• A piece of information in a newspaper, on
television, a picture on a wall, etc. that tries to
persuade people to buy something, to interest
them in a new job, etc.
• विज्ञापन, सार्वजनिक सूचना
What is Advertising
• An advertisement, otherwise known as an
advert or ad, is generally considered a public
communication that promotes a product,
service, brand or event. To some the
definition can be even broader than that,
extending to any paid communication
designed to inform or influence
What are the 4 types of Advertising
• Increases sales
• Advertising's main goal is to increase the
number of people who buy your product. You
can achieve this by using advertisements to
persuade customers that your product is high-
quality, useful or desirable. An effective
advertisement can convince customers to
purchase your product, which may
dramatically improve your overall sales.
Informs customers
• Creating an advertisement is a simple way to
inform potential customers of your product and
any advantages or features it may have. You can
include important information such as the
function of a product, where you can buy it, price
and unique qualities in a short period of time.
Advertising also allows you to tell your audience
about promotions such as sales, special services
for new customers or special events.
Helps introduce products
• When your company introduces a new
product or service, you can create an ad to
inform your customers about it. This allows
you to show the new product to a large
number of people and create an interest for
the release. Telling a larger amount of people
about your product release may increase the
number of people who want to buy it.
Informs you about your competition
• You can use advertisements to monitor your
competition and learn about any developments
they make. When a competitor releases a new
product or feature, they may create an
advertisement to inform their customers. This
gives you the opportunity to develop something
new of your own or create a new advertisement
detailing the features of an existing product
that addresses the same challenges.
Retains customers
• Using advertising can help remind your
customers about your brand and may
encourage them to continue buying your
product. A customer who once used your
product may see an advertisement and
remember their positive experience. This can
motivate them to purchase that product again
or try other services from your company.
Increases employee morale
• An effective advertisement may improve the
morale of coworkers who see or hear about it.
People may find it easier to talk to potential
customers about new products or services if
the customer is already slightly aware of
them. A quality advertisement may also
increase a person's pride in their workplace.
Differentiates your brand
• Because most products and services have multiple
companies competing for customers, your company
may need to find ways to distinguish itself from
competitors. Advertising elements such as logos,
color schemes, fonts and taglines are ways to
establish a brand identity and create a difference
between your product and other companies. If a
customer recognizes or likes your brand design, that
may increase the chances of them purchasing your
Increases customer trust
• Advertisements can increase familiarity and
trust between a company and its customers. If
a potential customer sees multiple ads about
your product, they may consider you a trusted
brand. You can also use advertising to address
any concerns, which further builds trust
between your company and your customers.
Tips for effective advertising
• Here are some suggestions for how to create effective
• Attract the customer's attention
• An engaging ad can help attract an audience and
encourage them to continue interacting with the ad.
Customers are more likely to remember or buy your
product if an advertisement attracts their attention. Try
to use techniques such as bright colors, jingles,
sketches or clever taglines to interest potential viewers
and keep their attention on your product or service.
Advocate for your product
• An effective advertisement informs a
customer about why they should purchase
that item or service. Explain the benefits of
your product and how it's different from your
competitor's. Detailing the advantages of your
item or service in an advertisement can help
potential customers notice the benefits of
your brand and may increase your sales.
Focus on your target audience
• Understanding your target audience can help
you create advertising that interests them and
may increase your overall sales. Identify your
target audience by reviewing sales history or
demographic information about your
customers or by distributing customer surveys.
Then design advertising that appeals to them
using research and focus groups.
Establish a consistent image
• A consistent image helps potential customers
easily identify your brand. It may also give
them a feeling of familiarity which can
increase the possibility of them buying your
product. Consider creating a brand image by
choosing similar colors, logos, images and
general tone that you can use across your
advertising materials.
Use powerful imagery
• Powerful imagery can increase the chances of
your audience remembering your
advertisement. If a customer remembers your
product, they may choose it over a
competitor's when deciding on what to buy.
Try to use powerful imagery in your ads such
as clear descriptions, metaphors or interesting
Conduct research
• Performing research can help you determine who
uses your product and how to create more effective
advertisements. Research allows you to identify
target audiences, analyze your advertisement's
reach, check the level of interaction with your ads
and determine if your advertisement is increasing
sales. Types of research include comparing profits
before and after you release the ad, producing
surveys and tracking the number of views on an
Diversify your advertising
• Reaching a wide audience can help you grow a
customer base and may increase your sales.
You can share your brand's message to a
larger number of people by using different
advertising techniques and mediums.
Consider creating several different
advertisements for various target audiences
through different channels such as television
or digital media.
Monitor your ads
• After you release an advertisement to the
public, you can monitor it to determine how
well your audience responds. You can use
focus groups, surveys and analytics tools to
help measure the effectiveness of an
advertisement. Once you have data about
your ads, you can use it to modify your
marketing strategy.
What are the 5 elements of advertising
Nature of Advertising
• 1. Element of Marketing Mix
• Advertising is an important component of the
promotion mix. Promotion mix in turn is a
component of marketing mix. Price, product,
promotion and physical distribution are the four
main elements in a marketing mix. Unless the
promotion mix is effective, the other elements of
marketing, viz., price, product and physical
distribution cannot achieve their respective
Promotion Mix