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Psychological Disorders and Treatment Techniques

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Psychological Disorders

and Treatment Techniques

This chapter delves into the intricate world of psychological
disorders, exploring their diverse forms, causes, and potential
treatments. We will examine the ways in which psychological
disorders can impact an individual's life, and how professionals can
help alleviate these challenges.

We will cover a range of disorders, including anxiety disorders,

mood disorders, personality disorders, and more. We will also
explore the different treatment methods used, such as
psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle interventions.

by Robel Getahun
Criteria for Psychological Disorders:

Statistical Abnormality Social Norms Contextual Factors

One criterion for determining a Another important factor is social It is important to consider the
psychological disorder is norms. Behaviors that deviate context in which behavior occurs.
statistical abnormality. This from the accepted standards and Behavior that might be
involves comparing a person's rules of a society can be considered abnormal in one
behavior to the average behavior considered abnormal. For context may be perfectly
of the population. If their example, engaging in disruptive acceptable in another. For
behavior is significantly different behavior or violating social example, crying at a funeral is
from the norm, it may be boundaries may indicate a expected, while crying at a work
considered abnormal. psychological disorder. meeting is generally not.
Statistical Abnormality
Statistical abnormality is a criterion for identifying psychological
disorders based on the frequency of behavior or traits in a
population. It defines behaviors or traits as abnormal if they occur
less frequently than a certain threshold. For example, if most
people score within a certain range on an anxiety scale,
individuals scoring significantly higher than this range might be
considered statistically abnormal. This criterion is often used in
conjunction with other factors, as statistical rarity alone doesn't
guarantee a psychological disorder.

A limitation of this criterion is that it doesn't account for cultural

differences. Behaviors considered abnormal in one culture might
be considered normal in another. Also, some rare behaviors might
be beneficial or even desirable, while common behaviors might be
harmful. Therefore, statistical abnormality should be interpreted
within a broader context and not used as the sole determinant of
a psychological disorder.
Maladaptiveness and Personal
1 1. Maladaptive Behavior 2 2. Personal Distress
Maladaptive behavior presents a The subjective experience of
significant obstacle in social, distress, including feelings of
personal, or occupational anxiety, stress, and tension,
settings. These behaviors plays a crucial role in identifying
significantly disrupt an psychological disorders. While
individual's daily life, impacting personal distress is a common
their ability to function indicator, it is not a definitive
effectively in various aspects of criterion.
their lives.

3 3. The Combined Criterion

Combining abnormal behavior, maladaptiveness, and personal distress
provides a comprehensive assessment. If all three criteria are met, it
strongly suggests that a person may be experiencing a psychological
Definition of Psychological Disorders

Clinical Significance Distress and Disability Increased Risk

Psychological disorders, also known as The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of A mental disorder can also increase the risk
mental illnesses, are a broad range of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), the primary of suffering death, pain, disability, or loss of
conditions that affect mood, thinking, and diagnostic tool for mental health freedom. This underscores the importance
behavior. These conditions can significantly professionals, defines a mental disorder as of recognizing and addressing mental
impact an individual's daily life, a clinically significant behavioral or health challenges.
relationships, and overall well-being. psychological syndrome associated with
present distress or disability. This means
that the disorder causes significant distress
or impairment in an individual's functioning.
Historical Causes of Psychological Disorders
Understanding the origins of psychological disorders requires examining historical perspectives. Ancient civilizations often attributed abnormal
behavior to supernatural forces, specifically demonic possession. This belief stemmed from the idea that the human body and mind were a
battleground between good and evil.

If someone exhibited unusual behavior, it was seen as a victory by evil spirits. Treatments focused on expelling these demons from the victim's
body. These approaches reflect a time when scientific understanding of the mind and body was limited.

Demons as the Cause

1 Evil spirits were believed to be the root of mental illness.

Holes were drilled into the skull to release demons.

Rituals aimed at driving out evil spirits.

Trephination, a surgical procedure involving drilling holes into the skull, was practiced to release the evil spirits trapped within. Exorcism,
another common practice, involved rituals aimed at driving out evil spirits. These methods illustrate the lack of scientific knowledge and the
prevalence of supernatural explanations for psychological disorders in ancient times.
Trephination Practices
Trephination is a surgical procedure that involves drilling or
scraping a hole into the skull. It was practiced in ancient
times, and the reasons for its use are debated.

Some theories suggest that trephination was used to treat

mental illness by releasing evil spirits or pressure in the
brain. However, it was also used to treat headaches and
seizures. While trephination was a brutal procedure, it
provided evidence of early efforts to understand and address
psychological disorders.
Exorcism Practices
Exorcism is a practice with a long history. It was
often used to address mental illness. People
believed that psychological disorders were caused
by demons or evil spirits.

The idea was that religious rituals could expel evil

spirits, and restore the person to a state of mental
health. This practice was often used to address
what we now understand to be mental illnesses.
The Emergence of the Scientific Model
The emergence of the scientific model was a significant shift in understanding psychological disorders.
This model sought to understand these conditions through observation, experimentation, and scientific
reasoning. While ancient Greeks like Hippocrates made contributions through their theories, they often
relied on philosophical speculation rather than systematic research.

Ancient Greece Humoral Theory

Ancient Greek philosophers, like Hippocrates, Hippocrates's theory of four humors, black bile,
laid the foundation for a systematic approach yellow bile, phlegm, and blood, attempted to
to psychological disorders. Their theories, while explain variations in personality and behavior.
now seemingly outdated, marked a departure This theory, although inaccurate by modern
from purely supernatural explanations. standards, marked a shift toward a more
biological understanding of mental health.
The Biological Perspective on Disorders
Neurotransmitter Abnormalities Other Biological Factors

The biological perspective suggests that Other biological causes of psychological disorders
imbalances in neurotransmitter chemicals in the include genetic inheritance, medical conditions,
brain can contribute to psychological disorders. brain damage, exposure to environmental stimuli,
For example, an overactivity of dopamine has and hormonal imbalances. These factors can
been linked to the bizarre symptoms of impact brain structure, function, and
schizophrenia. These chemical imbalances can neurotransmitter production, leading to the
disrupt communication between neurons and development of various mental health conditions.
affect various brain functions.

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