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• A piece of information in a newspaper, on
television, a picture on a wall, etc. that tries to
persuade people to buy something, to interest
them in a new job, etc.
• विज्ञापन, सार्वजनिक सूचना
What is Advertising
• An advertisement, otherwise known as an
advert or ad, is generally considered a public
communication that promotes a product,
service, brand or event. To some the
definition can be even broader than that,
extending to any paid communication
designed to inform or influence
What are the 4 types of Advertising

• Display Advertising. ...

• Video Advertising. ...
• Mobile Advertising. ...
• Native Advertising
What are the different types of advertising

• Paid search advertising.

• Social media advertising.
• Native advertising.
• Display advertising.
• Print advertising.
• Broadcast advertising.
• Outdoor advertising.
What is evolution of advertising

• The first advertising evolution can be

considered the same; the commercials
released on television screens. People started
watching television more and more.
Advertising companies started introducing new
characters and celebrities to promote the
product. Here, the basic objective for them
was to sell the product
10 reasons why advertising is important

• Increases sales
• Advertising's main goal is to increase the
number of people who buy your product. You
can achieve this by using advertisements to
persuade customers that your product is high-
quality, useful or desirable. An effective
advertisement can convince customers to
purchase your product, which may
dramatically improve your overall sales.
Informs customers
• Creating an advertisement is a simple way to
inform potential customers of your product and
any advantages or features it may have. You can
include important information such as the
function of a product, where you can buy it, price
and unique qualities in a short period of time.
Advertising also allows you to tell your audience
about promotions such as sales, special services
for new customers or special events.
Helps introduce products
• When your company introduces a new
product or service, you can create an ad to
inform your customers about it. This allows
you to show the new product to a large
number of people and create an interest for
the release. Telling a larger amount of people
about your product release may increase the
number of people who want to buy it.
Informs you about your competition
• You can use advertisements to monitor your
competition and learn about any developments
they make. When a competitor releases a new
product or feature, they may create an
advertisement to inform their customers. This
gives you the opportunity to develop something
new of your own or create a new advertisement
detailing the features of an existing product
that addresses the same challenges.
Retains customers
• Using advertising can help remind your
customers about your brand and may
encourage them to continue buying your
product. A customer who once used your
product may see an advertisement and
remember their positive experience. This can
motivate them to purchase that product again
or try other services from your company.
Increases employee morale
• An effective advertisement may improve the
morale of coworkers who see or hear about it.
People may find it easier to talk to potential
customers about new products or services if
the customer is already slightly aware of
them. A quality advertisement may also
increase a person's pride in their workplace.
Differentiates your brand
• Because most products and services have multiple
companies competing for customers, your company
may need to find ways to distinguish itself from
competitors. Advertising elements such as logos,
color schemes, fonts and taglines are ways to
establish a brand identity and create a difference
between your product and other companies. If a
customer recognizes or likes your brand design, that
may increase the chances of them purchasing your
Increases customer trust
• Advertisements can increase familiarity and
trust between a company and its customers. If
a potential customer sees multiple ads about
your product, they may consider you a trusted
brand. You can also use advertising to address
any concerns, which further builds trust
between your company and your customers.
Tips for effective advertising
• Here are some suggestions for how to create effective
• Attract the customer's attention
• An engaging ad can help attract an audience and
encourage them to continue interacting with the ad.
Customers are more likely to remember or buy your
product if an advertisement attracts their attention. Try
to use techniques such as bright colors, jingles,
sketches or clever taglines to interest potential viewers
and keep their attention on your product or service.
Advocate for your product
• An effective advertisement informs a
customer about why they should purchase
that item or service. Explain the benefits of
your product and how it's different from your
competitor's. Detailing the advantages of your
item or service in an advertisement can help
potential customers notice the benefits of
your brand and may increase your sales.
Focus on your target audience
• Understanding your target audience can help
you create advertising that interests them and
may increase your overall sales. Identify your
target audience by reviewing sales history or
demographic information about your
customers or by distributing customer surveys.
Then design advertising that appeals to them
using research and focus groups.
Establish a consistent image
• A consistent image helps potential customers
easily identify your brand. It may also give
them a feeling of familiarity which can
increase the possibility of them buying your
product. Consider creating a brand image by
choosing similar colors, logos, images and
general tone that you can use across your
advertising materials.
Use powerful imagery
• Powerful imagery can increase the chances of
your audience remembering your
advertisement. If a customer remembers your
product, they may choose it over a
competitor's when deciding on what to buy.
Try to use powerful imagery in your ads such
as clear descriptions, metaphors or interesting
Conduct research
• Performing research can help you determine who
uses your product and how to create more effective
advertisements. Research allows you to identify
target audiences, analyze your advertisement's
reach, check the level of interaction with your ads
and determine if your advertisement is increasing
sales. Types of research include comparing profits
before and after you release the ad, producing
surveys and tracking the number of views on an
Diversify your advertising
• Reaching a wide audience can help you grow a
customer base and may increase your sales.
You can share your brand's message to a
larger number of people by using different
advertising techniques and mediums.
Consider creating several different
advertisements for various target audiences
through different channels such as television
or digital media.
Monitor your ads
• After you release an advertisement to the
public, you can monitor it to determine how
well your audience responds. You can use
focus groups, surveys and analytics tools to
help measure the effectiveness of an
advertisement. Once you have data about
your ads, you can use it to modify your
marketing strategy.
What are the 5 elements of advertising

