Maternal Condition Affecting Neonate
Maternal Condition Affecting Neonate
Maternal Condition Affecting Neonate
B/O: Parvin, term, LBW female baby admitted to this hospital at SCANU
dept. at D6 on 29th oct’22 with the complaints of severe jaundice and reluctant
to feeding for 2 days. Her mother’s blood group is A(-ve).
B/O: Puja Roy, term, macrosomic( 4.1 kg) inborn male baby
delievered by LUCS half an hour back brought to SCANU dept on 23rd Oct’22
with the complaints of difficulty in breathing. On emergency triage
assessment the baby was found hypoglycaemic (CBG: 1.9 mmol/L). His
mother is diabetic for 4 years and is on Insulin.
#Metabolic disorder:
# Cardiorespiratory disorder:
Perinatal asphyxia
Respiratory distress syndrome.
Transient tachypnea of newborn.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and septal hypertrophy.
#Hematologic disorder:
Polycythemia and hyperviscocity
Renal vein thrombosis
#Congenital malformation:
-Congenital heart disease: TGA, VSD, ASD
-anencephaly or meningolcele
-Renal agenesis, situs inversus
Glucose Monitoring Schedule:
Within ½ an hour.
Then every 2 hourly – 3 sample
Then every 6 hourly – 3 sample
Then every 12 hourly – 2 sample
Then 24 hourly – 1 sample
Rh iso-immunization:
. Management of Rh isoimmunization:
o At booking
o At 20 wks1
o At 24 wks
o At 28 wks
• If anti D antibody screening does not show evidence
of allo immunization (titre<4) then…..
o The titer reaches or exceeds the critical level any time during gestation.
- If MCA PSV >1.5 MoM, then cordocentesis is considered for detection of fetal
Maternal factors:
• High viral load
• Advanced disease (low CD4 count, symptoms of AIDS)
• HIV acquired during pregnancy or breastfeeding
• Vaginal delivery
• Rupture of membrane for more than four hrs
• Intrpartum haemorrhage
Infant factors:
• Breast feeding
• Prematurity
Prevention of HIV Transmission :
• (ARV) prophylaxis during pregnancy and labour .
Maternal antepartum daily ART, starting as soon as possible irrespective of
gestational age, and continued during pregnancy, delivery, during breastfeeding.
Doses of NVP and AZT according to birth weight for infants are given below:
2000g – 2499
. g 10 mg per day 10 mg two times a day
Test may also need to be repeated in infants who develop symptoms or signs suggestive
of HIV infection.
Co-trimoxazole prophylaxis for prevention of opportunistic infection:
-Chronic hypertension
-precedes pregnancy or occurs within 20 weeks of
-Essential hypertension.
hypertension after 20th week of gestation
+ proteinurea +/- edema.
Pre-eclampsia + seizures/fit.
Maternal accidental haemorrhage leads to ……
Maternal condition:
-Multiple pregnancy -syphilis -DM
-chronic renal or cardiac disease. -Pre-eclamptic toxaemia .
Fetal Condition:
-Anencephaly and spina bifida, -high intestinal obstruction,
-omphalocele, - gastroschisis
-ectopia vesicae. -Hydrops fetalis .
-Pre-eclampsia -malpresentation -PROM
-preterm labour -cord prolapse -uterine inertia
-retained placenta -PPH .
Death due to- prematurity
congenital anomali.
cord prolapse,
hydrops fetalis
-AFI < 5-6 cm.
# The fetal disorders which interfere with passage of urine such as
-bilateral renal agensis,
-renal dysplasia,
-polycystic kidney disease
-obstructive uropathy
# fetal chromosomal and structural anomalies,
# hypertensive disorder
# drugs: PG inhibitor, ACE inhibitors
Prolong labour
increase operative interference due to malpresentation.
pulmonary hypoplasia,
cord compression
high fetal mortality.
Antepartum hemorrhage (APH):
bleeding from genital tract after 28th weeks of pregnancy but before the
delivery of the baby.
Fetal hypoxia and intrauterine death,
premature delivery,
severe birth asphyxia,
birth injury
congenital malformation .
Premature Rupture of membrane (PROM)
-marked delay (>18 hours) may predispose the fetus to develop bacterial
infection by swallowing or aspirating infected amniotic fluid.
-The mother may develop clinical evidences of amnionites in the form of……
uterine tenderness
foul smelling amniotic fluid
• It is preferable and safer to deliver the baby if there are
evidences of chorioamnionitis or when gestational maturity is 34 weeks
or more.
preterm birth
congenital anomalies
fetal distress
fetal and perinatal death
Maternal hyperthyroidism
-High doses of antithyroid drugs during later pregnancy may cause fetal
goiter and hypothyroidism because they readily cross the placental barrier.
Infants born to HBsAg positive mother with appropriate immune-prophylaxis should
be tested for HBsAg and Anti HBs at 9 months of age.
Hepatitis C:
• The risk of passing the hepatitis C virus to unborn child has been
related to the levels of quantitative RNA levels in mothers blood, and also whether
she is also HIV positive or not.
• Mothers without hepatitis C RNA levels detected, did not transmit hepatitis C
infection to their infants.
Postnatal transmission-
- Airborne transmission (from mother or adult with infectious pulmonary
-Contamination of traumatized skin or mucous membrane
Clinical features:
-Chest radiograph: Most often a miliary pattern is found. .Hilar and mediastinal
lymphadenopathy and lung infiltrates are common.
Mother diagnosed with TB in the last 2 month of pregnancy (or who has no
documented sputum smear conversion) need to be carefully managed.
Asymptomatic baby:
• Give Isoniazide preventive therapy (IPT) for 6 month.
(10 mg/kg/day, single dose; dissolved in water and multivitamin syrup.)
• Withhold BCG at birth and give after completion of 6 month INH therapy.
• No separation of mother and infant is required except only if the mother is
severely ill, noncompliant, or has MDRTB.
• Mother should be encouraged to breast feed.
- Transmission rate ranges from 70-90% in primary and secondary syphilis, 40% for early
latent syphilis and to 8% for late latent syphilis.
2. Asymptomatic infant who have normal physical examination and NTA titer ≤ 4
fold the mother titer:
a. Maternal treatment uncertain/inadequate: .
Infant should be fully evaluated and treated as before or,
Benzathine penicillin G a single IM dose
b. Maternal treatment during pregnancy is adequate :
(Benzathine penicillin a single IM dose with no evaluation
c. Maternal treatment before pregnancy is adequate, mother NTA titer low and
stable during pregnancy and delivery: No evaluation or treatment
• Untreated seizures during pregnancy can produce fetal death, brain damage due to
hypoxia and neurological sequelae in later life.
• Epileptic mothers on anticonvulsant therapy have greater risk of congenital heart disease
and a 5 to 10 times risk of giving birth to babies with cleft lip and cleft palate.
• Vitamin K should be routinely administered at birth to newborn babies who have been
exposed to anticonvulsants during pregnancy
Thrombocytopenic Purpura:
-Mother should be given prednisolone 10- 20 mg 4 times daily for 10 to 14 days before
o propranolol IUGR
birth asphyxia