What Is Art
What Is Art
What Is Art
a rt ?
Co n ten ts
01. Ways of 04. Categories
Defining Art 05. History of How Art
02. Etymology is Defined
03. Philosophy of 06. Quotes
Definition of Art
Art, in its broadest sense, is a form of
communication. It means whatever the
artist intends it to mean, and this
meaning is shaped by the materials,
techniques, and forms it makes use of,
as well as the ideas and feelings it
creates in its viewers. Art is an act of
expressing feelings, thoughts, and
Wa y s o f
defi n i n g a rt
There is no one universal definition of art through there
is a conscious creation of something beautiful and
meaningful using skill and imagination. The definition and
perceived value of works of art have changed throughout
history in different cultures..
For example, the JEAN-MICHAEL
BASQUIAT painting that was sold for
$110.5 million at Sotheby’s Auction
in May 2017 would, no doubt, have
had trouble finding an audience in
Renaissance Italy.
“Untitled” (Scull/Skull-
Sold for $110.5 Million @ JEAN-MICHAEL
The term “art” is related to the Latin word “ars” meaning art,
skill, or craft. The first known use of the word comes from
13th century manuscripts. However, the word “art” and its
many variant (artem, eart,etc.) have probably existed since
the founding of Rome.
Philos o p h y o f Art
The definition of art has been debated for
centuries among philosopher. “What is art?” is
the most basic question in the philosophy of
aesthetics, which really means, “how do we
determine what is defined as art?”