• A Clearly Defined Target Audience. In order to

create a successful ad, you need to know who you
are speaking to, and ultimately, who you are selling
to. ...
• Value Proposition. ...
• Quality Content and Design. ...
• The Call-to-Action (CTA) ...
Top 10 Nature of Advertising

Nature of Advertising
• 1. Element of Marketing Mix
• Advertising is an important component of the
promotion mix. Promotion mix in turn is a
component of marketing mix. Price, product,
promotion and physical distribution are the four
main elements in a marketing mix. Unless the
promotion mix is effective, the other elements of
marketing, viz., price, product and physical
distribution cannot achieve their respective
Promotion Mix

• Advertising is an essential element in the promotion

mix. Personal selling, sales promotion, 
publicity and advertising are the four elements in the
promotion mix. Advertising has been considered as the
most effective method of promotion. For, it creates
demand, stimulates sales, and reaches customers quickly
and effectively. An advertisement is mass
communication, the other media of promotion are
individual communication or face-to-face communication
Mass Communication
• Mass communication is the basic purpose of advertising.
Advertising not merely conveys information to only one
person but to a very large group of persons who may be
expected to purchase the article. The mass
communication media such as radio, television, 
newspapers, billboards and magazines, etc., are used for
advertising purposes, even though print media have been
adopted in many countries for mass communication.
Electronic media have now become more popular for
advertising purposes. Television is one of the most
effective media of advertising.
4. Messages
• An advertisement carries a message which
motivates and inspires customers to purchase
a particular product. It gives information on
the attributes of the goods and services
advertised. The voice and sight combine
together and make the message very effective.
The visual effect plays an important role in
carrying the messages, which is provided by
5. Price of Advertising
• Advertising activity is undertaken by 
advertising agencies which are professional
organizations and charge a price for
advertising Space, time, language, etc., are
sold by advertising agencies.
6. Sponsor

• An advertisement is sponsored by some

identified advertiser, disclosing ideas,
messages and information.
7. Persuasive
• An advertising message is persuasive and informative
enough to motivate potential customers. The advertiser
provides information to the prospects who are willing to
purchase his goods and services. Advertising is the most
efficient means of reaching the people. It has been
pointed out that success in business depends on
persuasion. Advertising informs, entertains and ultimately
persuades a group or society to purchase the advertised
products. Persuasion is an essential factor in advertising,
for if an advertisement does not persuade, the message
will be merely a piece of information.
8. Element of control
• 8. Element of control
• The time, place, message and direction of
advertising are controlled to make them
effective and purposive. The selection of the
medium, message and time is carefully done
to achieve the most economical results.
. Identifiable

• Advertising is identifiable from the sponsor’s

point of view as well as from the point of view
of audience. The message and presentation
should be recognized by customers.
 Target Group
• Advertising aims at a target group. Although it
does not distinguish between target and non-
target group, it is basically designed to
influence the target group. The factors such as
the desire to buy, purchasing power, status,
entertaining element and being attractive to
suit the target group are considered carefully
while preparing an advertisement.
What Is An Advertising Campaign?
Definition, Strategy ...
• An advertising campaign is a specifically
designed strategy that is carried out across
different mediums in order to achieve desired
results such as ...
What is the most famous advertising

• Nike: "Just Do It" Campaign. ...

