Com. Pre Board Exam in Prof Ed. 2012

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1. Which principle of development is manifested in
Answer: A
the saying “as a tree is bent, so shall it grow,” that
is, “a person’s actions reflect the training he
received as a child?”
A. The early formative years are more crucial than later
B. Development is determined by the environment or
how one is nurtured.
C. Development is determined by heredity or ones
inherent nature
D. It is never too late to teach a child new ways.
2. Should a teacher involve her/his C in
planning the instructional objectives before
starting a lesson?
A. Yes, they will be given a tip on what questions to
B. Yes, with shared objectives, they become self-
C. No, they will not be ready for it at the
D. No, with cognitive objectives at the start,
irrelevant questions are formulated
3. What is one advantage of using D
the project
method in science teaching?

A. It requires assistance of experts on the subject

B. it develops high-level thinking and learning
C. it tests the student’s manipulative skill
D. it requires students to present in concrete from
how a principle works?
4. The heroism of Jose Rizal exemplies D theory
of moral development. Which is Rizal characteristic?

A. He gives important to what people will think or say.

B. He is motivated to act by the benefic he gets later
C. He believes laws that are wrong can be changed
D. He possesses moral responsibilities to make societal
changes regardless of consequences to one-self.
Answer: B
5. Cooperative learning approach makes use of a
classroom organization where students work in teams to
help each other learn. What mode of grouping can
facilitates the skill and values desired.

A. Competitive C. homogeneous
B. Heterogeneous D. whole class
6. A teacher earns the of “professional” A is
of she/he
adjudged knowledgeable, proficient in a variety of
teaching methodologies and exhibits and exhibits a high
degree of a third component of competence which is/are.

A. Ethical and moral standards

B. A high degree of dexterity
C. fairness and objectivity
D. mastery of content
7. As a parent and at the same time, a teacher, which of the
Answer: D
following will you do to show your cooperation to a PTA
project in your school to be financed with the proceeds for the
sales from the school canteen where food prices are a little bit
A. Bring baon for you and your children even if you really do
not like to do it.
B. Buy all your food from the school canteen but request
for a discount.
C. Buy all your food in the school canteen but request for a
D. Bring baon but always make it a point to buy
something from the school
Answer: D
8. When a teacher practices professional ethics, which of
the following he is NOT likely to do?

A. shares an outstanding outcome of undertaking with

B. maintain cordial relationship with his colleagues
C. respects his superiors
D. engages his gossips
9. Parents and teachers are considered B
as authorities and
models by children at the early childhood stage. What
does this statement imply?
A. Parent-Teacher conference should always be an
activity in school
B. Teachers and parents should serve as role models at all
C. Teachers should demand complete obedience from the
learners in school
D. Parents should enforce strict discipline at home and
teachers in school
Answer: C
10. The child’s concept of right and wrong is
based on external criteria laid down by adults
during the stage of pre-conventional morality.
This is based on the ideas of:

A. Piaget C. Kohlberg
B. Erikson D. Freud
11. According to Piaget’s stagesAnswer:
cognitive A
development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach
formal operational stage. What are they capable of
doing at these stages?
A. can solve abstract problems and think deductively
B. reasoning is neither inductive or deductive
C. can focus on only one aspect of a situation or
D. intelligences is intuitive in nature
12. Field trip is an effective way of teaching where
Answer: C
organisms could be observed in their natural habitat,
active and responding to stimuli in the environment. In
addition, what values are developed among the students
during and after the trip?

A. on-the-spot observation to keep them active

B. freedom in an open space than in a classroom
C. love of nature, proper behavior during explorations
D. consideration of the rights of others
13. How can a teacher enhance her/his C
technique for an effective teacher-student interaction?

A. immediately call another student in case one cannot

B. you may answer your own question if no one can
C. allow sufficient “think time” at least 7-10 seconds
D. extend wait time until the students responds
Answer:andDdeficits in
14. Children with sub average intelligence
adaptive behavior experience difficulty in managing daily
activities and conducting themselves appropriately in
social situations are diagnosed to be suffering from a
kind of disability called _______.

A. health impairment
B. emotional disorder
C. attention deficit disorder
D. mental retardation
Answer: D
15. Which type of students do teachers commonly

A. slow learner C. genius

B. average D. frequent absentee
Answer: A
16. The teacher’s role in the classroom according to
cognitive psychologist is to?

