Week 7 - Summary Writing
Week 7 - Summary Writing
Week 7 - Summary Writing
What is a Summary?
• A summary is a condensed and focused restatement of the
main ideas and essential information of a longer piece of work
in one’s own words.
• Summaries show readers (e.g. your teachers) that you have understood
the general point of a text, and in this way, it demonstrates your
comprehension and knowledge.
• Making Notes
• Paraphrasing
Effective Note-Making
• Effective summarizing essentially requires students to retain
important information by jotting down notes (key points) of the
text and then subsequently rewriting the notes into complete
sentences using their own words.
• nouns / noun phrases that we all use for specific things, e.g.
hospital, passport, processed food, residential area, chemical
• Identify the main idea from the main topic sentence or the thesis
Steps for Writing an Effective Summary
• Select and simplify significant information keeping in mind
the basic signal words:
who, what, where, when, why, how
• Once you are certain that your summary is accurate, you should
proofread it for style, grammar, and punctuation.
Effective Summary Writing
In a nutshell, the key to writing an effective summary is combining
the material (notes) you choose to include into concise, coherent
sentences and paragraphs in your own words with accuracy and
objectivity without changing the meaning of the original text.