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Social M e d i

W h a ti s s oci al m e d i a ?

“The “social” in social media implies a conversation. The

difference between social media and the TV is that with the latter,
viewers seldom engage with the programme-makers of the show
that they are watching. Only in very recent times have programme
makers expanded into the world of social media. Think X-Factor.
What is
s o c ia l m e d i a ?

Social media is a term used to refer to online

technologies and practices that are used to share
opinions and information, promote discussion and
build relationships.

Social media services and tools involve a

combination of technology, telecommunications
and some kind of social interaction. They can use
a variety of different formats, for example
text, pictures, video and audio.

What is
Social media
s o c ia l m e d i a ?
is different to traditional forms of
communication s u ch a s through newspapers, television,
and film.

C h e ap – anyone with access to the internet (for

example through public libraries)
Ac cessible – the tools are easy to use
E n a b l i n g – allows almost an yo n e to do things
that previously were only the preserve of well-
resourced organisations

The use of the word “Social” implies a

Social media is definitely not about one-way
communication to a large audience from big

Social M e d ia

Consumer generated media It is media that
is designed to be shared, sharing means
that it is easy to comment on, that it is easy
to send, there are no costs associated
with viewing the media and last but
not least it is always available.
▶ Social media enables people to share
information with friends and colleges using
the Internet
W h o ’s o n Social M e
d ia?
Organizations Individuals
W h y is Social Med i a important?
▶ If your kids are awake they are probably online
▶ The average young American now spends
every waking minute – except the time in
school – using a smart phone, computer, TV or
other electronic device according to a new
study from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Those
ages 8 – 18 spend more than 7 hour s a day
with such devices. And that does not count the
hour and a half that youths spend texting or
talking on their phones
16 to 24 year olds
▶ They have higher demands!!
▶ Growing up online has
shaped how teens and young adults
receive, process and act on
information. They expect information to
be brief, instant and always on (there are no
office hours)
Ho w popular are Social
N et w o r k s?
▶ According to the analysts at Hitwise, social
networks in general are more popular than
search engines in some parts of the world
▶ Facebook’s overall web traffic pulled ahead of
Google’s for the first time in the U.S. in March
of this year.
▶ Facebook dominates the current crop of social
networks, accounting for the majority ( 55 %)
of all social site visits. When
compared to the wider web,
Google gets around 9 . 3 % of all web traffic,
while Facebook captures just over 7 %
The B A
D Teens who use
▶ Facebook more often show
more narcissistic tendencies.

▶ Young adults who have a strong

Facebook presence show more signs
of other psychological disorders, including
antisocial behaviors, mania and
aggressive tendencies.
Another B A
D Daily overuse of media
▶ and technology
has a negative effect on the health
of all children, preteens and teenagers by
making them more prone to anxiety,
and other psychological disorders
Yet A n o t h e r B A
D Facebook can be distracting and
▶ can
negatively impact learning. Studies found
that middle school, high school and
college students who checked
Facebook at least once during a 15-
minute study period achieved lower
▶ Young adults who spend more
time on Facebook are better at
showing "virtual empathy" to their
online friends.
Another G O O
D Online social networking
▶ can help
introverted adolescents learn how
to socialize behind the safety
of various screens.
▶ Social networking can
provide tools for teaching in compelling
ways that engage young students.
W h y d o w e u s e soci al n e t w o r k i n g W e b s i t
es ?
▶ Majority of people use Facebook and Myspace to keep
in touch with friends and Family.
▶ Social Networking websites are also used to meet up
new people all around the world and socialize.
▶ Social Networking websites can be used to find our old
friends by searching their profiles over those websites.
▶ Social Networking websites are also used by businesses
for marketing of their products .
N e g a t i v e A s p e ct s of Soci a l n e t w ork i n g
Privacy Issues
1. Pro v id ing a lot of Information : To use these
sites, users have to provide quite a lot of personal
information. While this is true, many of the issues surrounding
privacy or lack
thereof are much more than the biodata normally required.
2. Because of the great amount of ident ity-relevant
information , its mak es it easier to destroy someone'
s reputation on these social networking websites .
3. Social Network sites have financial incentives to generate
revenue from the information users upload. The comp any
uses information from users profile, create their marketing
profiles and serve them with targeted ads, leaving users
vulnerable to harms.
4. Information spreads faster through a Social Network Sites than
through a real-life network. Information might be disclosed to a
group of people unexpectedly, because the digital information
is easy copy able, can be stored indefinitely and is searchable.
Negat i v e As p ect s of Soci al n
e t w o r k i ng
D i m i nis hi ng Social Skills
1. He a l t h Problems : As people spend increasing amounts of time on
social networks, they experience less face-to-face interaction, this leads
to social isolation and is the cause of many physical and psychological
2. D i m i n i s h i n g So cial Skills : Hea v y use of electronic communications
such as email, social networking ha s diminished kids' and adults' social skills.
Critics believe that written communications and interaction via devices will
erode people's ability to interact comfortably and thoughtfully in each other's
“Social media has changed the way
people interact. In many ways, social
media has led to positive changes in
the way people communicate and
share information. However, it h as
a dark side as well.
Social networking
can sometimes result in negative
outcomes, some with long-term
consequences.” (4)
The A d v a n t a g
e▶ sIt’s not difficult to recognize
that social
media has many advantages. Having the
ability to connect with people, staying
in touch with friends and family who are
far away, and having the
freedom to
communicate whenever and where ever.
All this could be priceless, to a
person who may be
alone or unable to have
outside contact with the world.
Social M e d

▶ Although social media m ay have

m an y positive advantages, the
negative effects of social networking
outweigh the positive.
T h e I m p a c t of S o c i a l M e d
▶ Vito Pilieci (The National Post Reporter) argued;
“In an age when internet
devices are always on, meeting face-to-
face is becoming increasingly rare as people
choose to meet screen-to screen… What is
this new dynamic doing to
normal social interaction? How do these
devices and social media
services, such as Facebook, affect
the way we socialize and communicate
with each other?
But, more than that, what impact do these social
networks have on their user’s mental health? ” (7)
M e nt al Health

Doctor Larry Rosen over a
period of time has studied
and researched the mental
health effects of social media
on individuals. He claims;
“Earlier studies reported
more negative findings such
as young adults with a
strong Facebook presence
tended towards narcism,
antisocial tendencies, and
aggression. Overuse was
identified as causing anxiety
and depression. Excessive
use of social media was also
linked to poorer
achievement at school.” (8)
M e nt al Health
Effe cts Cont.
▶ Social media
has become a
dangerous pass
time for individuals
suffering from
anxiety, suicidal
tendencies, and
other mental
health issues.
S i g n s of U n h e a l t h y
Social Net w o rk in g
▶ “While young people are more likely
to suffer mental health issues from social
networking, anyone of any age may
be affected negatively, particularly those
adults who are prone to addictive behavior.
Everyone should understand the signs of
an unhealthy social networking situation
and watch for the following signs:

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