future	generations.	The	Programme	draws	on	the	            sustainable	world	development	and	thus	preserve	international	security	and	world	
independent,	multicultural	and	interdisciplinary	membership	of	the	Club	to	clarify	      peace.
the	key	elements	of	a	new	path	for	world	development.	It	will	propose	new	lines	of	
thinking	and	action	which	are	urgently	needed	to:	avert	the	risks	and	consequences	      In	order	to	manage	the	complexity	of	such	an	extensive	problematique,	the	
of	catastrophic	climate	change;	reduce	the	devastating	impacts	of	human	activities	      programme	strategy	focuses	successively	on	five	clusters	of	inter-
on	ecosystems	and	environment	and	the	overuse	of	the	biological	and	physical	            connected	issues	while	recognizing	the	linkages	between	the	clusters.	In	each	case,	
resources	of	the	planet;	achieve	more	fairness	in	the	distribution	of	vital	resources	   a	small	expert	conference	develops	proposals	for	action	and	identifies	issues	for	
and	opportunities	and	of	the	costs	and	benefits	of	globalisation;	accelerate	global	     in-depth	analysis	through	internet-based,	international	research	networks.	The	five	
efforts	to	eradicate	poverty	and	deprivation	of	a	growing	world	population;	adapt	       clusters are:

                                                                                           Club	of	Rome
                                                                                           International	Secretariat
                                                                                                                                        Tel:	00-41-(0)52-244-0808
                                                                                           Apollo House
                                                                                                                                        Fax:	00-41-(0)52-244-0809
                                                                                           Lagerhausstrasse	9
                                                                                           CH-8400	Winterthur
                           June	2009,	Briefing	1.1                                         Switzerland
on A New Path for World Development

                   1.	 Environment	and	Resources:	
	                  	     Climate	Change,	Energy	Security,	Ecosystems	and	Water.

                   2.	 Globalisation:
	                  	     Distribution	of	Wealth	and	Income,	Employment,	Economic	Restructuring,	Trade	and	Finance.

                   3.	 International	Development:
	                  	     Demographic	Growth,	Environmental	Stress,	Poverty,	Food	Production,	Health	and	Employment.

                   4.	 Social	Transformation:
	                  	     Social	Change,	Values,	Culture,	Identity	and	Behaviour.

                   5.	 Peace	and	Security:
	                  	     Justice,	Democracy,	Governance,	Solidarity,	Security	and	Peace.

By	the	end	of	2009,	the	Programme	will	have	analysed	and	developed	strategic	                  leaders	in	the	public	and	private	sectors,	to	civil	society,	to	the	education	system	
proposals	covering	three	critical	areas	of	world	affairs	within	a	coherent	overall	            and	to	the	public.	Throughout	the	three-year	programme,	interim	results,	policy	
perspective:	Environment	and	Resources;	Globalisation	and	Finance;	and	                        recommendations,	briefing	and	educational	materials	will	be	produced,	together	
International	Development.	And	it	will	also	have	transmitted	its	ideas	and	proposals	          with	specific	activities	to	engage	a	younger	generation	and	the	media.	In	this	
directly	into	the	policy	process	at	a	high	level.		It	will	thus	help	to	bridge	the	critical	   way,	the	Club	will	contribute	to	awareness,	understanding,	public	support	and	
gap	between	science	and	analysis	on	one	side	and	decision	making	on	the	other.                 action	on	the	critical	issues	which	will	determine	the	future.	The	Club	has	a	unique	
                                                                                               opportunity to use its wide “brand	recognition”,	its	independent	broadly-based	
Three	further	steps	will	be	implemented	in	2010	to	complete	the	Programme:	                    membership,	and	its	access	to	leading	personalities	throughout	the	world	to	
a	conference	on	Cluster	4,	Social	Transformation,	and	a	conference	on	Cluster	                 press	for	a	more	coherent,	systemic	approach	to	the	management	of	world	issues,	
5,	Peace	and	Security.	Finally,	an	International	Forum	of	the	Club	of	Rome	will	               recognizing	the	fundamental	transformations	in	progress	and	clearly	facing	the	
be	convened	in	late	2010	to	present	the	integrated	results	and	lines	of	action.	               growing	threats	to	the	future.			
This	will	be	followed	by	a	process	to	disseminate	the	results	and	proposals	to
Members of the Executive Committee
of the Club of Rome
•	 	 icardo	Díez-Hochleitner,	Honorary President,	Board	Member	of	
   R                                                                     •	 	 onrad	Osterwalder,	Rector	of	the		United	Nations	
  the	International	Institute	for	Democracy	and	Electoral	Assistance,	     University,	Under-Secretary-General	of	the	United	Nations,	Japan
  Spain                                                                  •	 	 oberto	Peccei,	Vice-Chancellor	for	Research,	
•	 	 shok	Khosla,	Co-President,	President	of	Development	
   A                                                                       UCLA,	USA
  Alternatives,	India                                                    •	 	 oemí	Sanín	Posada,	Ambassador	of	Columbia	to	
•	 	 berhard	von	Koerber,	Co-President,	Chairman	and	CEO	of	
   E                                                                       the	United	Kingdom,	UK
  Eberhard	von	Koerber	AG,	Switzerland
•	 	 eitor	Gurgulino	de	Souza,	Vice-President,	
  Secretary-General	of	the	International	Association	of	University	
  Presidents,	Brazil
•	 	 nders	Wijkman,	Vice-President,	Former	Member	of	the	European	
  Parliament,	Sweden
•	 	 artin	Lees,	Secretary-General,	Rector	Emeritus	of	the	University	
  for	Peace,	United	Nations,	UK
•	 	 sidro	Fainé	Casas,	Chairman	of	the	Caja	de	Ahorros	y	
  Pensiones	de	Barcelona	(La	Caixa),	Spain
•	 	 endy	Luhabe,	Chairman	of	the	Alliance	Capital,	
  South	Africa
•	 	 ona	Makram-Ebeid,	Professor	of	Political	
  Science,	American	University,	Cairo;	former	Member	of	
  the	Egyptian	Parliament
Selection of Honorary Members of the Club of Rome

