W h a ti s s oci al m e d i a ?
What is
Social media
s o c ia l m e d i a ?
is different to traditional forms of
communication s u ch a s through newspapers, television,
and film.
Social M e d ia
Consumer generated media It is media that
is designed to be shared, sharing means
that it is easy to comment on, that it is easy
to send, there are no costs associated
with viewing the media and last but
not least it is always available.
▶ Social media enables people to share
information with friends and colleges using
the Internet
W h o ’s o n Social M e
d ia?
Organizations Individuals
W h y is Social Med i a important?
▶ If your kids are awake they are probably online
▶ The average young American now spends
every waking minute – except the time in
school – using a smart phone, computer, TV or
other electronic device according to a new
study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Those
ages 8 – 18 spend more than 7 hour s a day
with such devices. And that does not count the
hour and a half that youths spend texting or
talking on their phones
16 to 24 year olds
▶ They have higher demands!!
▶ Growing up online has
shaped how teens and young adults
receive, process and act on
information. They expect information to
be brief, instant and always on (there are no
office hours)
Ho w popular are Social
N et w o r k s?
▶ According to the analysts at Hitwise, social
networks in general are more popular than
search engines in some parts of the world
▶ Facebook’s overall web traffic pulled ahead of
Google’s for the first time in the U.S. in March
of this year.
▶ Facebook dominates the current crop of social
networks, accounting for the majority ( 55 %)
of all social site visits. When
compared to the wider web,
Google gets around 9 . 3 % of all web traffic,
while Facebook captures just over 7 %
The B A
D Teens who use
▶ Facebook more often show
more narcissistic tendencies.