Module 1: WORDS: Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives

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Module 1: WORDS

Nouns, Verbs, Adverbs, and Adjectives

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A noun (kata benda) is a word used to name a person, a place, a
thing, or an idea.
View the following examples:
Check(√) the words that are nouns.

___ eat ___ like

___ cat ___ mathematics
___ beautiful ___ flowers
___ has ___ juice
___ eyes ___ Paris
___ English ___ wonderful
Kinds of Nouns
Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

• A common noun is a general name for a person, place, thing, or

idea. A proper noun names a particular/specific person, place,
thing, or idea.

Note: Proper nouns always begin with a capital letter (Huruf

kapital). Common nouns begin with a capital letter only when they
come at the beginning of a sentence.
Common Nouns Proper Nouns
athlete Susy Susanti, Taufik Hidayat
ship Arung Samudera, KRI Tenggiri
newspaper Jakarta Post
river Kapuas River
street Jalan Tanjung Pura, Jalan Ahmad Yani
day Friday, Independence Day
city Pontianak, Jakarta
Institution Universitas Terbuka
language English, Spanish, Indonesia
holiday Thanksgiving, Labor Day
Underline each noun. Then write C or P above it to
show whether it is common noun or proper noun.

1. Maria is my sister.

2. London is the capital city of the United Kingdom.

3. Baffin Island is located in the wild, isolated Arctic

Archipelago in Canada.

4. Queen Elizabeth II and Marilyn Monroe were born in the

same year.
Collective Nouns

A collective noun is a word that names a group (1 kata yang mengandung

kelompok benda, binatang atau orang).
View the following examples:

We have one forest, but it is made of many trees.

We have one class, but it is made of many students..
We have one team, but it is made of many players.
We have one troop, but it is made of many soldiers.
Concrete Nouns and Abstract Nouns

A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by one or
more of the senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell). ( kata benda yang
bisa dirasa dengan panca indera)
An abstract noun names an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic. (kata
benda yang tidak ada bentuk nyatanya sehingga tidak bisa dirasa dengan panca
CONCRETE NOUNS telephone, popcorn,
ocean, Kapuas Bridge,
sneeze, stone,
refrigerator, rain

ABSTRACT NOUNS Knowledge, love,

patriotism, beliefs,
loyalty, beauty, peace,
health, competition
Classify each noun below as concrete, collective, or abstract.

1. Humor 11. staff

2. Kindness 12. banana
3. truck 13. faculty
4. Danger 14. calculator
5. Committee 15. scissors
6. Towel 16. society
7. Audience 17. patience
8. Bird 18. bracelet
9. fear 19. mercy
10.Radio 20. orchestra
Nouns: Count and Non count
Uncountable nouns

Individual parts = The whole

(Count Nouns ) (Non count Nouns)

(a) Letters Non count nouns usually refer to a

Postcards Mail whole group of things that is made
Bills up of many individual parts, a
whole category made up of
different varieties.
(b) Chairs
Tables Furniture
For example, mail is a non count
Etc. noun, it describes a whole
category of things: letters,
Rings postcards, bills, etc.
(c) Bracelets Jewelry
Exercise: Look at the italicized words. Circle the noun. Is it count or
non count?
Verbs (Kata kerja)

1. Main verbs
2. Auxiliary verbs
3. Infinitives verbs
4. Transitive verbs
5. Intransitive verbs
6. Regular verbs
7. Irregular verbs
Auxiliary Verb: Helps the main verb express action. Auxiliary
verbs tidak dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa kata kerja utama.

Forms of Be am be
is was being
are were been

Forms of Do
do does did

Forms of
Have have has had

Some Others can might should

could must will
may shall would
We are climbing upstairs now.
auxiliary: are
main verb: climbing
She should do her housework earlier.
auxiliary: should
main verb: do
Choose the correct auxiliary verb to complete the sentence.
1. The painting ______ hanging in the art gallery. (am/does/is/are)
2. ______ you want to go the cinema with me? (do/does/is/am)
3. I ______ jumping on the trampoline. ( is/do/am/can)
4. Lizzy ______ like spiders (isn’t/doesn’t/don’t/aren’t)
Transitive verbs
(kata kerja yang membutuhkan object)

Laurissa raises her hand.
The verb is raises. Her hand is the object receiving the verb’s action.
Therefore, raises is a transitive verb.