•	 H.M.	Queen	Beatrix,	Queen	of	the	Netherlands                       •	 B.F.	Paton,	Ukraine,	President	of	the	National	Academy	of	
•	 H.M.	Juan	Carlos	I,	King	of	Spain                                    Sciences	of	Ukraine
•	 H.M.	Doña	Sophia,	Queen	of	Spain                                   •	 Manmohan	Singh,	Prime	Minister	of	the	Republic	of	India
•	 H.R.H.	Prince	Philippe,	Crown	Prince	of	Belgium                    •	 Hugo	Thiemann,	Switzerland,	President	of	the	Industrial	
•	 Jacques	Delors,	France,	former	President	of	the	European	            Innovation	and	Cooperative	System	S.S.A.
  Commission                                                          •	 Ernesto	Zedillo,	former	President	of	Mexico,	Director	of	the	Yale	
•	 Mikhail	Gorbachev,	former	President	of	the	Soviet	Union              Centre	for	the	Study	of	Globalization
•	 Ruud	F.M.	Lubbers,	Former	Prime	Minister	of	the	Netherlands
•	 	 angari	Maathai,	Founder	of	the	Green	Belt	Movement	
  and	recipient	of	the	Nobel	Peace	Prize	2004
•	 Koïchiro	Matsuura,	Japan,	Director-General	of	UNESCO
•	 Manfred	A.	Max-Neef,	Chile,	economist	and	environmentalist
•	 Rigoberta	Menchú	Tum,	Guatemala,	UNESCO	Goodwill	
  Ambassador	and	recipient	of	the	Nobel	Peace	Prize	1992
•	 	 adako	Ogata,	President	of	the	Japan	International	Cooperation	
  Agency	(JICA)
Dutch Chapter of the Club of Rome

Board                                                                     Advisory Board to the Dutch Chapter
•	 Eric-Jan	Tuininga,	Chair	a.i.	and	Secretary	to	the	Board,	Emeritus	    •	 Hans	Eenhoorn,	member	UN	Task	Force	on	hunger
  Professor	Free	University	of	Amsterdam                                  •	 Marius	Enthoven,	Vice	Chairman	of	the	Energy	Council
•	 Arnaud	Jansen,	Treasurer,	Head	of	Controlling,	ASN	Bank                •	 	 osee	van	Eijndhoven,	Professor	in	Sustainable	Management,	
•	 Karen	Jonkers,	Board	member,	TT30	and	Sustainability	Entrepreneur        Erasmus	University	Rotterdam
•	 Paul	de	Jong,	former	Head	of	Sustainability	Department,	Ministry	of	   •	 Ewoud	Goudswaard,	CEO	of	ASN	Bank
  Agriculture,	The	Netherlands                                            •	 Maurits	Groen,	Special	Agent	to	Al	Gore	in	the	Netherlands
•	 Bas	Jurres,	Board	member,	TT30	and	Corporate	Sustainability	           •	 Hans	Opschoor,	Professor	of	Economics	of	Sustainable	
  Entrepreneur                                                              Development,	Institute	for	Social	Studies
•	 Tineke	Lambooy,	Board	member,	Author	A world to gain: sixteen          •	 Suzanne	van	der	Pijll,	Partner	at	Schuttelaar	&	Partners,	
  views on corporate social responsibility                                  Sustainable	Innovations	in	Food,	Agriculture,	and	Human	Health
•	 Jeroen	van	den	Berg,	Secretary	and	Education	adviser                   •	 Paul	Rademaker,	Professor	Internal	Affairs,	University	of	Amsterdam
                                                                          •	 Annemarie	Rakhorst,	CEO	of	Search,	Environmental	Engineering
                                                                          •	 Louise	Vet,	Director	of	the	Netherlands	Institute	of	Ecology	(NIOO	
Organisation Global Assembly 2009

IMSA Amsterdam, Prins Hendriklaan 15, 1075 AX Amsterdam
Stichting (Foundation) The Club of Rome Global Assembly 2009
•	 Wouter	van	Dieren,	Chairman	IMSA,	Member	of	the	Club	of	Rome
•	 Piet	Briët,	Project	Manager	Global	Assembly	Amsterdam	2009,											 	
  Senior	Consultant	at	IMSA	Amsterdam
•	 Kim	Nackenhorst,	Project	Leader	Global	Assembly		Amsterdam	2009,	Senior	
  Consultant	at	IMSA	Amsterdam


Dutch Members of the Club of Rome
•	 Wouter	van	Dieren,	Chairman	IMSA	Amsterdam
APPENDIX 1: The World 3 Model

The	World	3	computer	model	is	complex,	but	its	basic	structure	is	not	hard	           environment	in	ways	that	are	typical	of	the	hundreds	of	pollutants	the	economy	

to	understand.	It	is	based	on	system	dynamics	–	a	method	for	studying	the	            actually	emits.	It	ignores	the	causes	and	consequences	of	violence.	And	

world	by	understanding	how	complex	systems	change	over	time.	One	of	the	              there	is	no	explicit	representation	in	World	3	of	military	capital	or	corruption.	

