Chapter Five Research
Chapter Five Research
Chapter Five Research
I. Descriptive statistics
• Simple distribution (one variable)
• Bivariate relationships (2 variables., e.g.
frequency distributions)
• More than 2 variables (tri/multivariate, e.g.
multiple regression analysis)
II. Inferential statistics
• Uses probability theory:
• to test hypotheses
• to draw inferences as to whether results from a
random sample hold true for a designated study
• to test whether descriptive results are likely to be due
to random factors or due to a real relationship. It helps
researchers decide whether a relationship really exists
between different sets of statistical results
Steps in designing a quantitative study
• Simple post-test
• Classic pre-test, post-test
• Pre-test, post-test, control group
2. Analysis of quantitative data
3. Observation
• Use check or tally sheet
4. Surveys
• Use questionnaires
Validity in quantitative research
• Validity of an assessment is the degree to
which it measures what it is supposed to
measure. This is not the same as reliability,
which is the extent to which a measurement
gives result that are very consistent.
• Validity in quantitative research “refers to the
extent to which an empirical measurements
adequately reflects the real meaning of the
concept under consideration”
Measures of validity
• Face validity : ascertains that the measure appears to be
assessing the intended construct under study.
• Criterion-related or predictive validity : is used to predict
future or current performance - it correlates test results
with another criterion of interest.
• Construct validity: is used to ensure that the measure is
actually measure what it is intended to measure (i.e. the
construct), and not other variables.
• Content validity : Do the items included in the measure
adequately represent the universe of questions that could
have been asked?
• Participant observation
• Case studies
• Formal and informal interviewing
• Videotaping
• Archival data surveys OR document review
Data analysis in qualitative studies
• Qualitative Data Analysis (QDA) is the range of
processes and procedures whereby we move
from the qualitative data that have been
collected into some form of explanation,
understanding or interpretation of the people
and situations we are investigating. QDA is
usually based on an interpretative philosophy.
The idea is to examine the meaningful and
symbolic content of qualitative data
• Discourse analysis
• Narrative analysis
• Content analysis :
• Thematic analysis
• Content analysis can be used when qualitative
data has been collected through: Interviews,
Focus groups, Observation, Documentary analysis
• is the procedure for the categorization of verbal
or behavioural data for the purpose of
classification, summarization and tabulation
• The content can be analyzed on two levels –
Descriptive: What is the data? – Interpretative:
what was meant by the data?
• Narrative analysis
• Narratives are transcribed experiences • Every
interview/observation has narrative aspect-the
researcher has to sort-out and reflect up on
them, enhance them, and present them in a
revised shape to the reader • The core activity
in narrative analysis is to reformulate stories
presented by people in different contexts and
based on their different experiences
• Discourse analysis
• A method of analyzing a naturally occurring talk (spoken
interaction) and all types of written texts
• Focus on ordinary people method of producing and making
sense of everyday social life: How language is used in
everyday situations? – Sometimes people express
themselves in a simple and straightforward way – Sometimes
people express themselves vaguely and indirectly – Analyst
must refer to the context when interpreting the message as
the same phenomenon can be described in a number of
different ways depending on context
Thematic analysis
• Familiarization: Transcribing & reading the data
• Identifying a thematic framework: Initial coding framework
which is developed both from a priori issues and from
emergent issues
• Coding: Using numerical or textual codes to identify specific
piece of data which correspond to different themes
• Charting: Charts created using headings from thematic
framework (can be thematic or by case)
• Mapping and interpretation: Searching for patterns,
associations, concepts and explanations in the data
Sampling in qualitative research
• compare variables
• forecast outcomes
Data analysis process
collection and Analysi
of data
preparation s
Collect data
Prepare codebook Statistics
between variables
Set up structure of
Enter data
Graphs Compare groups
Screen data for
Explore •
Crosstabulation/Chi Square
relationship •
Regression/Multiple regression
Logistic regression
s among • Factor analysis
• Non-parametric statistics
• Parametric statistics
Compare T-tests
One-way analysis of variance
groups ANOVA
Two-way between groups
Multivariate analysis of variance
Aim: for categorical data (nominal
and ordinal) to see the
relationship between two or more
◦ Analyze>Descriptive
◦ Statistics: correlation, Chi Square,
◦ Cells: Percentages – row or column
◦ Cluster bar charts
• Aim: find out whether a relationship exists and
determine its magnitude and direction
• Correlation coefficients:
• Pearson product moment correlation
coefficient ,Spearman rank order correlation coefficient
• Assumptions: relationship
is linear
• Homoscedasticity: variability of DV should remain constant
at all values of IV
Partial correlation
• Aim: to explore the relationship between two
variables while statistically controlling for the effect
of another variable that may be influencing the
• Assumptions:
• same as correlation
Aim: use after there is a significant correlation to find the
appropriate linear model to predict DV (scale or
ordinal) from one or more IV (scale or ordinal)
sample size needs to be large enough
multicollinearity and singularity
linearity IV2
l stepwise
Logistic regression
• Aim: create a model to predict DV (categorical – 2 or
more categories) given one or more IV (categorical or
• Assumptions:
• sample size large enough
•outliers Procedure
• use Binary Logistic for DV of 2 categories (coding 0/1)
• use Multinomial Logistic for DV for more then 2
Factor analysis
• Aim: to find what items (variables) clump together.