• Pepsi: The "Is Pepsi OK?" Campaign. ...
• 3. California Milk Processor Board: "Got Milk?" Campaign. ...
• Dove: "Real Beauty" Campaign. ...
• Old Spice: "The Man Your Man Can Smell Like" Campaign. ...
• Coca-Cola: "Share a Coke" Campaign. ...
• Snickers: “You're not you when you're hungry.” ...
• GoPro: “Awards” Campaign.
What is the process of advertising campaign

• The process of making an advertising

campaign is as follows: Research: first step is
to do a market research for the product to be
advertised. One needs to find out the product
demand, competitors, etc. Know the target
audience: one need to know who are going to
buy the product and who should be targeted.
What is an example of a campaign

• Coke started its Share a Coke campaign by

replacing its brand name on the bottle of Coke
with 150 popular names and adding the
“Share a Coke” tagline. Because of its low
price point, it was easy to encourage
customers to buy a bottle for themselves and
one for their friends or loved ones.
What makes a good advertising campaign

• The best ad campaigns are often the ones

that clearly articulate the brand value to their
audience, either intrinsically or extrinsically.
People don't want to work hard to figure out
what you're trying to tell them. So, ensure
that you clearly communicate your message
and that it doesn't lead to confusion.
What is the objective of advertising

• Advertising has three primary objectives: to

inform, to persuade, and to remind.
Informative Advertising creates awareness of
brands, products, services, and ideas. It
announces new products and programs and
can educate people about the attributes and
benefits of new or established products.
What Is an Advertising Strategy

• An advertising strategy is an action plan designed to

increase sales of certain products or services, attract new
customers, and invite existing ones to make multiple

An advertising strategy is part of the brand's 

marketing plan, so it must be aligned with the company's
objectives. It is also essential to take into account the
branding, tone, and brand identity, so that the user
experience does not have dissonant elements.
•  Content Advertising
• This advertising strategy seeks to directly influence consumers through
different channels, with a direct and clear message that aims to reach as many
people as possible.

Although it has similar characteristics to content marketing, it is not the same

since it is more direct and more focused on the brand.

Within content advertising, we can distinguish the following different

• Informative advertising: focuses on showing the brand and the value it can
bring to potential customers. It is usually based on rational values.
Types of Advertising
• Comparative advertising: focuses on comparing a brand with the
competition, in order to reinforce the characteristics that differentiate
it and convince the consumer that it can provide more benefits.
Although this can be very effective, you must be very careful when
basing your claims in order not to run into legal problems.
• Emotional advertising: if informative advertising is based more on
rational factors, emotional advertising seeks to get an emotional
reaction. It can be very effective in influencing purchasing decisions,
since we know that these have a strong unconscious component that
is based on how people feel about a product or service.
Pull Advertising

• This advertising strategy is typical of brands

that are already well known and well
positioned in the market. Instead of going after
customers, this strategy aims to keep the
brand in the consumer's mind and propel
people go towards it. It focuses on
identification with the brand and long-term
. Push Advertising
• This advertising strategy is more suitable for new products or
services, since it seeks to make something known among
consumers in order to position well and generate sales.

The push strategy can use different channels, from traditional

media to social ads. In many cases, it goes hand in hand with
pricing strategies. For example, offering cheaper launch prices to
generate an initial critical mass of consumers.
It is also common for push advertising to go hand in hand with
content marketing, so that a new brand can establish its
authority early on and position itself as an expert in its sector.
0 Examples of Advertising Strategies
•  Email Marketing
• Email marketing is an advertising strategy that
has not lost effectiveness over the years, but
has reinvented itself over and over again.
According to some studies, the ROI of this
channel is close to 40 dollars for every dollar

• Paid advertising on search engines such as Google (SEM) consists

of positioning ads targeted to certain keywords. This way, when a
user searches for a term related to your brand, your ad can
appear in a prominent position among the results.