key	features	is	inclusion	of	‘feedback	loops’	in	the	system	structure	that	can	       Incorporating	these	numerous	distinctions	would	not	necessarily	improve	the	

influence	the	behaviour	of	the	entire	system.	World	3	keeps	track	of	‘stocks’	        model,	however,	while	making	it	very	much	harder	to	comprehend.	
such	as	population,	industrial	capital,	persistent	pollution	and	cultivated	

land.	In	the	model,	these	stocks	change	as	a	result	of	‘flows’	such	as	births	        This	probably	makes	World	3	somewhat	optimistic.	It	has	no	military	sector	

and	deaths;	investment	and	depreciation;	pollution	generation	and	pollution	          to	drain	capital	and	resources	from	the	productive	economy.	It	has	no	wars	

assimilation;	land	erosion,	land	development	and	land	removed	for	urban	and	          to	kill	people,	destroy	capital,	waste	lands,	or	generate	pollution.	It	has	no	

industrial uses.                                                                      ethnic	strife,	no	corruption,	no	floods,	earthquakes,	nuclear	accidents,	or	AIDS	

                                                                                      epidemics.	The	model	thus	represents	the	ultimate	limits	for	‘the	real	world’.

In	the	scenarios	run	using	this	model,	full	account	is	taken	of	positive	and	

negative	feedback	loops,	which	can	sometimes	radically	alter	the	outcome.	

World	3	also	incorporates	non-linear	relationships.	For	example,	as	more	land	

is	made	arable,	what	is	left	becomes	drier	or	steeper	or	has	thinner	soils.	

The	cost	of	coping	with	these	problems	means	a	dramatic	rise	in	the	cost	of	

developing	the	land	–	a	non-linear	relationship.	Feedback	loops	and	non-

linear	relationships	make	World	3	dynamically	complex,	but the model is still a

simplification of reality.	It	does	not	distinguish	between	geographical	regions	

of	the	world,	nor	does	it	give	separate	consideration	to	the	rich	and	the	poor.	It	

keeps	track	of	only	two	aggregate	pollutants,	which	move	through	and	affect	the
APPENDIX 2: Equilibrium Run

Scenario 9: The world seeks a stable population and stable per capita industrial output and adds pollution, resource and agricultural
                                                        technologies from 2002
    In	this	scenario	population	growth	and	industrial	output	are	stabilised	and	technologies	are	implemented	to	reduce	pollution,	
  conserve	resources,	improve	agricultural	yields,	and	protect	farmland.	The	resulting	society	is	sustainable:	nearly	8	billion	people	
                            enjoy	a	high	level	of	welfare	and	have	a	steadily	declining	ecological	footprint.
APPENDIX 3: Speech by Yvo de Boer

 “It is not often that a generation is offered a chance to change the world for the better. But only a few times in the entire record of
 humanity has a generation had a chance to change the world for good. We have that chance now… to shift decisively towards the
 low-emission, resource-efficient, financially stable and equitable path that offers the only sustainable alternative to a future of
 never-ending crises.

 It is no coincidence that this year the world must reach an ambitious, ratifiable agreement to prevent dangerous climate change
 just as nations are fighting to prevent the worst globalised depression in living memory. Our financial and economic crisis was the
 result of living beyond our means, looking for short-term reward, conveniently ignoring the consequences. Climate change, we now
 know, is the result of living beyond our planet’s capacity to provide the kind of environment without which our civilisations would
 die. Oil, gas, coal, food and metal prices may look low now, but precarious imbalances in future supply and demand promise
 soaring prices once more at signs of recovery.

 In cause and effect, these crises are linked. The high-emission, resource-intensive, debt-driven economic model is dying.
 Attempts to revive it along the same old lines will succeed only in restoring a living corpse. ...

 ...At the height of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the new US President Franklin D. Roosevelt focused the will of his own nation
 in his inaugural address by promising that: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” That is not now the case. We have a
 climate change shadow, growing darker with every passing year, that has the potential to draw a line under the future of humanity.
 What is now true is that the only thing we have to fear is the fear to act.”

Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC
To Globe International, Club of Rome, London House of Commons, January 26, 2009
Assembly Programme