Usually used to create subscales. Data reduction.
• Factor analysis:
• SPSS -> Principal
component analysis
Parametric Vs Non parametric statistics
Parameters in statistics is an important component of any statistical
analysis. In simple words, a parameter is any numerical quantity
that characterizes a given population or some aspect of it. This
means the parameter tells us something about the whole
The basic distinction for parametric versus non-parametric is:
• If your measurement scale is nominal or ordinal then you use
non-parametric statistics
• If you are using Interval or ratio scales you use
parametric statistics.
• Parametric statistical procedures rely on assumptions about the
shape of the distribution (i.e., assume a normal distribution)
• Nonparametric statistical procedures rely on
no or few assumptions about the shape or
parameters of the population distribution
from which the sample was drawn.
• Information about population Completely
known for parametric
• Information about population Unavailable for
non parametric
Parametric Vs Non parametric statistics
Analysis Type Parametric Procedure Nonparametric Procedure
Compare means between Two-sample t-test Wilcoxon ranksum test
two distinct/independent
Compare two quantitative Paired t-test Wilcoxon signedrank tes
measurements taken from
the same individual
Compare means between Analysis of variance Kruskal-Wallis test
three or more (ANOVA)
Estimate the degree of Pearson coefficient of Spearman’s rank
association between two correlation correlation
quantitative variables
Measure of central Mean Median
T-test for independent groups
Aim:Testing the differences between the means of two independent samples or
• Requirements:
◦ Only one independent (grouping) variable IV (ex. Gender)
◦ Only two levels for that IV (ex. Male or Female)
◦ Only one dependent variable (DV - numerical)
• Assumptions:
◦ Sampling distribution of the difference between the means is normally distributed
◦ Homogeneity of variances – Tested by Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances
• Procedure:
◦ Test variable – DV
◦ Grouping variable – IV
◦ DEFINE GROUPS (need to remember your coding of the IV)
◦ Can also divide a range by using a cut point
Paired Samples T-test
Aim:used in repeated measures or correlated groups
designs, each subject is tested twice on the same
variable, also matched pairs
◦ Looking at two sets of data – (ex. pre-test vs. post-test)
◦ Two sets of data must be obtained from the same subjects
or from two matched groups of subjects
◦ Sampling distribution of the means is normally distributed
◦ Sampling distribution of the difference scores should
be normally distributed
One-way Analysis of Variance
Aim: looks at the means from several
independent groups, extension of the independent
sample t-test
◦ Only one IV (categorical)
◦ More than two levels for that IV
◦ Only one DV (numerical)
◦ The populations that the sample are drawn are
normally distributed
◦ Homogeneity of variances
◦ Observations are all independent of one another
Dependent List – DV
Factor – IV
Two-way Analysis of Variance
Aim: test for main effect and interaction effects
on the DV
◦ Two IV (categorical variables)
◦ Only one DV (continuous variable)
ANALYZE>General Linear Model>Univariate
Dependent List – DV
Fixed Factor – IVs
Aim: extension of ANOVA when there is
more than one DV (should be related)
sample size
homogeneity of regression
multicollinearity and singularity
homogeneity of variance-covariance
Key Differences Between Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
• The fundamental differences between parametric and nonparametric test are discussed in
the following points:
• A statistical test, in which specific assumptions are made about the population parameter is
known as the parametric test. A statistical test used in the case of non-metric independent
variables is called nonparametric test.
• In the parametric test, the test statistic is based on distribution. On the other hand, the test
statistic is arbitrary in the case of the nonparametric test.
• In the parametric test, it is assumed that the measurement of variables of interest is done on
interval or ratio level. As opposed to the nonparametric test, wherein the variable of interest
are measured on nominal or ordinal scale.
• In general, the measure of central tendency in the parametric test is mean, while in the case
of the nonparametric test is median.
• In the parametric test, there is complete information about the population. Conversely, in the
nonparametric test, there is no information about the population.
• The applicability of parametric test is for variables only, whereas nonparametric test applies
to both variables and attributes.
• For measuring the degree of association between two quantitative variables, Pearson’s
coefficient of correlation is used in the parametric test, while spearman’s rank correlation is
used in the nonparametric test.
Hypothesis Tests Hierarchy
• To make a choice between parametric and the
nonparametric test is not easy for a researcher
conducting statistical analysis. For performing
hypothesis, if the information about the population
is completely known, by way of parameters, then
the test is said to be parametric test whereas, if
there is no knowledge about population and it is
needed to test the hypothesis on population, then
the test conducted is considered as the
nonparametric test.
When trying to decide what test to use, ask
yourself the following...
Am I interested in...?:
description (association) - correlations, factor analysis, path analysis
explanation (prediction) - regression, logistic regression, discriminant analysis
intervention (group differences) - t-test, anova, manova, chi square
Do I need longitudinal data or is cross-sectional data sufficient for my purpose?
Do my hypotheses involve the investigation of change, growth, or the timing of an event?
If longitudinal data is necessary, how many data points are needed?
• model fit
• the error terms need to be independent.
• linearity of independent variables and log
• it requires quite large sample sizes