A. help the learner connect what he knows with the

new information learned
B. dictate what to learn upon learner
C. fill in minds of the learner with information
D. make the learning task easy for the learner
Answer: B
17. Transition age from childhood to adulthood where
rapid physical changes and sex maturity occur
resulting in changes in ways of feelings, thinking and

A. early childhood B. adolescence

C. puberty
D. latency stage
Answer: D
18. The reinforcement of a person’s responses
by presentation or removal of rewards and

A. transfer of learning B. discipline

C. feedback principle
D. operant conditioning
Answer: B
19. Instructional objectives in the affective
domain includes receiving, responding, valuing
and the highest level is ________.

A. selective attention or willingness to receive

B. conceptualization of a value system
C. acceptance of preference
D. sequence or feelings of satisfaction
20. Difficulty in focusing andAnswer:
attention coupled with recurrent hyperactivity
and impulsive behavior are observed difficulties
if children manifesting a kind of difficulty known
as ______.
A. Dyslexia
B. Autism
C. Sensory Impairment
D. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Answer: A
21. A review lesson to be an effective tool for
mastery learning must be

A. drill lesson
B. test format
C. re-teaching but presented in different way
D. repetition of old lesson
Answer: A

22. When students are given a chance to settle

different opinion of discussion, they develop:

A. tolerance C. fair play

B. irritants D. sociability
23. Journals written by students at theA
completion of a day’s lesson will reveal which
information that can serve as a guide in
planning the next lesson?
I. Part of lesson well understood or not
II. Topics must interesting
III. Difficulties experienced
IV. Emotional state throughout
A. I, II and III C. II and IV only
B. I and III only D. III only
Answer: A
24. The following are characteristics of good
teaching /learning practice EXCEPT?

A. people have different Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.)

B. life-like situations introduced as learning
experiences in classroom
C. students are given more opportunities to act or
experience learning
D. evaluation is made an integral part of teaching
Answer: B
25. Which of the following principles highlights of
Multiple Intelligence?

A. people have different Intelligence Quotient (I.Q.)

B. intelligence is measured in multiple forms
C. learning is static and permanent
D. best learning theory is cognitive in nature
Answer: B
26. Which of the following is NOT a developmental

A. developmental follows an orderly, predictable

B. numerous studies show how individuals
C. early development is more critical than later
D. presence of social expectations in early
developmental stage
Answer: B
27. Which question technique would be appropriate for
inductive lessons?

A. questioning only the more motivated students

B. activity involving students in the questioning process
C. using questions requiring only memory responses
D. teacher will not ask any question
Answer: B
28. Mother asks the child “which is heavier, one kilo of
gold or one kilo of cotton?” The child readily answered
“Mommy, one kilo of gold is heavier”. From this
conversation, we can deduce that the child is under
______ stage of cognitive development.

A. sensorimotor C. concrete operational

B. pre-operational D. formal operational
Answer: B
29. What principle is reflected when a teacher always
provides for the development of all essential knowledge,
of understanding, intellectual and manipulative skills
and attitudes?

A. principle of need-oriented
B. principle of balance
C. principle of unity
D. principle of organization
Answer: C
30. Which is the LEAST valuable way for a teacher to
present a new lesson?

A. develop an overview of the subject

B. provide an explanation on the importance of the
C. hand out a step-by-step outline of the lesson
D. explore of some existing interested by the learner
Answer: B
31. A teaching method which proceeds from the
details of lesson towards the generalization is

A. deductive C. debate
B. inductive D. problem solving
Answer: A
32. The non-verbal symbols used to maximize
learning are referred to as?

A. instructional devices
B. classroom techniques
C. field trips
D. educational media
Answer: C
33. Which of these is NOT a quality of a good

A. a master of the subject matter

B. broad background of liberal education
C. aims to enrich himself thru teaching
D. understand the nature of learners
Answer: C
34. What teaching methods help the learners
draw generalization from a discipline with the end
of applying the same similar situations in the

A. discovery approach
B. process approach
C. conceptual approach
D. problem-solving approach
Answer: C
35. To accomplish many good activities in a
particular class period, the teacher must provide

A. additional curricular activities

B. provide unique teaching aids
C. institute a systematic plan
D. use expensive materials
Answer: D
36. Orderly procedure covering psychological
processes of learning and management through
which learning is employed by the teacher.

A. style of teaching B. teaching

C. procedures
D. methods of teaching
Answer: C
37.One way to encourage a students who lacks
interest in reading to love reading is to

A. reprimand him B. ask the

parents to buy
C. provide reading materials
D. isolate him
Answer: C
38. If the teacher encounters a student who is
reluctant to attend classes, the teacher should
_____ to encourage him to go to class regularly.