More Related Content

Assembly Programme

  • 1. Club of Rome Global Assembly 2009 Climate, Energy and Economic Recovery Photo: Collection Amsterdams Historisch Museum Amsterdam, 26 and 27 October 2009, Muziekgebouw aan ‘t IJ/Harbour Music Hall
  • 2. Introduction • ince 1976, the Club of Rome has been organising an annual S world conference on what it refers to as the Predicament of Mankind or the Problematique. In its reports over the years, the Club of Rome has highlighted the many underlying issues: food production, resource depletion, population, pollution, energy, poverty, the global economy and so on. • n its first report, Limits to Growth, the Club presented a novel I analysis of these issues, adopting a ‘systems approach’ based on a computer model called World III (see Appendix 1). In a 2008 study, the Australian research organisation CSIRO showed that actual developments over the 40 years since the report’s publication conform very closely to the scenarios described in Limits. • any see the current world crisis as a signal of the encroaching M limits to growth. The 2009 Club of Rome conference will provide a unique opportunity to debate whether this is indeed the case. Front page: The Golden Lion, flagship of the Dutch fleet, is saluted, coming home after 20 years of loyal service in the harbour of Amsterdam; the same venue as where the Club of Rome will have its Global Assembly! Painted by Willem van der Velde jr. in 1686.
  • 3. • he event is being organised by IMSA Amsterdam, an organisation T created by Club of Rome Member Wouter van Dieren, Chairman of The aims of the Club of Rome’s Annual Assembly are to IMSA. Van Dieren is supported by Piet Briët, Project Manager. The present the results of on-going programmes and future plans, Club of Rome International Secretariat in Winterthur, Switzerland, to exchange ideas and to identify the defining features of Secretary-General R. Martin Lees and the Executive Committee today’s trends and future challenges. of the Club are also providing support. A steering committee has been established, operating under a special entity, the Stichting The issue of sustainable development remains as pivotal (Foundation) “Club of Rome Global Assembly 2009 Amsterdam”. as ever. This has been a major response to the original The Dutch Association for the Club of Rome is involved, helping with message of Limits to Growth, which brought the Club of conference preparations and the Master Classes. Rome worldwide recognition. The key issues in this context are energy efficiency, climate stabilisation and economic recovery. This year’s Assembly is taking place at a key stage of the preparations for the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009. It is intended that the conclusions and insights of the Assembly will lead to a declaration, as a contribution to the negotiating process for this Conference.
  • 4. Programme of the Assembly MONDAY OCTOBER 26 Day 1 14:55 - 15:30 Panel with Ruud Lubbers, Mikhail Gorbachev, Ricardo Chair: Paul Hohnen Lagos and Martin Lees 08:00 - 09:30 Registration and Coffee 15:30 - 16:00 Break 09:30 - 10:15 Opening 09:30 - 09:35 Paul Hohnen, Introduction 16:00 - 18:15 The Urgency for Sustainable Economy 09:35 - 09:40 Wouter van Dieren, Welcome 16:00 - 16:25 Jacqueline Cramer, Growth within Limits 09:40 - 09:50 Job Cohen, City of Amsterdam 16:25 - 16:50 James E. Hansen, Latest News on Climate Change 09:50 - 10:05 Ashok Khosla and Eberhard von Koerber, Club of Rome 16:50 - 17:10 Mary Nichols, Proven Practical Solutions in California 10:05 - 10:15 Paul Hohnen, Logistics and Master Classes 17:10 - 17:30 Martin Lees, The Programme of the Club of Rome 17:30 - 18:00 Panel Jacqueline Cramer, James Hansen, Mary Nichols 10.15 - 12:45 Master Classes >> and Martin Lees 18:00 - 18:15 The Enlightenment Transition, LED Solution 12:45 - 13:45 Lunch 18:15 - 19:30 Reception 13:45 - 15:30 The Need for Urgent Action on Climate Change at the National and International 19:30 - 22:00 Dinner Levels Dinner Speech Annemarie Rakhorst 14:00 - 14:05 Paul Hohnen, Reflection on the Morning Musical Intermezzo 14:05 - 14:15 Ruud Lubbers, Introduction Mikhail Gorbachev - W.A. Mozart ‘Isis und Osiris’ from the Zauberflöte 14:15 - 14:45 Mikhail Gorbachev, Keynote Statement - J. Brel ‘Le plat pays’ 14:45 - 14:55 Ricardo Lagos, Special Envoy on Climate Change - R. Strauss ‘Morgen’
  • 5. Programme of the Assembly TUESDAY OCTOBER 27 Day 2 Chair: Paul Hohnen 08:00 - 09:30 Registration and Coffee 14:15 - 15:30 The Power of Optimism and New Models 14:15 - 14:35 Christine Loh, Development in China 09:30 - 11:30 How must Corporations and Financial 14:35 - 15:00 Michael Baungart, Cradle to Cradle Institutions adapt to the New Challenges? 15:00 - 15:25 Ernst von Weizsäcker, Factor 5: A Convenient Truth: 09:30 - 09:45 Paul Hohnen, Reflections and Introduction Day 2 Increasing Wealth and Reducing Resource Use 09:45 - 10:00 Barry Gardiner, Latest News on Negotiations for COP15 10:00 - 10:55 Company of the Future in the Context of Climate Change 15:30 - 16:00 Break Keynotes by Desso, Method, Philips, Shell, Triodos Bank 10:55 - 11:30 Panel, Stef Kranendijk, Adam Lowry, Harry Hendriks, 16:00 - 17:30 The Message to Copenhagen Jorma Ollila, Peter Blom 16:00 - 16:15 Robert Swan message, Solutions to the Climate Crisis 16:15 - 16:45 Panel Wendy Luhabe, Robert Rubinstein, Liesbeth van 11:30 - 12:00 Break Tongeren, Aart van Veller, Last Call 16:45 - 16:55 Ashok Khosla, Amsterdam Declaration 12:00 - 13:15 Keynotes on Energy, Climate and Oceans 16:55 - 17:00 Amsterdam Declaration to Copenhagen 12:00 - 12:30 Ian Dunlop, Climate Change and Peak Oil 17:00 - 17:25 Bil McDonough, Motivating COP15 and Beyond 12:30 - 12:40 Q&A 17:25 - 17:30 Eberhard von Koerber and Paul Hohnen, Closing 12:40 - 13:05 Charles Moore, Plastic Soup Remarks 13:05 - 13:15 Q&A 17:30 - 19:00 Reception 13:15 - 14:15 Lunch
  • 6. Master Classes 1. The Sustainable Economy: A New Model from the Netherlands 2. Economic Recovery on the Way to a New Sustainable Economy 3. The Latest on Climate Change 4. Peak Oil, Climate Change and Our Future Energy Supply 5. Practical Steps to a Sustainable Economy: China and the US 6. Climate Change is Key, but What About Food and Poverty? 7. Climate Change and Sea Transport 8. From Resource Efficiency to Effective Use of Resources 9. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services 10. Sustainable Finance, Green Investment and Capitalism 3.0
