Contact us

Up-to-date contact information for the Global Engagement team.



Job title Name Email Phone
Director of Global Engagement Dr Malcolm Butler [email protected] +44 114 222 9610
Deputy Director of Global Engagement Louise McCarthy [email protected] +44 114 222 9612

Department support

Contact the Department Support team: [email protected]

Job title Name Email Phone
Department Support Manager and PA to Director Joanne Elson [email protected] +44 114 222 9611
PA to Head of Partnerships and Global Opportunities Alice Chapman [email protected] +44 114 222 9545
PA to Deputy Director and Office Administrator Jonathan Hempsall [email protected]  
PA to Deputy Director and Office Administrator (currently on maternity leave) Ellie Allen [email protected] +44 114 222 8052

Marketing and Communications 

Contact the Marketing and Communications Team: [email protected] 

Job title Name Email Phone
Head of International Marketing and Communications  Maddie Stewart [email protected]  
International Marketing and Communications Officer Sophie Hawley [email protected] +44 011 425 7621
International Marketing and Communications Officer Jenny Scott [email protected] +44 114 222 9548
International Marketing and Communications Officer Chris Jenkin [email protected] +44 114 222 9167

International Recruitment

Contact the International Recruitment team: [email protected]

Senior International Recruitment Managers

Faculty/Regions Name Email Phone

Faculty Liaison (Health and Engineering)

Africa and Middle East

Chris Cagney [email protected] +44 114 222 3600

Faculty Liaison (Social Sciences)

East Asia

Miriam Brown [email protected] +44 114 222 1013

Faculty Liaison (Science)

South Asia and South East Asia 

Katy Woodford [email protected] +44 114 222 1384

Faculty Liaison for Arts & Humanities and NCUK contact

Americas and Europe 

Amy Jones  [email protected] +44 11 422 9873

International Recruitment Managers

Regions Name Email Phone
UK International Jill Molyneux [email protected] +44 114 222 1233
Middle East and North Africa Kristina Burns [email protected] +44 114 222 1256
China PRC Anita Sandham [email protected] +44 114 222 9617
Hong Kong SAR, Japan and South Korea 

Alison Witham

[email protected] 

+44 114 222 4815
South Asia  Shirley Wang [email protected] +44 114 222 9614
The Americas and Norway Kate Gadsby-Mace  [email protected] +44 114 222 9169
Europe, Russia & Central Asia Julia Pitchford [email protected]  +44 114 222 4903
Support for Sheffield University Management School and Taiwan Jie Tang [email protected] +44 114 225 7628

International Recruitment Coordinators

Job title Name Email Phone
The Americas, Europe and Central Asia Toni Dolby [email protected] +44 011 422 1248
South Asia
support for South East Asia Office
Jessica Bream [email protected] +44 114 222 1251
East Asia Stephanie Wong [email protected] +44 114 222 1018
Africa, Middle East and UK International Schools Cecilia Biolchini [email protected] +44 114 225 7629

Overseas Associates

Job title Name Email Phone
Africa Representative Udochika Ezeocha  [email protected]  
South East Asia Manager Jessie Teo

[email protected]

Country Manager (Indonesia) Crissy Kristanti [email protected]  
South East Asia Office    [email protected] +603 2710 5395
China (Beijing) Claire Guo [email protected] +86 17343000802
China (Shanghai) Michael Tang  [email protected] +86 18217212014
China (Guangzhou) Tong Yu [email protected]  +86 13533603353
Country Manager (India) Achint Soni  [email protected]  
India Officers Mamta Kujur & Yash Sharma (Anubha Shukla is currently on maternity leave) [email protected]  
USA Representative Haley Drogus [email protected]  

Partnerships and Global Opportunities

Partnerships Team

Contact the Partnerships team: [email protected]

Job title Name Email Phone
Head of Partnerships and Global Opportunities Ben Short [email protected] +44 114 222 9616
Senior International Partnerships Manager Danielle Bertrand [email protected] +44 114 222 1247
Senior International Partnerships Manager Vaughan McKee [email protected] +44 114 222 4819
International Partnerships Administrator Siobhan Reaney  [email protected] +44 114 222 9613

Global Opportunities Team

The Global Opportunities team undertakes hybrid working, so if you have a question, the best way to contact us is by email - [email protected] 

Telephone enquiries: +44(0)114 215 7625

If your call goes unanswered please leave a voicemail and we will try to return your call as soon as possible. 

Job title Name Email  Phone

International Partnerships and Global Opportunities Manager

Claire Hunter

[email protected]

+44 114 222 9618
Global Opportunities and Exchanges Coordinator (outbound) Adam Parkin [email protected] +44 114 222 6269
Global Opportunities and Exchanges Coordinator (inbound) Elizabeth Rounding [email protected] +44 114 222 9615
Global Opportunities and Exchanges Coordinator (grants and agreements) Katherine Barrott [email protected]  +44 114 222 9817
Global Opportunities & Exchanges Administrator Lucy Mitchell [email protected]  +44 114 222 1258
Global Opportunities & Exchanges Administrator Phillipa Baldock  [email protected]  +44 114 222 1230 

Confucius Institute

Contact the Confucius Institute: [email protected]

Job title Name Email Phone
Director, Confucius Institute Andy Barker [email protected] +44 114  222 8333
Project Coordinator Olivia Homan [email protected]  +44 114 225 7625
Marketing & Events Officer Matthew Byrne [email protected] +44 114 222 8332

Postal address

Global Engagement
University of Sheffield
The Arts Tower
Western Bank
S10 2TN 

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