A. report the matter to the

B. scold him
C. praise the student sincerely
D. report the matter to the parents
Answer: C
39. Child’s mental development is clearly
revealed by his?

A. ability to use language

B. ability to deal with abstract object
C. ability to deal with reality
D. capacity to remember things
Answer: A
40. Referred to as the knowledge and skills
which the learner is expected to accumulate
and develop at the end of the class.

A. individual skills B. special

C. terminal behavior D. dominant
41. Which of the following situation wouldAindicate
that you, as teacher, had been effective in instilling
discipline among your students?
A. students have develop concern for each other
B. fear and fright resulting in good behavior
C. students behave because an award awaits them
D. your presence results in their being behave
42. Which of the following style D
or technique
would make you the teacher a good classroom
manager, “teacher with eyes on the back of her
A. give your students the “head-to-toe” look when
B. uses eye contact technique with your students
C. fear and fights dominates the classroom
D. being aware of all the actions and activities in the
43. Your class is a model class. You use B
question-and-answer method of recitation.
Which of the following should you do to make
your teaching more effective?

A. approves a student answering in chorus

B. repeat the correct answers of the students
C. answers questions posed by the students
D. appreciate all answers given by the students
whether correct wrong
Answer: A
44. The ability to perceive objects are related in
order to mentally perceive what is seen, thus
creating concrete visual images from memory
refers to?

A. visual-spatial intelligence B. language

C. musical D. logical reasoning
Answer: B
45. It is measurement of personality which is the
result by dividing the mental age by the
chronological age.

A. emotional quotient (E.Q.) B.

intelligence quotient (I.Q.)
C. multiple intelligence
D. forecasted behavior quotient
Answer: D
46. Under the principle should problems of
discipline and class management be considered?
A. school’s interests is the priority
B. the interest of the school and the students
are identical
C. the group’s interest reign supreme over of
that the individual’s
D. all activities should be geared towards the
student development
Answer: D
47. The most important contribution of the Gestalt
psychology to the theories of learning

A. use of the multimedia approaches

B. importance of reinforcement
C. concept of readiness in learning
D. cognitive insight
  Answer: B
48. What psychological principle is used when the
teacher links the new to the previous one to enable
the students gain a holistic view of the topic?

A. simulation
B. apperception
C. recognition
D. conceptualization
Answer: D
49. Young children have a short attention and
interest span. What kind of task should the
teacher give them?

A. challenging and interesting activities

B. long but interest activities
C. easy and difficult activities
D. short, varied interesting activities
50. In problem solving, whichAnswer: A
of these strategies
best reflects the principle, “how students learn?
Maybe more important than what they learn.”
A. knowing steps to take to solve the problem
B. solving problem within the given time limit
C. determining the givens and constraints in the
D. arriving at the right answers
51. What might to be done toAnswer: B
create a favorable
teaching and learning atmosphere in class?

A. Insists on quiet and focused attention at all

B. Encourage participation in challenging but
achievable activities
C. Discourage questions and dissenting
opinions from students
D. Allow students to do as they please
Answer: D
52. What is learner said to possess when he can
use language with ease and effect in any given

A. bilingual ability B. a
photograph memory
C. high cognitive skills D.
communicative competence
53. Which of the information Answer: C in
is not entered
Form 1 on the School Register?
A. alphabetical list of students, boys separated
from girls
B. daily attendance record of each student
C. grades obtained by each student in all of
his/her subjects
D. personal data for the students in the register
Answer: D
54. Which of the following tells you what may
happen based on one’s scheme and observation?

A. observing C. describing
B. experimenting D. predicting
Answer: C
55. Which of these is NOT routinized activity
necessary for efficient classroom management?

A. passing of papers
B. distribution of worksheets
C. grouping of students
D. group presentations
  Answer: A
56. Which of these techniques is best suited to
developing skill in asking and answering

A. interviews
B. song analysis
C. pictorial review
D. riddles
Answer: B
57. Children learn what they live by. Treat them
with respect and they will respect others. Shout at
them and they will shout at others, too. How
would your account for this behavior?

A. they can easily impressed

B. they are imitated
C. they cannot tell right from wrong
D. they are observant
Answer: D
58. In which situation is learning most likely to
A. when students work by themselves
B. when students are quiet and well
C. when all the needed materials are
D. when students know the
importance of the task at hand
Answer: C
59. What kind of strategy does teacher employ
when she recast what is said in order to be
understood by a student?