  • 7. Master Classes 1. The Sustainable Economy: A New Model from the Netherlands Fred Langeweg, Rob Maas; Chair: Klaas van Egmond The financial and environmental crises demonstrate that the current economic model is unsustainable. At present growth rates, the world economy would double by 2030 with immense implications for resource use, the climate, waste and pollution and the survival of ecosystems. The new economy must properly recognize and adapt to these challenges. The problems are clear and the contours of the measures required are emerging. An ambitious simulation has been developed in the Netherlands and this will be presented. 2. Economic Recovery on the Way to a New Sustainable Economy John Kay, Franz Josef Radermacher, Wolfgang Sachs; Chair: Anders Wijkman The world economy has been confronted by a financial crisis leading to an economic recession, and governments have directed trillions of dollars to stimulate economic recovery and to generate employment. These reactive measures must be positioned within a broader purpose, to undertake the structural reforms necessary to lay the foundations for a new, low-carbon, environmentally responsible and socially equitable economy. This is a positive opportunity and an immense challenge, to improve human welfare and provide new jobs and opportunities within the constraints of a stable climate and a healthy environment. The failure of the conventional economic wisdom has opened a way to many new concepts, which will be debated in this Master Class.
  • 8. Master Classes 3. The Latest on Climate Change James Hansen, Mohan Munasinghe, Pier Vellinga; Chair: Crispin Tickell The scientific community is achieving a deeper understanding of the systems and processes which drive accelerating climate change. This understanding is firmly based on the Paleolithic record, increasingly sophisticated modeling and above all, practical evidence from all over the world. In spite of all the negotiations and agreements to date, concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are rising at a rate higher than the business-as-usual scenario of IPCC. We are thus facing the risk of catastrophic climate change. Measures to avert this risk must become the central focus of policy. 4. Peak Oil, Climate Change and Our Future Energy Supply Ian Dunlop, Wim Turkenburg; Chair: Paul Hohnen Modern civilization is based fundamentally on the availability of cheap energy, particularly oil. For political, geographic and technical reasons it appears that the supply will not be able to keep up with the escalating demand. High oil prices have impacts across the world, particularly for the poorest sections of the population. And energy use is fundamental as a driver of climate change. Policies and actions to address these two interconnected issues are difficult to define and may be contradictory in their consequences. The level of energy demand in 2050 will be around double the demand today. These issues are real today, but they will be more severe in the future. How can energy production double while cutting emissions by around 80% to preserve a stable climate?
  • 9. Master Classes 5. Practical Steps to a Sustainable Economy: China and the US Christine Loh, Mary Nichols, Zhang Shigang; Chair: Martin Lees China is doubling its GDP every ten years with consequent escalation of energy use and a rapid growth in emissions. The Chinese are making a remarkable progress in improving energy efficiency, in developing new patterns of production and in re-orienting their economy onto a less environmentally-damaging path. Nevertheless, although emissions per capita are low, China is now the world’s largest aggregate producer of climate change emissions and the prospects are that its rapid growth will continue, as an explicit policy to provide employment and improve the living standards of its growing population. Major transformations are also in progress across the US, and the State of California has been playing an innovative role for many years. The negotiating positions of China and the United States in the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen will be a determinant of the outcome. 6. Climate Change is Key, but What About Food and Poverty? Hans Eenhoorn, Daudi Sumba, Young Club of Rome NL; Chair: Ian Johnson The world community is heavily focused on the key issue of climate change, but we face an array of present and future issues which cannot be ignored. For hundreds of millions of people the food crisis is immediate and increasingly desperate while over a billion people live in abject poverty. The focus of negotiations on mitigation and adaptation is essential, but immediate and early action is needed to deal with problems of poverty and food security across the world which will be greatly worsened by the impacts of climate change: for example, increased water stress, desertification, contamination of aquifers, flooding and drought and extreme weather events. The Millennium Development Goals endorsed by world leaders are now at risk and global warming will aggravate this problem. The poor did not cause the problem of climate change, but they are paying the highest price. Climate justice and humanitarian support will be key elements for the success of the Copenhagen negotiations.
  • 10. Master Classes 7. Climate Change and Sea Transport Koen Overtoom, Tiedo Vellinga, Stephan Wrage; Chair: Freek Ossel International trade and transportation systems on which it depends have flourished for decades as the process of globalization has accelerated. But sea transport and the intensive activities in ports contribute significantly to global emissions. As energy use per cargo unit for maritime transport is a fraction of the use for air transport, there have been few initiatives and incentives to improve energy efficiency in the maritime sector. Although emissions per unit are low, the aggregate of maritime-related emissions is substantial. The largest port in Europe, Rotterdam, and its sister port Amsterdam, are major drivers towards an agreement aimed at reducing the levels of CO2 emissions for sea transport. 8. From Resource Efficiency to Effective Use of Resources Michael Braungart, Stefan Bringezu, Bill McDonough; Chair: Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek For forty years, the Club of Rome has emphasized that economic growth of the world economy based on waste, overuse and the squandering of resources is not sustainable in the longer term. Scientists, such as Bio Schmidt-Bleek and Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker have produced convincing studies which demonstrate that this is true. Their research into Factor 10 and Factor 4 has shown how high levels of welfare can be attained together with deep reductions in the use of energy and natural resources. For this work they received the Takeda Prize. Other scientists such as “Cradle to Cradle” chemist Michael Braungart and US architect Bill McDonough make the case that effectiveness should be the focus rather than efficiency. Re- design of products to allow chemical recovery and recycling would make possible a prosperous economy with a major reduction of waste.
