Chapter 2 Bio461
Chapter 2 Bio461
Chapter 2 Bio461
Observing Microorganisms
Through a Microscope
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Table 2.1 Metric Units of Length and US Equivalents
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Microscopy : The instruments
• Microscopes are
essential for
• Light microscopes:
cellular resolution
– bright-field (stains)
– dark-field
– phase contrast
– fluorescence (stains)
• Electron
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
a. Light Microscopy: Optics
• Refers to the use of any kind of microscope that uses visible light to
observe specimens.
• Visualization depends on magnification
(lenses) and resolution (physical
properties of light)
• The limit of resolution for a light microscope is
about 0.2 m (or 200 nm)
– Objects closer than 0.2 m cannot be resolved
• Total magnification is product of the
magnification of its ocular and its
objective lenses
• Compound LM
• Series of lenses
• Use visible light as source of illumination.
• To examine very small specimen and fine detail.
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Resolution (resolving power) is the ability of the lenses to distinguish
fine detail and structure of specimens.
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d. Fluorescence Microscopy
• Takes advantage of fluorescence, the ability of
substances to absorb short wavelength of light
(ultraviolet) and give off light at a longer
wavelength (visible)
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
e. Differential Interfere Contrast (DIC) Microscopy
• Similar to phase-contrast microscopy but using difference refractive indexes.
• Using 2 beam of light instead of one.
• Split by prisms, adding contrasting colors to the specimen.
• Therefore, resolution of DIC microscope is HIGHER than that of a standard
phase—contrast microscope.
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f. Confocal Microscope
• Technique in light microscopy used to reconstruct
3D images.
• Specimens are stained with fluorochromes so
they will emit or return light.
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2.2 Specimens preparations
Because most microorganisms appear almost colorless when viewed
through a standard light microscope.
Before the microorganisms can be
stained, however they must be fixed
(attached)to the microscope slide.
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
2.3 Staining techniques in microbiology
• Staining is used to increase contrast in bright-field
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
2. Explain the relationship between contrast and
staining in microscopy. (4 marks) – Dec 2015
Answer :
Contrast refer to differences in intensity between two
objects or between an objects and its background and
important in determining resolution because microbes
are colorless.
Stain are used to make microbes and their parts more
visible because satins increase contrast between
structures and between specimen and its background.
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Differential stain
• Differential stain react
differently with different kinds of
bacteria and thus can be used to
distinguish them.
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Example of Gram stain
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Acid-fast stain
• The stain binds strongly only to bacteria that have
a waxy materials in their cell walls.
• The bacteria that have been stained red with an
acid-fast strain.
• Non-acid fast cells are stained with the
methylene blue counterstain.
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Special stains
• Used to color and isolate specific parts of
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Negative staining for capsules
• It is more difficult than other types of staining
procedures because capsular material are
soluble in water and may be dislodged or remove
during rigorous washing.
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Endospore staining
Endospore : a special resistant, dormant structure form within a cell
that protects a bacterium from adverse environmental conditions.
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Flagella staining
• Flagella, a structure for locomotion
• Too small to be seen with a light microscope
without staining.
• A tedious and delicate staining procedure uses a
mordant and the stain Carbol fuchsin to build up
the diameter of the flagella until they become
visible under the light microscope.
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Table 2.2 A summary of various stains and their uses
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Microscopy: Dark Field
• Greater resolution
• Light reaches specimens
only from the side
• Only the specimen itself
is illuminated
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Microscopy: Phase Contrast
• May be used to
visualize live
samples and avoid
distortion from cell
• Image contrast is
derived from the
refractive index of
cell structures.
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Microscopy: Fluorescence
• Visualization of
autofluorescent cell structures
(e.g., chlorophyll) or
fluorescent stains
• Can greatly increase the
resolution of cells and cell
• Many functional probes
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Example for Differential Fluorescence Stain
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Microscopy: Electron Microscopy
• Electron microscopes have far greater resolving
power than light microscopes, with limits of
resolution of about 0.2 nm
• Two major types of electron microscopes
– Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for observing
internal cell structure down to the molecular level
– Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for 3-D imaging and
examining surfaces
BIO461:Mic/DNA/UiTM NS_2017
Electron Microscopy
Pseudomonas Mycobacterium
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