Transitive verbs sometimes have indirect objects, which name the object to
whom or for whom the action was done.
Abdus gave Becky the pencil.
The verb is gave. The direct object is the pencil. (What did he give? The pencil.)
The indirect object is Becky. (To whom did he give it? To Becky.)
Intransitive Verbs
There is no one or nothing receiving the action.

EXAMPLE: Mr. Kokok crowed.

*There is nothing receiving the action crowed,
so crowed is INTRANSITIVE.
Hint: If the sentence is intransitive, there is
no direct object or indirect object.
Decide whether the verb in the sentence below is transitive or intransitive
1. Kathy carried the bag.
2. Mom filled the cup with juice
3. The dog over there barked.
4. Uncle Paul wrote a book.
5. Victor moved the chair away.
6. Dad made sandwiches.
7. The match ended.

Regular verbs adalah kata kerja beraturan

watch – watched – watched
Study – studied – studied
Learn – learned – learned

Irregular verbs adalah kata kerja tidak beraturan

Sleep – slept – slept
Come – came – come
Read – read - read
Adjectives (Kata Sifat)

Adjective adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda dengan cara

menggambarkan, mengidentifikasi, dan mengukur.
Adjective biasanya terletak diawal kata benda yang dimodifikasi.
Possessive adjectives (digunakan untuk kepemilikan)

Digunakan untuk memperjelas noun (kata benda) dengan memberikan

informasi tentang kepemilikan.
Kata sifat ini selalu bersanding dengan noun (kata benda) yang di “sifati”.

possessive adjective: "my," "your," "his," "her," "its," "our," "their"

• I can't complete my assignment because I don't have the textbook.
• The bakery sold his favorite type of bread.
Replace the personal pronouns by possessive adjectives!

1. Where is (I) ________book?
2. Here is (we)________ teacher.
3. She goes to school with (she)________  brother.
4. (They)_______ father works in a car factory.
5. (You)_______  laptop is very expensive.
6. (He)________ favorite hobby is tennis.
7. (I)_________  husband and I want to go to Paris.
8. We want to see (it)________  historical monuments.
9. Leila likes (she)________  dog !
10. (It) ______ name is Bobby.
Demonstrative Adjective

kata sifat penunjuk yang digunakan untuk memperjelas noun (kata

benda) dengan memberikan informasi tentang jarak (dekat dan jauh)
serta jumlah (tunggal dan jamak)

The demonstrative adjectives:  "this," "these," "that," "those,“

• This apartment needs new furniture.
• Even though my friend preferred those plates, I bought these.
Direction: circle the demonstrative adjective and its

1. This experiment requires three small mirrors.

2. Tape those mirrors together to form a triangle.
3. Make sure this side faces toward the center.
4. Pour these clear plastic shapes into triangle of mirrors.
5. Look at this picture!
Interrogative Adjective

Digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan berkaitan dengan noun.

Adjective ini diletakkan tepat didepan noun yang diterangkan.

interrogative adjective: "which“, “what”, “whose”

• Which plants should be watered twice a week?
• What book are you reading?
• Whose pen is this?
Indefinite Adjective

Digunakan untuk menerangkan noun(kata benda) dalam hal jumlah atau


Indefinite adjective: all, any, few, some, each, many, several, and so

• Many people believe that corporations are under-taxed.
• They found few goldfishes floating belly up in the swan pound.
Adverbs (kata keterangan)
Adverbs digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan how, when, and how much. Biasanya
ditandai dengan akhiran “ly”

Commonly adverbs are formed from adjectives. Some are below:

Kind - kindly
Happy – happily
Loud - loudly
Sad - sadly

But, some of adverbs are irregular, example

Fast- fast
Hard – hard
Late - late
Kinds of adverbs
Manner : describes in which manner an action is done
Place : describes where an action is done
Time : describes when an action is done
Frequency : shows how many times an action is done
Degree : shows how much or in what degree
Negation : says yes if it and no if it is
Conjunctive Adverbs

• Digunakan untuk menggabungkan dua klausa.

• Contoh: also, consequently, finally, furthermore, hence, however,
incidentally, indeed, instead, likewise, meanwhile, nevertheless,
next, otherwise, still, then, therefore, thus, etc.
• Contoh kalimat:
I have to avoid that contains critic acid; otherwise, my disease will
have a relapse.
I did not come on Thursday; consequently, I was not trapped in a
severe traffic jam.

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