  • 11. Master Classes 9. Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services Ashok Khosla with Pavan Sukhdev’s message, Charles Moore, Johan Rockström; Chair: Hans Alders While the international focus on climate change is clearly justified, the threats arising from the degradation of biodiversity and species loss are also acute. Humanity depends entirely on the ecosystems services and the natural capital of the planet. The loss of biodiversity is accelerating and global warming will aggravate this trend. Such issues are not included in our economic models: they are considered effectively as free public goods. To create favourable conditions for the future of humanity, major efforts will be needed to preserve and restore biodiversity and ecosystems, without which the issue of climate cannot be resolved. 10. Sustainable Finance, Green Investment and Capitalsm 3.0 Peter Blom, Alois Flatz, Eberhard von Koerber, Robert Rubinstein, Chair: Otto Scharmer Recent events have demonstrated the instability of the world financial system which has triggered a deep economic recession with direct impacts on the jobs and lives of millions of men and women across the world. Governments are focused on the need for rapid recovery, but this must be achieved within the context of strategies to promote a new path of sustainable economic growth. To revert to traditional models and strategies for finance and growth may bring short-term recovery at the cost of further crises in the future. For this reason, many initiatives are emerging worldwide to create a sound framework for the regulation of the financial sector, to establish new criteria and methodologies for green investment, for integrating sustainability into corporate strategy and to formulate a new conception of sustainable socio-economic growth which respects the environment and considers the prospects of future generations.
  • 12. Proposals for a Low Carbon Economy All over the world, economic recovery is being linked to what can be called the low carbon economy. An economic model will be presented which shows the effects of sustainability interventions, such as fiscal measures, treaties and regulation and demonstrates that a flourishing economy is feasible with a factor-10 reduction in (carbon) energy use and a similar factor-10 increase in resource efficiency. The underlying model by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) will be elucidated in Master Class 1. The report will be launched by Jacqueline Cramer, Minister of the Environment in the Netherlands.
  • 13. List of World Master Class Assessors Hans Alders Chair Taskforce Biodiversity the Netherlands, Netherlands Peter Blom CEO Triodos Bank, Sustainable Bank of the Year 2009, Netherlands Michael Braungart Director, EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung, Germany Stefan Bringezu Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Department for Material Flows and Structural Change, Wuppertal Institute, Germany Stephen Byers Chairman of GLOBE International, UK Ian Dunlop Expert on climate change and peak oil, Australia Hans Eenhoorn Member UN Task Force on hunger, former Vice-President Unilever, Netherlands Klaas van Egmond Professor of Earth and Sustainability, University of Utrecht, Netherlands Walter Erdelen Assistant Director-General for Natural Sciences, UNESCO, Germany Alois Flatz Co-founder of the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes James Hansen Head of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Professor of the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Columbia University, USA Paul Hohnen Associate Fellow, Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), London and former Strategic Director, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Australia/NL Ian Johnson Former Vice-President Sustainable Development (ESSD), The World Bank, USA John Kay Author of The Truth about Markets, columnist The Financial Times, UK Ashok Khosla Co-President Club of Rome, India; Chairman of Development Alternatives Eberhard von Koerber Co-President of the Club of Rome, Chairman and CEO of Eberhard von Koerber AG Fred Langeweg Deputy Director at Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands Martin Lees Secretary-General Club of Rome, Scotland Christine Loh Founder and CEO of Civic Exchange, non-profit public policy think tank, HK
  • 14. Rob Maas European air quality and sustainability expert at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, Netherlands Bill McDonough Director McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry, USA Charles Moore Oceanographer and Founder of Algalita Marine Research Foundation, USA Mohan Munasinghe Vice-Chair, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Sri Lanka Freek Ossel City of Amsterdam Alderman on Air and Sea Ports, Netherlands Koen Overtoom Managing Director Commercial Division Port of Amsterdam, Netherlands Franz Josef Radermacher Founder of the Global Marshall Plan, Germany Johan Rockström President, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden Robert Rubinstein Founder and CEO of TBLI, Netherlands Wolfgang Sachs Professor at the Wuppertal Institute, Germany Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek President, Factor 10 Institute, France Zhang Shigang Head of UNEP China Office, China Daudi Sumba Director Capacity Building & Leadership Development, African Wildlife, Kenya Crispin Tickell Author of Climate Change and World Affairs, UK Wim Turkenburg S cientific Director, Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development and Innovation, Netherlands Pier Vellinga Director of the Wageningen University Climate Programme, Netherlands Tiedo Vellinga International Project Leader Environmental Shipping Index, WPCI, and Associate Professor Ports and Environment Delft University of Technology, Netherlands Anders Wijkman Vice-President Club of Rome, Former Member of the European Parliament, Sweden Stephan Wrage Managing Partner SkySails, Germany
  • 16. The Club of Rome The Club of Rome is an independent global think tank with no particular political, ideological or religious affiliations. Its essential mission is “to act as a global catalyst for change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision-makers as well as to the general public.” Its activities should “adopt a global perspective with awareness of the increasing interdependence of nations. They should, through holistic thinking, achieve a deeper understanding of the complexity of contemporary problems and adopt a trans-disciplinary and long-term perspective focusing on the choices and policies determining the destiny of future generations.”
