Freezing Food

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Occasionally, freezing food is preferable to canning or dehydrating it. Freezing food is another great way to preserve it.

  • Strawberries are great in jam or jelly, but they are more appetizing frozen rather than canned.
  • Frozen cherries right out of the freezer on a hot summer day make a great cooling snack.
  • If you end up with more food than you’ll be able to can in a reasonable time, freezing vegetables and freezing fruit is a great way to take care of that excess quickly.

Freezing Food Article and Direction List

Freezing Fruit

How to Freeze Apples

Learn how to freeze apples. Freezing is a great option for an overabundance, or just when we want to prepare ahead for all the apple desserts you love.
Freezing Apples
Whole apples sitting on a white cutting board, one of the apples is peeled with the paring knife.

Freezing Apples for Apple Pie

Freezing apples for pie makes pie making later super easy. Prepare ahead desserts for the busy holidays or spur of the moment cravings.
Freezing Apples for Apple Pie
A big container of cored and quartered yellow apples.

Freezing Raspberries

Freezing raspberries is probably the best way to preserve red raspberries for later, though you can also freeze black raspberries too!
How to Freeze Raspberries
Fresh black raspberries layered over a freezer paper lined cookie sheet.

Freezing Bananas

Freezing bananas is great for making smoothies, banana bread, and more later! Yummy.
How to Freeze Bananas
Two bunches of bright yellow bananas with bags of apples in the background.

Freezing Cherries

My husband is a big fan of freezing cherries. He and my sons eat them like popsicles. I like them too, and the plus is…they are much better for you than popsicles. Learn how to freeze cherries here (hint: super easy).
How to Freeze Cherries
A freezer paper lined tray with pitted red cherries spread over it.

How to Freeze Strawberries

Learn How to Freeze Strawberries to preserve their sweet and juicy flavor. Use later in smoothies, baked goods, over pancakes or ice cream.
Freezing Strawberries

Freezing Rhubarb

Freezing rhubarb will allow you to enjoy rhubarb crisps all year around. How to freeze rhubarb both dry pack or with a syrup!
Washing big stalks of green rhubarb under running water in the sink.

Freezing Tomatoes

Freezing tomatoes is a great way to preserve tomatoes. Do you have tomatoes getting over-ripe but don’t have quite enough for a canner load or recipe? Freeze them.
How to Freeze Tomatoes
Lots of red Roma tomatoes floating in a sink of water.

Freezing Vegetables

How to Freeze Carrots

Freezing Carrots is so easy and makes for great convenience later.  Freeze small whole carrots, sliced, or diced.  Enjoy their delicious flavor all year long with this easy-to-follow freezing guide.
Freezing Carrots
chopped carrots beside an instant pot

Freezing Corn

Learn how to freeze corn, either on the cob or off the cob, as sweet kernels. I have to admit that freezing corn results in a fresher dish on your table than canned corn.
How to Freeze Corn
My husband and sons shucking corn in the yard.

Freezing Green Beans

Freezing green beans picked fresh from the garden is a great way to preserve them. Bush beans or pole beans are all treated the same.
How to Freeze Green Beans
Packing blanched green beans into a freezer bag.

Freezing Onion

Freezing onions is a great way to preserve onions so that they are recipe ready.  Learn how to freeze onions so you can cut them all in one setting!  Don’t deal with the tears every time you need to add onions to your recipes. 
Freezing Onions
Stainless steel bowl with small white and red onions cut in halves

How to Freeze Peas

Learn how to freeze peas – whole or shelled. Step-by-step instructions here!
Freezing Peas
Snow peas packed into freezer bags and labeled with the contents and date.

Freezing Peppers

Freezing peppers is an easy, quick way to take care of them now and use them up later. Here's how to freeze hot or sweet peppers.
How to Freeze Peppers
A gloved hand holding green and red peppers that have been chopped into small pieces.

Freezing Spinach

Freezing spinach or any leafy green is so very easy. Here's how to freeze fresh spinach & other greens.
How to Freeze Spinach
Washing big pots of spinach in the sink to remove dirt from the leaves.

Freezing Zucchini

Who doesn't have an overabundance of zucchini in the summertime? Freezing zucchini chopped, shredded, or cubed is a great way to save the harvest for winter! Here's how to freeze zucchini.
How to Freeze Zucchini
A large pile of green zucchini.

Freezing Parsnips

Instructions for freezing parsnips. In case you’re unfamiliar with parsnips, they remind me of a cross between carrot and rutabaga or carrot and turnip. I love them!
How to Freeze Parsnips
freezing parsnips

Freezing Herbs

Freezing Herbs

Freezing herbs: How to freeze fresh herbs like oregano, basil, parsley, and sage, using three different freezing methods!
How to Freeze Herbs
An icecube tray filled with chopped fresh herbs.

Freezer Food FAQs

Can you freeze food? Does food have to be warm for freezing?

I feel it is better to allow it to cool off before putting it in the freezer. It can be a little warm but not piping hot. The heat will affect the temperature of the freeze in general. But do not allow the food to sit out for an extended period in a warm state. It needs to either be hot or cooled off soon.

What are the Disadvantages of Freezing Food?

Fresh food is always the best bet. But we all know that sometimes, you just need to preserve it for later. Freezing food probably does the least amount of damage compared to other preservation techniques. Quality is something that may be affected.

Freezing affects the textures of some foods more than others. Lettuce, for example, just doesn’t hold up to freezing. (It doesn’t can well either.) Spinach, however, does great. Much depends on the food type. Milk can be frozen, but it separates. If you mix it well after thawing, you can drink it…but the flavor is affected. Might be best used in baking or cooking. Cheese does not freeze well in a block. It crumbles. But I often freeze shredded cheese for convenience.

The NCHFP mentions the following vegetables do not freeze well, unless they’re used in, say, freezer pickles or similiar recipes:

  • Cabbage
  • Celery
  • Watercress
  • Cucumbers
  • Endive
  • Lettuce
  • Parsley
  • Radishes

What is Freezer Burn?

Freezer burn happens when frozen food dries out. It will look brown and dried. It is not dangerous, just not as high quality. If possible, you can cut off small portions of freezer burn and still use your food. Sometimes, if the freezer burn is severe, the food is not worth trying to save.

How do you prevent freezer burn?

Wrapping is important when freezing food. Using the correct type of packaging will maintain quality and prevent freezer burn. Look for freezer bags, not storage bags. And the more you can keep air away from the food (wrap tightly), the less freezer burn you’ll find.

Should you can frozen foods?

The answer to this it depends. Some will can well some will not.

For instance many vegetables will be of poor quality, (think soft and soggy). I talk about canning vegetables (fruit too) from the freezer in this video.

But frozen meat can easily be thawed and canned. I prefer to do a hot pack. You can read more about that here… I talk about canning meat from the freezer in this video here…

Freezing food first and then canning it later is actually a great strategy for some foods. Tomatoes in partcular come in mind. If you’ve got a glut of tomatoes and don’t have time to can it now, pop them in the freezer and can them later. One caveat is that you’ll need to do a sauce type recipe. Like tomato sauce, juice or even spaghetti sauce. I talk more about freezing tomatoes here.

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