SEM is one of the most popular advertising strategies in the

digital environment, as it allows you to directly target users with a
high purchase intent based on their searches. In addition, it is a
very versatile strategy, as it allows you to reach very different
audiences at different stages in the buying process.
Unit One- Importance and role of Advertising

• Advertising is importnt for the following

• Information
• Education
• Entertainment
• Creating Awareness
• Persuasion
• Creating Understanding
Importance of Advertising
• Image Building
• Crisis Management
• Building Reputation
• Brand Building
• Developing Economy
• Generating Employment
• Improving standard of living
Nature of Advertising
• Repetitive
• Direct
• Relies on attractive presentation
• Persuasive
• Easy to understand
• Effective Communication
Advertising and Consumer Welfare
• Consumers benefit a lot from advertising
because advertising
• Informs, persuades, creates awareness,
creates understanding,builds
opinion,persuades, eliminates misconceptions
Advertising and standard of living
• It is true that advertising has improved our
standard of living by generating a need in us
for various products.
• It is because of advertising that we own latest
brands of products which have enhanced our
lives and made them better.
Advertising and Cultural Values
• Advertising highlights the different cultures
and creates an understanding towards them.
• It helps in the propagation of cultures.
• Advertisements are generally built around
cultural values which help in the strengthening
of cultures.
• Advertisements highlight the different cultures
and help create a Mass Culture.
Unit 3-Classification of Advertising on the
basis of
• Target Audience
Advertisements can be classified on the basis of
various target audience like housewives,
students,Buisnessmen, working professionals
The different target audience access different
media and therefore to reach them it is
important to find and understand that
particular media.
Classification of Advertising
• Geographical area
There are different products which are popular in
different areas.
Eg. The cream Fair and lovely is more popular in
South India and therefore in theatres we can see
more of such products.
Eg. Bikaneri Bhujia is more popular in the other
belts as compared to Madhya Pradesh where
Ratlami and Indori Sev is more popular.
Classification of Advertising
• Medium
Advertisements are made according to the
Since television is an Audio Visual medium it makes
advertisements where these aspects can be fully
Radio makes use of Sound and jingles.
Print Media makes use of Words that can create an
Classification of Advertising
• Purpose-Each product serves multiple
purpose and brings about a change in the life
of customer.
• Many Advertisements are made according to
the purpose they serve.
Unit 4- Elements of Print Advertising

• Copy-All written words in print advertisements

and all spoken words in advertisements are
called Copy.
• Slogan- Slogans are the lines used in an
advertisement which are made to associate
the product with them. They are lengthier
than punchlines. Punchlines are more crisp
and catchy.
Elements of Print Advertisements
• Identification Marks- Identification marks are
also called Trade Marks. These marks may be
in the form of illustrations or even words.
• Clashing Illustrations-Print Advertisements
make use of Illustrations which may be in the
form of photographs or any other form of Art.
Characteristics, Advantages and
Disadvantages of Broadcast Media
• Broadcast Media Includes Radio and
• Radio- Radio is a medium of Voice and Sound
• It triggers our Imagination.
• Portable Medium, easy to carry.
• Can be made use of even while working on
• Literacy is not needed.
Disadvantages of Radio
• Only Audio Medium
• Lacks Visual Appeal
• Characteristics, Advantages-
• Audio Visual Medium
• Colorful Medium
• Can be kept at home
• Available in different Sizes
Does not require Literacy.
Disadvantages of Television
• Not Portable
• Viewing of many channels require a
• Smaller as compared to films.
• Too many advertisements break continuity.
Print Media
• Newspaper and Magazines
• Meant for literate Audience.
• Authentic Medium
• It is possible to skip unwanted content
• Has Shorter life.
• It is cheaper as compared to Television and Radio.
• Magazines have a longer shelf life and are meant
for leisure reading.
Disadvantages of Print Media
• Require literacy
• Require Concentration and good
comprehension skills.
• Magazines are expensive
• Newspapers have poor paper quality.
• Newspapers have a shorter shelf life.
Analyse two Print Advertisements
• Analyse the two Advertisements on the basis
• Media
• Placement and their positioning
• Colors used
• Copy
• Headline
• Illustration
Analyse two print Advertisements
• Photo quality
• Slogan
• Punchline
• Celebrities used
• Prepare a Print Advertisement of a Washing
powder and a Cool Drink highlighting the
following elements
• Headline, Copy, Illustration, Punchline, Slogan,
Trade Mark
• Write a Radio Jingle for any product of your

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