  • 17. The Programme of the Club of Rome The global issues which were the focus of the 1972 Report, “Limits to Growth” are even more severe and urgent today. At its 40th Anniversary Assembly in June 2008, the Club launched a three-year, integrated programme of international research and consultation on the topic: A New Path for World Development. The Programme now complements the ongoing, worldwide activities of the Club and uses the potential of the internet to engage its Members, its 33 National Associations and its European Support Centre together with experts and institutions across the world in an “open systems” approach. In this way, it mobilises and focuses the best brains available on the critical issues which will determine the future of humanity and of the planet. The research and content are outlined at The present path of world development is generating imbalances, vulnerabilities, and reform the structure of international institutions to address the integrated inequities, exclusion and polarization which constitute clear threats to the problems of a world in rapid transformation; and broadly, to achieve equitable and prospects of both present and future generations. The Programme draws on the sustainable world development and thus preserve international security and world independent, multicultural and interdisciplinary membership of the Club to clarify peace. the key elements of a new path for world development. It will propose new lines of thinking and action which are urgently needed to: avert the risks and consequences In order to manage the complexity of such an extensive problematique, the of catastrophic climate change; reduce the devastating impacts of human activities programme strategy focuses successively on five clusters of inter- on ecosystems and environment and the overuse of the biological and physical connected issues while recognizing the linkages between the clusters. In each case, resources of the planet; achieve more fairness in the distribution of vital resources a small expert conference develops proposals for action and identifies issues for and opportunities and of the costs and benefits of globalisation; accelerate global in-depth analysis through internet-based, international research networks. The five efforts to eradicate poverty and deprivation of a growing world population; adapt clusters are: Club of Rome International Secretariat Tel: 00-41-(0)52-244-0808 Apollo House Fax: 00-41-(0)52-244-0809 Lagerhausstrasse 9 Email: [email protected] CH-8400 Winterthur June 2009, Briefing 1.1 Switzerland
  • 18. on A New Path for World Development 1. Environment and Resources: Climate Change, Energy Security, Ecosystems and Water. 2. Globalisation: Distribution of Wealth and Income, Employment, Economic Restructuring, Trade and Finance. 3. International Development: Demographic Growth, Environmental Stress, Poverty, Food Production, Health and Employment. 4. Social Transformation: Social Change, Values, Culture, Identity and Behaviour. 5. Peace and Security: Justice, Democracy, Governance, Solidarity, Security and Peace. By the end of 2009, the Programme will have analysed and developed strategic leaders in the public and private sectors, to civil society, to the education system proposals covering three critical areas of world affairs within a coherent overall and to the public. Throughout the three-year programme, interim results, policy perspective: Environment and Resources; Globalisation and Finance; and recommendations, briefing and educational materials will be produced, together International Development. And it will also have transmitted its ideas and proposals with specific activities to engage a younger generation and the media. In this directly into the policy process at a high level. It will thus help to bridge the critical way, the Club will contribute to awareness, understanding, public support and gap between science and analysis on one side and decision making on the other. action on the critical issues which will determine the future. The Club has a unique opportunity to use its wide “brand recognition”, its independent broadly-based Three further steps will be implemented in 2010 to complete the Programme: membership, and its access to leading personalities throughout the world to a conference on Cluster 4, Social Transformation, and a conference on Cluster press for a more coherent, systemic approach to the management of world issues, 5, Peace and Security. Finally, an International Forum of the Club of Rome will recognizing the fundamental transformations in progress and clearly facing the be convened in late 2010 to present the integrated results and lines of action. growing threats to the future. This will be followed by a process to disseminate the results and proposals to
  • 19. Members of the Executive Committee of the Club of Rome • icardo Díez-Hochleitner, Honorary President, Board Member of R • onrad Osterwalder, Rector of the United Nations K the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, University, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations, Japan Spain • oberto Peccei, Vice-Chancellor for Research, R • shok Khosla, Co-President, President of Development A UCLA, USA Alternatives, India • oemí Sanín Posada, Ambassador of Columbia to N • berhard von Koerber, Co-President, Chairman and CEO of E the United Kingdom, UK Eberhard von Koerber AG, Switzerland • eitor Gurgulino de Souza, Vice-President, H Secretary-General of the International Association of University Presidents, Brazil • nders Wijkman, Vice-President, Former Member of the European A Parliament, Sweden • artin Lees, Secretary-General, Rector Emeritus of the University M for Peace, United Nations, UK • sidro Fainé Casas, Chairman of the Caja de Ahorros y I Pensiones de Barcelona (La Caixa), Spain • endy Luhabe, Chairman of the Alliance Capital, W South Africa • ona Makram-Ebeid, Professor of Political M Science, American University, Cairo; former Member of the Egyptian Parliament
  • 20. Selection of Honorary Members of the Club of Rome • H.M. Queen Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands • B.F. Paton, Ukraine, President of the National Academy of • H.M. Juan Carlos I, King of Spain Sciences of Ukraine • H.M. Doña Sophia, Queen of Spain • Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of the Republic of India • H.R.H. Prince Philippe, Crown Prince of Belgium • Hugo Thiemann, Switzerland, President of the Industrial • Jacques Delors, France, former President of the European Innovation and Cooperative System S.S.A. Commission • Ernesto Zedillo, former President of Mexico, Director of the Yale • Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union Centre for the Study of Globalization • Ruud F.M. Lubbers, Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands • angari Maathai, Founder of the Green Belt Movement W and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 2004 • Koïchiro Matsuura, Japan, Director-General of UNESCO • Manfred A. Max-Neef, Chile, economist and environmentalist • Rigoberta Menchú Tum, Guatemala, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador and recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize 1992 • adako Ogata, President of the Japan International Cooperation S Agency (JICA)
