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Fee Schedule

250.00 Attorney Admission Fee
21.00 Attorney admission certificate - duplicate
605.00 Appeal to 8th circuit court
41.00 Appeal to a district judge from a judgment of conviction by a magistrate
12.00 Certified Copy (+ cost of copies)
21.00 Certificate of Good Standing
405.00 Civil Complaint Filing Fee
24.00 Exemplification of any documents or paper (+ cost of copies)
5.00 Habeas Corpus Petition Filing Fee
52.00 Miscellaneous Case Fee - Filing or indexing any paper not in a case in which no filing fee has been paid. (Examples: Foreign Deposition Subpoena, Registration of Foreign Judgement, Petition to Perpetuate Testimony, Notice of Receivership)
34.00 Name search and certification of same
200.00 Pro Hac Vice fee
.50 Reproduction of any record on paper (per page)
.10 Printing copies of records or documents from public access terminal (per page)
50.00 Issuance of an Apostille
70.00 Retrieval of a record or one box from the Federal Records Center. $43 per each additional box retrieved from the Federal Records Center
53.00 Any payment returned/denied for insufficient funds