A. questioning strategy
B. communication strategy
C. decoding strategy
D. learning strategy
Answer: B
60. How can a teacher avoid “breakdown and
interruptions” in daily class procedures?

A. punish the misbehaving student

B. establish routine for daily tasks
C. assign a leader to assist everyone
D. allow student to make their own
Answer: A
61. A teacher is going to teach a parts of human
digestive system. Which best instructional should
she use?

A. model
B. realia
D. large drawing
62. Which guidelines should Answer:
be followed
Ato ensure
the effective use of the discovery approach?

A. let’s student find answers to problems by

B. make sure all instructional materials are
C. do not accept trial and error attempts
D. assign them the plan attacking their own
  Answer: B
63. Ones learn by association and also by insight.
This shows that the association and cognitive
theories of learning are:

A. diametrically approach
B. complimentary
C. partly wrong
D. partly correct
Answer: Ddisclosed
64. Studies in the area of neurosciences
that the human brain has limitless capacity.
What does this imply?
A. every pupil has his own native ability, his
learning is limited to this ability.
B. pupils can positively reach a point where they have
learned everything
C. some pupils are admitted not capable of learning
D. every child is a potential genius
Answer: A
65. Mother who demand their 3 to 5 children to
spend their time in serious academic study,
forget that early childhood is the:

A. pre-school age
B. questioning age
C. initiative age
D. toy age
66. Teachers want’s to checkAnswer: ANOT his
whether or
students learned what he intended to teach and
so formulated a quiz that should be based on

A. instructional objectives B. students

C. topic(s)
D. extra reading
Answer: C
67. Which of the following will trigger additional
development of a child exposed to more
challenges and stimuli in his surroundings?

A. potentials
B. counselors
C. emotional development D.
Answer: A
68. The tendency to imitate elders is very strong
in the early childhood stage. Teachers should
therefore be very good:

A. role models
B. counselors
C. facilitators of learning
D. disciplinarians
69. Identical twins are more alike A
than fraternal
twins. Which of the following
statements/principles is supported by this?

A. Heredity has a part in determining physical

B. Intelligence is determined partly by pre- natal
C. Environmental affects both fraternal and identical
D. Intelligence hinges in physical structure
70. Education is a lifelong process. ThisBsimply
means that education-

A. takes place in the school where the individual is

exposed to specific, self- contained experiences
B. is a continuous process of experiencing and
recognizing experiences
C. may takes place formally or informally to enable
the individual to grow
D. may takes place anywhere and anytime the
individual so desires
71. Which of the following isAnswer: B for a
the best time
teacher to set up routine activities that will
contribute to effective classroom management?
A. During each homeroom day
B. On the very first day of school
C. Daily at the start of the session
D. As soon as the students have
established and adjusted their schedules
72. A teacher can best help aAnswer:
withdrawn Dchild to
assert himself and win the respect of his
classmates by:
A. encouraging him to study harder to outwit
his classmates
B. giving him opportunity to show his talent
C. always calling him to answer the questions
D. providing him leadership roles
73. Which of these statements regarding professional
teachers is the major difference in the A
professionalization of teachers in teaching as
promulgated in the PD 1006 and in RA 7836?
A. Holder of valid professional license and certificate of
B. Appointed of full-time basis and on a permanent
C. Assigned at the elementary and secondary levels in
both public and private schools
D. Assigned at the tertiary level in both private and
state colleges and universities.
74. Happiness is different fromAnswer: Cin being
an abiding consequence of result which is not
destroyed even by the presence of pain. The best
illustration of this principle is:

A. A jackpot winner collecting his prize

B. an engaged couple in getting married
C. a mother giving birth
D. a student topping the board exam
75. Which of the following will you do ifC
somebody confided to you offenses which
implicate your brother?
A. advise the person who confided to you to
get the services of the lawyer
B. encourage him to keep quiet so as not to
implicate your brother
C. find out the full account of the matter
D. tell him to report the matter to the
76. A police officer informs you that there has been a
Answer: B
rash of stealing within the vicinity of the school. He asks
you for the names if some clients you believe might have
been involved. Which of the following will you do?