  • 21. Dutch Chapter of the Club of Rome Board Advisory Board to the Dutch Chapter • Eric-Jan Tuininga, Chair a.i. and Secretary to the Board, Emeritus • Hans Eenhoorn, member UN Task Force on hunger Professor Free University of Amsterdam • Marius Enthoven, Vice Chairman of the Energy Council • Arnaud Jansen, Treasurer, Head of Controlling, ASN Bank • osee van Eijndhoven, Professor in Sustainable Management, J • Karen Jonkers, Board member, TT30 and Sustainability Entrepreneur Erasmus University Rotterdam • Paul de Jong, former Head of Sustainability Department, Ministry of • Ewoud Goudswaard, CEO of ASN Bank Agriculture, The Netherlands • Maurits Groen, Special Agent to Al Gore in the Netherlands • Bas Jurres, Board member, TT30 and Corporate Sustainability • Hans Opschoor, Professor of Economics of Sustainable Entrepreneur Development, Institute for Social Studies • Tineke Lambooy, Board member, Author A world to gain: sixteen • Suzanne van der Pijll, Partner at Schuttelaar & Partners, views on corporate social responsibility Sustainable Innovations in Food, Agriculture, and Human Health • Jeroen van den Berg, Secretary and Education adviser • Paul Rademaker, Professor Internal Affairs, University of Amsterdam • Annemarie Rakhorst, CEO of Search, Environmental Engineering • Louise Vet, Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO KNAW)
  • 22. Organisation Global Assembly 2009 IMSA Amsterdam, Prins Hendriklaan 15, 1075 AX Amsterdam Stichting (Foundation) The Club of Rome Global Assembly 2009 • Wouter van Dieren, Chairman IMSA, Member of the Club of Rome • Piet Briët, Project Manager Global Assembly Amsterdam 2009, Senior Consultant at IMSA Amsterdam • Kim Nackenhorst, Project Leader Global Assembly Amsterdam 2009, Senior Consultant at IMSA Amsterdam Websites • • • • Dutch Members of the Club of Rome • Wouter van Dieren, Chairman IMSA Amsterdam
  • 23. APPENDIX 1: The World 3 Model The World 3 computer model is complex, but its basic structure is not hard environment in ways that are typical of the hundreds of pollutants the economy to understand. It is based on system dynamics – a method for studying the actually emits. It ignores the causes and consequences of violence. And world by understanding how complex systems change over time. One of the there is no explicit representation in World 3 of military capital or corruption. key features is inclusion of ‘feedback loops’ in the system structure that can Incorporating these numerous distinctions would not necessarily improve the influence the behaviour of the entire system. World 3 keeps track of ‘stocks’ model, however, while making it very much harder to comprehend. such as population, industrial capital, persistent pollution and cultivated land. In the model, these stocks change as a result of ‘flows’ such as births This probably makes World 3 somewhat optimistic. It has no military sector and deaths; investment and depreciation; pollution generation and pollution to drain capital and resources from the productive economy. It has no wars assimilation; land erosion, land development and land removed for urban and to kill people, destroy capital, waste lands, or generate pollution. It has no industrial uses. ethnic strife, no corruption, no floods, earthquakes, nuclear accidents, or AIDS epidemics. The model thus represents the ultimate limits for ‘the real world’. In the scenarios run using this model, full account is taken of positive and negative feedback loops, which can sometimes radically alter the outcome. World 3 also incorporates non-linear relationships. For example, as more land is made arable, what is left becomes drier or steeper or has thinner soils. The cost of coping with these problems means a dramatic rise in the cost of developing the land – a non-linear relationship. Feedback loops and non- linear relationships make World 3 dynamically complex, but the model is still a simplification of reality. It does not distinguish between geographical regions of the world, nor does it give separate consideration to the rich and the poor. It keeps track of only two aggregate pollutants, which move through and affect the
  • 24. APPENDIX 2: Equilibrium Run Scenario 9: The world seeks a stable population and stable per capita industrial output and adds pollution, resource and agricultural technologies from 2002 In this scenario population growth and industrial output are stabilised and technologies are implemented to reduce pollution, conserve resources, improve agricultural yields, and protect farmland. The resulting society is sustainable: nearly 8 billion people enjoy a high level of welfare and have a steadily declining ecological footprint.
  • 25. APPENDIX 3: Speech by Yvo de Boer “It is not often that a generation is offered a chance to change the world for the better. But only a few times in the entire record of humanity has a generation had a chance to change the world for good. We have that chance now… to shift decisively towards the low-emission, resource-efficient, financially stable and equitable path that offers the only sustainable alternative to a future of never-ending crises. It is no coincidence that this year the world must reach an ambitious, ratifiable agreement to prevent dangerous climate change just as nations are fighting to prevent the worst globalised depression in living memory. Our financial and economic crisis was the result of living beyond our means, looking for short-term reward, conveniently ignoring the consequences. Climate change, we now know, is the result of living beyond our planet’s capacity to provide the kind of environment without which our civilisations would die. Oil, gas, coal, food and metal prices may look low now, but precarious imbalances in future supply and demand promise soaring prices once more at signs of recovery. In cause and effect, these crises are linked. The high-emission, resource-intensive, debt-driven economic model is dying. Attempts to revive it along the same old lines will succeed only in restoring a living corpse. ... ...At the height of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the new US President Franklin D. Roosevelt focused the will of his own nation in his inaugural address by promising that: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” That is not now the case. We have a climate change shadow, growing darker with every passing year, that has the potential to draw a line under the future of humanity. What is now true is that the only thing we have to fear is the fear to act.” Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC To Globe International, Club of Rome, London House of Commons, January 26, 2009