Module 1: WORDS: Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives
Module 1: WORDS: Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives
Module 1: WORDS: Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives
1. Maria is my sister.
A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by one or
more of the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell). ( kata benda yang
bisa dirasa dengan panca indera)
An abstract noun names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic. (kata
benda yang tidak ada bentuk nyatanya sehingga tidak bisa dirasa dengan panca
CONCRETE NOUNS telephone, popcorn,
ocean, Kapuas Bridge,
sneeze, stone,
refrigerator, rain
1. Main verbs
2. Auxiliary verbs
3. Infinitives verbs
4. Transitive verbs
5. Intransitive verbs
6. Regular verbs
7. Irregular verbs
Auxiliary Verb: Helps the main verb express action. Auxiliary
verbs tidak dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa kata kerja utama.
Forms of Be am be
is was being
are were been
Forms of Do
do does did
Forms of
Have have has had
Laurissa raises her hand.
The verb is raises. Her hand is the object receiving the verb’s action.
Therefore, raises is a transitive verb.
Transitive verbs sometimes have indirect objects, which name the object to
whom or for whom the action was done.
Abdus gave Becky the pencil.
The verb is gave. The direct object is the pencil. (What did he give? The pencil.)
The indirect object is Becky. (To whom did he give it? To Becky.)
Intransitive Verbs
There is no one or nothing receiving the action.
• I can't complete my assignment because I don't have the textbook.
• The bakery sold his favorite type of bread.
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives!
1. Where is (I) ________book?
2. Here is (we)________ teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she)________ brother.
4. (They)_______ father works in a car factory.
5. (You)_______ laptop is very expensive.
6. (He)________ favorite hobby is tennis.
7. (I)_________ husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it)________ historical monuments.
9. Leila likes (she)________ dog !
10. (It) ______ name is Bobby.
Demonstrative Adjective
• This apartment needs new furniture.
• Even though my friend preferred those plates, I bought these.
Direction: circle the demonstrative adjective and its
• Which plants should be watered twice a week?
• What book are you reading?
• Whose pen is this?
Indefinite Adjective
Indefinite adjective: all, any, few, some, each, many, several, and so
• Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed.
• They found few goldfishes floating belly up in the swan pound.
Adverbs (kata keterangan)
Adverbs digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan how, when, and how much. Biasanya
ditandai dengan akhiran “ly”
Kind - kindly
Happy – happily
Loud - loudly
Sad - sadly