Introduction of KOSOVA Social Security
Introduction of KOSOVA Social Security
Introduction of KOSOVA Social Security
The Kosovo Social Protection System is in a very early stage of development.
At this point in time, legal infrastructure regarding social security is being
created by institutions in order to create a more comprehensive social
protection system. Several laws have been promulgated by the Kosovo, several other
laws are in different stages of the adaptation process.
It is important however, that all legislation adopted in Kosovo is very modern,
democratic and conform to main international documents and treaties.
Source : SOK
Social welfare encompasses both social services and benefits, including social assistance in
cash. Social services are provided by public institutions to children, families and adults
who need counseling and institutional care.
Cash benefits are designed for risked to the social point of view:
The Social Assistance Scheme of Kosovo provides support to families that include
members who are: a) aged sixty-five (65) years or older;
b) disabled persons; and
c) other categories of persons unable to work or are not presently working
Basic pension (old-age) scheme
Is a general non-contributory scheme funded by government. It is conceived as a flat
rate monthly tariff possible for all citizens of Kosova, and Kosovo refugees outside
Kosova, aged 65 years and more, regardless of the fact if they have used to work or
not, and regardless of the fact that they might or might not enjoy a pension from
abroad. In this sense, this is an assistance program for older ages. It is funded by the
KCB, which has been applied since mid 2002.
Basic pension ² OLD AGE -
It is regulated by the relevant law, and is implemented since July 2004. This scheme is public,
universal, and financed by public funds. Acceptance criteria are strong: permanent and full
disability serves as eligibility criteria for the scheme. Disability pensions are paid to local
people aged 18-64, according to the disability criteria or 100% work disability.
The Law on Limited Disability foresees a certain number of benefits not in money, but these
additional benefits which must be provided by other central and local bodies, are currently
not being implemented. The actual mount in 2011 has been increased 45 euro but in table
index for of monthly benefits is 40 euros per month. In this scheme the situation is as
follows, and there are over 20,000 beneficiaries.
Also in this report you can see a list of nationalities who benefit from Disability pension
Trepça pension scheme
Scheme of War invalids and relatives killed in war
The benefit scheme for families that attend disables children of ages
from 1-
1-18 years.
It is a new scheme that has started from the beginning of this year
(2009), and it will cover a category of persons with permanent
disabilities who until now have not had care and material benefits
from the state. Beneficiaries of this scheme will be families who care
for children with limited permanent abilities aged 1-18 years
m Kosovo Pension Savings Trust
Kosovo Pension Savings Trust (Trusti) has been established in 2002 to
administer and manage mandatory (and voluntary) pension
contributions of Kosova's employees.
There are cases when the benefits from one scheme do not exclude the right to
benefit from other schemes.
The table below presents two indicators of social protection expenditure,
Compared with countries of the region.
The pension system is made up of three pillar based on the system pay-as-you-go scheme
with the current three pillar pension scheme:
-First pillar: Old age (basic pension) and incapacity to work means a pension paid by the
pension administration to all persons habitually residing in Kosovo and who have
reached pension age;
-Second pillar: Compulsory individual pension savings
-Third pillar: Regulates the legal framework for supplementary voluntary pensions.
Law on Disability Pension is on the progress to be adopted by the
Government of Kosovo, as Compared with the ILO Convention 102, many
groups in Kosova are still without protection
in terms of social risk, and in terms of material coverage, there is still no:
protection for people with disabilities, for the short term (illness, maternity)
protection for the unemployed
family benefits
coverage for accidents at work and occupational diseases
medical care (although there is remission from payments for beneficiaries of social
welfare payments under the scheme of co-payments)
As a lack of the Health Insurance , Ministry of Health (MoH), as the highest health
authority in the Republic of Kosovo is responsible for the health system which in the
public sector is offered at three levels:
Primary Health Care, which is offered by the Main Centers of Family Medicine, which
implement this responsibility through the Municipal Directorates for Health and Social
At the secondary level of care,mental health services are provided to patients and their
Tertiary health care is implemented by the Kosova University Clinical Center with clinics,
institutes and its services, University Clinical Dental Center of Kosova, the National
Institute of Public Health, National Center , National Institute of Medicine of Labor, and
Center of
sports medicine.
includes the provision of direct social care,
counseling, or, in
exceptional circumstances, material assistance, for the benefit of
people in need.
a means the provision of help with domestic duties,
personal care, mobility,
communication or supervision. It can be provided in a person·s own
home, in a specialist day
centre or in a residential home.
is a systematic and programmed process of providing
information, advice and
guidance aimed at helping an individual or a family to improve their
social or interpersonal
In order for a family to be eligible for the First Category, all members
of the family should be qualified as dependent
Second Category Criteria
In order for a family to be eligible for the Second Category, the family
should fulfill the following Criteria's:
1. All members of the family should be unemployed;
2. Every member of the family that is capable of work should register in the
Bureau and get certification from this institution that he/she is capable for
work and is searching for work;
3. The family should have no income
4. The family should not own more than half (0.5 ha) hectares of land.
The family should have at least one child under the age of 5 or should have
full custody over an orphan less than 15 years of age.
Maximum monthly amount for the beneficiaries of the assistance is
determined referring to the line of extreme poverty (food basket) and
defined according to the number of family members. It should be indexed
annually by the Government to reflect any changes in the cost of food
All the schemes are financed by the state budget with the exception of the
second and third pillar of the old-age pension scheme. The basic pension
and the invalidity pension are financed by the Consolidated Budget of
The savings pension scheme and the supplementary pension scheme are
covered by equal contributions of employers and employees.
Healthcare is also fully financed by the Consolidated Budget of Kosovo,
but users of health services need to pay participation fees.
The financing aspect for all schemes becomes important for two reasons.
Budget constraints and price trends in one hand and inadequate
economic development in other hand derives the pressure for the large
number of beneficiaries included in the schemes. These issues are
narrowing the maneuvering space of policies aimed to ensure the fiscal
sustainability in one hand and to protect from the people in need.
Edmond Murati
Head of IT- DAPK
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