A. provide him the names of likely suspects

B. ask him to seek permission from the principal
C. remind the police officer of confidentially of
D. promise him that you will ask information about
this crime
  Answer: C
77. The government prescribes a higher
percentage on the administration of educational
institutions to the Filipino citizens in order to:

A. minimize the unemployment problem

B. produce globally competitive graduates
C. protect the rights of the citizens
D. ensure the teaching of Filipino
78. A teacher who advocates the pragmatic
philosophy of education believes C
that experience
should follow learning, thus she has to_____.
A. equip her students with basic skills and abilities
B. encourage her students to memorize facts
C. provide her students to apply their skills and
D. require her students mastery of the
Answer: B
79. Free public elementary and secondary
education is in line with the government’s effort
to address educational problems of?

A. relevance and quality

B. access and equity
C. effectiveness and efficiency
D. productivity
Answer: A
80. Respect for honest differences of opinions
in one objective of:

A. human relationship
B. self-actualization
C. civic responsibility and conscience
D. economic self sufficiency
81. On which policy is R.A.Answer:
No. 4670 as
D the
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers
A. Right to establish or join organization
B. Code of ethics for professional teachers
C. Recruitment shall take place after training
D. to promote and improve the social and
economic status
82. The 9th Answer: C
century saw the development of state-
controlled and state-supported public school system.
Existing ideology was the concept of national
sovereignty. Under a democracy, education equipped
citizens with the principles and duties of citizenship
to guarantee national stability. Such is the ideology of
A. citizenship C. nationalism
B. progressivism D. secular education
Answer: A
83. What are the sources of one’s educational
I. People and kids of relationship
II. School and teachers in them
III. Socio cultural environment

a. I, II and III c. II and III only

b. I and II only d. I and III only
84. Before the end of the school year, the supply officer tells you to
Answer: C
replace the glass windows broken by the slamming of the door
caused by the wind. Furthermore you are also required to replace
all missing and damaged chairs in the classroom; otherwise she
will not sign your clearance. What should you do?
A. let the students contribute for the replacement of the broken
windows and chairs
B. explain that you are not the only using the room, and besides,
the chairs are easily broken. You will not also pay for the broken
glass windows that were not damaged by your students
C. refer this case to higher authorities
D. ignore the supply offer and forge her signature in your
85. There is a school program theAnswer: A
following Monday at
9A.M...You are assigned to emcee in that particular
program but your 8 year old son has a fever. What will
you do?

A. make some arrangements and let someone takeover

the emceeing
B. call a neighbor and let him take care of your sick
C. tell your spouse no go to his office to take care of your
D. forget the program and attend to your son
86. You were discussing poetry inAnswer:
your EnglishB class
when your students tell you that you just discussed
poetry the following day and instead ask you to talk
about their problems with their projects. What will you

A. Don’t listen to them. Go on with your lesson

B. Give them time and listen to their problems
C. Tell them that you will discuss the problem the next
day instead
D. Give them additional assignments
87. Two of your students droppedAnswer: B school
out from your
without notifying the adviser and each went to the
province. The supply officer wants you to pay for the
unreturned books. What should you do?

A. Pay for the books so that you will be cleared

B. Talk to the principal regarding this matter
C. Let your students contribute your money to pay for
the books
D. Refer this matter to the PTA president
Answer: A
88. While you are teaching, the principal, who is
observing your class, stands up and takes over in
teaching the student What will you do?

A. Assert your rights politely to the principal as the

classroom teacher after the class
B. Just let her take over. Anyway, she is the principal
C. Refer this to the higher authority
D. report this to the media
89. In your grammar lesson, three students tell
Answer: B you that
their previous English teacher taught them differently
regarding your current lesson. They are confused as to
whom between you and their previous teacher is right.

A. Let them decide who is correct

B. Let them read more about the subject matter
C. Tell them that the previous teacher is wrong and you
are correct
D. Tell them that they might have misunderstood the
previous teacher
90. A parent talk with you about Answer:
his son’s lowAgrades. He
showed you his quizzes, unit test and projects. You
discovered that his name is Mel and you wrongfully put
his name on the girls list. What will you do?

A. Recognize your mistake and promise to correct the

same in the second grading
B. Insists that you are right in grading him
C. Refer the matter to the principal
D. Ignore the complain
Answer: D
91. A co-teacher had been gossiping with other
teacher about your husband’s/wife’s illicit affair
with another teacher. What will you do?

A. Ignore him/her
B. Talk to your husband/wife
C. Gossip about the co-teacher
D. Confront him/her to stop spreading word
92. What should a cooperating teacher to do A
Answer: help the
student teacher who has been assigned to him/her?

A. Provide opportunities for the student teacher to

acquire the skills and competencies of effective
B. Show your lesson plan and let him/her follow what is
in your lesson plan
C. Write or prepare activities to be done and let him/her
execute these in class
D. Don’t allow him/her to make own decisions as to
how the lesson is to be introduced
Answer: C
93. Which of the following is an important duty of
a teacher?

A. Soliciting contributions
B. Safekeeping of the school properties
C. Evaluating the students’ progress
D. Building relationships with the students
Answer: D
94. A students collapsed in her class. It was found
out that she did not eat her lunch. What principle
is shown in this situation?

A. security need C. psychological need

B. safety need D. physiological need
95. Your fellow teacher who belongs to your
department had been absent Answer:
for a weekDbecause she
went to Canada. You discovered that all the dates
had been filled in mean that she hasn’t been absent.
What will you do?

A. report this to the principal

B. gossip about the teacher
C. leave her alone
D. confront this teacher when you see her
Answer: A
96. How can a teacher develop the value of timeless such as
punctuality and maximal utilization of time?

A. avoid disruption due to improper behavior

B. consistently follow schedule for classroom routine
C. rush if you are getting late for the right time
D. have a big cock installed in the classroom for everyone
97. A teacher who subscribes to the pragmatic philosophy
Answer: D
of education believes that experience should follow
learning. In her teaching, she therefore exert efforts in-

A. requiring learners for full mastery of learning

B. aid the learner to memorize factual knowledge
C. equipping learning with the basic abilities and skills
D. providing learners opportunities to apply theories and
Answer: C
98. Which of the following abilities is stressed by
humanistic education?

A. enjoy the great work of man such as classics

B. learn the different philosophy “know thyself”
C. make man distinctly civilized, education and refined
D. develop a man into a thinking individual
Answer: C
99. You have a student who is always boasting in the class
his master of the Bible because he is a protestant. How
would you react being a Catholic?

A. Challenge him into a debate

B. Share with him your knowledge of the Bible
C. Keep silent and respect his belief
D. Listen to him once in a while
Answer: C
100. Which of the following situation manage conflicting
situation to bring out values enhancing nationhood?

A. Filipino models posing nude to advertisers

B. Ambush interviews of politicians
C. Distributing lands to the land less tenants
D. celebrating the Centennial independence
Answer: A
101. The chairman in the election precinct wants you to
change the entries in the election return in exchange for
special favors. It would be the best for you to:

A. say NO and be firm in your decision

B. say YES but do not do it
C. change some as discretely as you can
D. tell him to make the change himself
Answer: C
102. The best way to a teacher to impart values to his
pupils is:

A. constant repetition of actions to make them

B. inflicting corporal punishment
C. acting as a role model
D. always scolding this pupils
Answer: D
103. While serving during the elections, some troubles
makers enter your precinct. What do you think is the
most appropriate thing to do?

A. challenge them to a duel

B. close the precinct and go home
C. ignore them and lock for a safe place
D. seek the assistance of law enforcers
Answer: B
104. Which of the following will you recommend to a
senior high school scholar who is impregnated by a
fellow student?

A. force her boyfriend to marry her

B. tell about the parents about the condition
C. stop schooling till after she give birth
D. direct her to an abortion clinic
Answer: B
105. Which of the following embodies the operation:
Return to the Basic”?

A. National Secondary Achievement Test

B. New Elementary School Curriculum
C. New Secondary School Curriculum
D. National Achievement Test
Answer: A
106. Basic education includes secondary
education. Which of the following led to the
establishment of the secondary school?

A. realistic C. idealism
B. formation D. humanistic
Answer: A
107. The use of TV and film bring to the classroom “live
broadcast” of word event as they happen. What the
other advantages of using it. The students are provided

I. Exciting sights and sounds

II. Close up view of big events
III. Most believable news source

A. I, II and III C. I and III only

B. I and II only D. II and III only
Answer: A
108. What contemporary aid to teaching utilizes
carefully-planned materials where each step of learning
requires repetition and practice until such step is
thoroughly learned?

A. programmed instructions
B. keypunching
C. educational television
D. educational hardware
Answer: D
109. Parents negatively react on play in children’s
curriculum. A teacher who knows the importance of play
would tell the parents that?

