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2024 Participation Totals (Not Including Official ShakeOut Regions)

" + "
" + participants + "
"; else { if (areaName.toLowerCase() == "multiple") { areaName = "Multiple+Counties"; } return '' + description + "" + participants + ""; } } var first = 0; function createDescNewRow(description, total, depth, state) { var retVal = ""; if (depth > 1) retVal = retVal + "
"; else retVal = retVal + "    "; if (description == "Yuma, AZ"){ retVal = retVal + "" + description + ""; else if (getRegion() == "bc" && language == "fr" && depth == 2) try { retVal = retVal + "\">" + getComponentAtDepth(description, depth).area_fr + ""; } catch (err) { try { retVal = retVal + "\">" + getComponentAtDepth(description, 1).subarea_fr + ""; } catch (err2) { retVal = retVal + "\">" + description + ""; } } else if (getRegion() == "bc" && language == "fr" && depth == 1 && description != "Yukon") retVal = retVal + "\">" + getComponentAtDepth(description, depth).subarea_fr + ""; else if ("GLB" == "TZ") retVal = retVal + "\">Other (outside of California)"; else retVal = retVal + "\">Other (non-GLB)"; if (depth > 1) retVal = retVal + "
"; retVal = retVal + ""; if (state == "AK") retVal = retVal + ""; else retVal = retVal + ""; if (depth > 1) retVal = retVal + "
"; if (depth > 1) retVal = retVal + "" + total + ""; else retVal = retVal + total; if (depth > 1) retVal = retVal + "
"; retVal = retVal + ""; return retVal; }

participants are registered in 2024 Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills in Other Countries that are not Official ShakeOut Regions (as of 12/11/2024 2:40 AM PST).

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Country or Region
Participants are registered in countries.
*totals do not include countries that are Official ShakeOut Regions
*totals do not include countries that are Official ShakeOut Regions
© 2024 Statewide California Earthquake Center (SCEC), headquartered at the University of Southern California (USC)
Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills