Personal+Brand+Story+Assignment Final

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Week 7 – Personal Brand Story Assignment

DUE: Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at 4pm

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Having a defined personal brand allows you to:
• Interpret your strengths and weaknesses
• Be distinct from your peers and competition
• Demonstrate your value through your actions
• Describe how to best showcase yourself
• Establish credibility
• Elevate and Solidify your differentiation
• Authenticate your message and values
• Build your community or others who share the same values
• Be more confident
There is always a story somewhere.
• Write your personal brand story – the public
• What are your inspirations and goals? Where
you came from? Why did you decide to do
what you do?

Questions to help with your storytelling:

• What is your biggest achievement?
• What is the bravest thing you ever did?
Assignment • How did you come up with the idea for your
• What is the most challenging thing you ever
had to do?
• What fact about you most surprises others?
• What experience do you value most?
• Who inspires you the most?
• What others say about you?
Due: March 16, 2022 at 4pm
Upload to Assignments on DC
•To help find the gaps and ultimately find your story – Use your brand prism as a guide and audit internal and external to see
where there are similarities and discrepancies in perception. These gaps will help you understand where you are and where you
want to be. Remember to write like you talk, be authentic and make an emotional connection

•Column A – List accomplishments and experiences (likely similar to others pursuing similar career goals). Degrees, credentials,
skills, work experiences, projects etc.

•Column B - List relevant accomplishments and experiences that are likely unique to you. Ie. Places traveled, people worked
with, articles written, awards, internships, talents, obstacles you’ve overcome etc.

•Now, forget about Column A. Your job is to write Column B. And remember, first draft is for your eyes only. It’s not the movie. It’s
just the script. Don’t worry too much about grammar, tone, etc. Just keep it simple. Start with an introduction that summarizes
what’s to come. Follow this with one brief paragraph for each accomplishment/experience that you listed (no more than 4-5).
Then, write a conclusion that summarizes why what you’ve listed is relevant to your career goals. This is your story or your

•This script that you write is what you’re going to use to optimize your personal brand. Think of it as your personal brand

•Take an inventory of your current brand and compare to this script/story to make sure they are representative of your brand.
Starting with your Twitter account - Look at every aspect account, and ask is it in line with your script? Does your photo
represent the person you talk about in your script? What about the header image? How about the short bio? Does your bio
sound like your script? Check your own tweets to make sure every one supports your script. If not, don’t do those tweets
anymore OR create another Twitter account for your “non-script” tweeting - name this account something VERY different from
your “personal brand” name.
•Use this same approach for
curated (i.e. retweeted) content.
Share only what fits your script
– or use your newly created
“non-script” account to share
the other stuff.

•Once your Twitter account is

optimized, do the same with
your other sites – LinkedIn,
Column A Column B
Facebook, Blog, your website
and anything and everything
that includes your brand. Stick
to your script – that’s your story.

•Write your final draft for

Evaluation Criteria Marks
Is brand identity clear
Reference to and use of Personal Brand
Introductory paragraph summarizes what’s
to come
3-5 experiences showcased
Conclusion summary paragraph
Captures interest (Engagement)
Visual elments used
Creativity in presentation
Aligned story with profile

(5 = Excellent, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Good, 2

= Satisfactory, 1 = Poor)
Total Marks

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