A. playing is important in the child’s cognitive

B. playing is a good form of exercise
C. playing makes learning a pleasurable experience
D. playing is a stage of child’s development
110. Secondary School Competences in programming and fostering the
Answer: D
learning process are classified as program, generic and specific. Program
Competences refer to the over-all competencies which should be the trusts of
lessons/programs for first to fourth year. The general competencies refer to
knowledge and information, skills, values and attitudes which need immediate
and observable learning behavior outcomes, hence, must be well defined,
achieved and realized based on the needs of the learners, resources of the
school and the nature of society. How can the teacher succeed in achieving the
goals of each curriculum which he/she handles in the secondary level?
A. He/she must be able to pass the LET
B. He/she must be a degree holder
C. He/she must be familiar with the types of competencies in the curriculum
level he/she handles
D. Not only he/she knows all the types of competencies developed for secondary
level but also to distinguish which competencies should be realized
111. The proper care and maintenance of instructional
Answer: A
materials is an important part of the teaching-learning
process. Each material has its own proper use and care.
In general, rules must be observed with regards these
instructional materials. Which of the following is NOT
one of the rules?
A. use hand toll/ equipment for all purposes
B. use only tools which are in good condition
C. dull-edged tools must be sharpened regularly
D. tools/materials must be keep at the right places
where they should be
Answer: B
112. What is the main concern of the spiraling of a

A. curriculum renewal and revision

B. horizontal articulation among the in grade level
C. vertical articulation of a given subjects across grade
D. incorporating government trusts and societal
Answer: C
113. The construction of curriculum in a modern school
should be

A. planned by the principal, supervisors and

superintendents and teachers
B. decide by the DepEd and followed by all schools in
the country
C. planned cooperatively by experienced persons and
D. built based on books available in school
Answer: A
114. If we aim to produce globally competitive
graduates, the Philippine education should give major
emphasis on ______.

A. English, Science and Mathematics

B. Technology and Citizenship Education
C. Humanities and Work Education
D. Bilingual Education and Values Education
Answer: B
115. Teaching of health in schools is backed up by the
concept that:

A. man has non-tangible and transcending dimensions

B. man’s body is the expression of his soul
C. man is nothing but matter
D. man has dual nature
Answer: A
116. The best way the teacher can be sure of the
appropriateness of an instructional materials is t

A. try it out before using it in class

B. consider its cost
C. consider its availability
D. consider its technical quality
Answer: D
117. What is the advantage of using computers in
processing test results?

A. its processing take a shorter period of time

B. test result can easily be assessed
C. its statistical computation is accurate
D. all of these
Answer: B
118. The sociogram reveals that four students in your
class formed a “clique.” This means that the teacher

A. allow them to be together all the time

B. encourage them to join other groups with similar
C. discourage them from joining other groups
D. disband the groups
Answer: D
119. Social adjustment means the ability to behave in
accordance with?

A. universal norms C. stereotype behavior

B. self-concept D. social expectations
Answer: A
120. Which is made after certain norms have been

A. criterion-reference test
B. local-city wide test
C. teacher-made test
D. standardized test
Answer: B
121. A high school principal would like to know the
causes of drop-outs in his school so he could find
solutions to this problem. What type of research is used?

A. applied C. pure
B. action D. experimental
Answer: D
122. Which of the following can be considered a form of
civic engagement?

A. patronizing Filipino products

B. critical of government official
C. bribing government officials
D. electoral participation
Answer: A
123. A student passes a book report poorly written but
ornately presented in a folder to make it up for the poor
quality of the book report content. Which Filipino traits
does this practice prove?

A. ‘porma” over substance

B. art over academic
C. substance over “porma”
D. art over science
Answer: D
124. The Royal Decree of December 20, 1863
established in the Philippines a system of-

A. high school education

B. intermediate education
C. higher education
D. primary education
Answer: D
125. Tutoring of learner is now practiced in our
school provided it is not done by their own
teacher but by an outsider. Which of these
Western philosophies influence this practice?

A. Egyptian C. Roman
B. Greek D. Athenian
Answer: A
126. The main purpose of compulsory education
of the Constitution is to

A. Develops students into responsible thinking

B. Acquaint students with the historical
development of the Constitution
C. Prepare students to become lawyer
D. Make students Constitution expert
127. A multiple-items choice itemAnswer:
consists of A
a stem
representing the problem and the options consisting of
the list of possible answers. Example: during March,
April and May, which of the following season occurs?
Options: Summer, Raining, Dry Wet-and-dry. State a
principle in making options for this particular test.
A. The correct option must not stand out from the
B. The wrong options must be seasons also
C. Include only one possible answer
D. The stem must nor provide a clue
128. How can a teacher establish A
the reliability

I. Repeat the same test

II. Administer a parallel test
III. Split the test
IV. Vary the number of items

A. I, II and III C. I and IV only

B. I, III and IV D. II and IV only
129. What can be said of students A
performance in
a positively skewed score distribution?

A. most students performed poorly

B. a few students performed excellently
C. almost all students had an average
D. most students performed well
130. Grades become valid indicators C

A. giving objective type of test

B. using later grades such as A, B, C, D and F
C. explaining the meaning of grades of mark
D. course objectives are defined as intended
learning outcomes
131. The most important criteria in testB

A. preparation of Table of Specification

B. congruency in items with the objectives
C. stem should contain the central problem
D. option should be almost the same length
132. In individualized education C what
would be the best example of evaluation?

A. a report card with classified scale of letters A-

B. test is given at the end of the unit
C. early diagnosis and on-going feedback and
D. a written description of the student’s
133. What does a negatively skewed score
contribution imply?
Answer: B
A. the score congregate on the left or right of
the normal distribution curve
B. the most of the student get scores above the
C. a proportion of the class is academically
D. the scores are widespread
Answer: D

134. The test that CANNOT measure the ability

in theme writing is the

A. essay type C. recall type

B. matching type D. both B and C
Answer: A

135. Which type of test is used to discover further

attitudes about self and others?

A. personality test C. achievement test

B. intelligence test D. diagnostic test
Answer: C

136. The first process analyzing scores is

A. finding the mean C. tallying

B. grouping D. ranking
Answer: C
137. Under what level would questions fall which
require students to apply a rule or a process to a
problem and thereby determine the single right
answer to that problem?

A. analysis C. evaluation
B. application D. synthesis
Answer: C
138. Most delinquents are found to have low I.Q.
they can hardly read and comprehend well. How
can a teacher help them?

A. call for their parents

B. refer them to a doctor
C. give them remedial classes
D. suspend them from classes
Answer: C
139. What should be done with a student in the
upper grades who is a non-reader?

A. encourage him to join a reading club

B. give him comic books
C. have him attend remedial reading classes
D. transfer him to a lower section
Answer: C
140. What should a teacher do if a question asked
which she, the teacher cannot answer?

A. call the students to answer it

B. ignore the question
C. admit the lack of knowledge
D. assign the class to look for the answer
Answer: A
141. Which of the following is the main purpose
of testing?

A. improve instructional process

B. facilitate the learning process
C. enhance the effectiveness of counseling
D. all of the above
Answer: D
142. A teacher wants to make a scoring rubric for
a student’s output. Which format will use different
weights for the qualities of a product or a

A. performance based C. holistic rubric

B. rating scales D. analytic rubric
Answer: D
143. What should a teacher do before constructing
items for a particular test?

A. review the previous lessons

B. determine the length of time for answering it
C. announce to the students the scope of a test
D. prepare the table of specification
144. The major short comingAnswer: C
of school grades or
mark is that:

A. the schools different clientele find them

B. they make students become more cooperative
C. the same grade may mean differently to
different teachers
D. they reflect the true word on performance
Answer: C
145. Which of the following is the tool for
evaluating personal social adjustment of students?

A. Interview guide C. Sociometry

B. Gather data D. All of these
Answer: D

146. Of the following types of tests which is the

most subjective in scoring?

A. multiple choice C. simple recall

B. matching type D. essay
Answer: A
147. The following are some reasons why we evaluate the
learning outcomes EXCEPT:

A. provide tangible evidence useful in interpreting school

achievements to the community
B. provides parents information on how well their
children are doing in school
C. analyze the learning task
D. monitor students’ progress
Answer: C
148. Multiple choice test as considered as the best type of
test because ____.

A. it is essay to conduct
B. it contain many responses
C. its measures several competencies in one test
D. it possesses the qualities of other types of tests
Answer: D
149. Which of the following is NOT TRUE practice when
preparing a multiple-choice test item?

A. using a stem that is concise

B. stating the stem in a positive form
C. underlining certain words in the stem for emphasis
D. shortening the stem by lengthening the options
Answer: A
150. Teacher R conducted a test at the end of his lesson
“Item Analysis” to find out if the lesson objective has been
attained. This type of test can be classified as

A. Formative C. Criterion referenced

B. Placement D. Norm referenced

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