Marketing Midterm - Mohamed Serageldin - PEPSI
Marketing Midterm - Mohamed Serageldin - PEPSI
Marketing Midterm - Mohamed Serageldin - PEPSI
PepsiCo Mission
SWOT Analysis
PESTEL analysis
Pepsi, Inc. reports sales of $510 million and has 19,000 employees.
Currently, PepsiCo has divisions which operate in three major US and international businesses:
beverages, snack foods, and restaurants.
PepsiCo has attained a leadership position
personal and professional integrity of their people, products and business practices
PepsiCo vision :
PepsiCo's responsibility is to
continually improve all aspects of the
world in which we operate -
environment, social, economic -
creating a better tomorrow PepsiCo Mission:
than today."
Our mission is to be the worlds premier consumer
products company focused on convenient foods
and beverages. we seek to produce financial
rewards to investors as we provide opportunities
for growth and enrichment to our employees, our
business partners and the communities in which
we operate. and in everything we do , we strive
for honesty , fairness and integrity.
1st : Strength (Internal)
2nd: Weaknesses (Internal)
• Strong brand image
• Low penetration outside the
• Broad product mix
• Extensive global production
• Limited business portfolio.
• Weak marketing to health-
• Extensive global distribution
conscious consumers.
4th : Threats (External)
3rd : Opportunities (External)
• Aggressive competition
• Low penetration outside the
• Healthy lifestyles trend
• Environmentalism
• Limited business portfolio.
• Increasing of awareness of harmful
• Weak marketing to health-conscious
use of soda products
• Fluctuation of sugar price affect
PESTEL analysis:
1st :Political factors: 2nd: Economic Factors: 3rd: Socio-cultural factors:
• Being non-alcoholic beverage that
• Non alcoholic beverage, has to • Economic downturn deals worldwide & differences of
follow regulated by FDA with • Falling profits needs cultures the world wide.
consistency. downsizing • In advertising campaigns like some
• Deals in different markets and • 2008 was in Pepsi’s favour. countries have religious festivals
• Solid waste management program
every market has its own It resulted in increased sales
affects the operations at Pepsi.
policies and procedures • Fuel prices greatly affect • Waste disposable
• Competitors use competitive PepsiC0’s transport costs • Pepsi has an implementation of SAP
pricing strategy • Availability of labour software and wind power
• Government’s focus on stricter manufacturing in India
water pollution norms and land • Pepsi introduced plastic bottles and
cans and came up with innovative
acquisition for new factories in
and newer designs.
different countries.
PESTEL analysis:
PepsiCo remains one of the strongest companies in the food and beverage industry. This
PESTEL/PESTLE analysis indicates that the company has many opportunities and a number of threats
regarding its growth and international expansion. The following are some of the key points that PepsiCo
must address based on the results of the analysis:
Business sustainability
This framework helps the companies in identifying the new opportunities related to growth. It also helps
in analyzing the companies on the basis of product and market with opportunities
sells existing products in the new products will be introduced
PepsiCo develop fruit
existing market by the company in existing
juices and partnership
PepsiCo is selling market with Unilever and
its beverage Pepsi Starbucks for producing
in the current tea and coffee and offer
market their juice. Mineral
water Aquafina was also
considered as Product
Those three strategies are Cost leadership, Differentiation and Focus Strategy.
1st: Differentiation.
Differentiation allows the business organization to PepsiCo is also utilizing low cost strategy, which
differentiate their products from the competitors in is focused on the reduction of cost, through which
the market. the company can enhance the financial
In order to achieve differentiation PepsiCo utilizes performance which will further enhance the
broad differentiation as the strategy in order to competitiveness of the PepsiCo in the market.
achieve competitive advantage over the
competitors in the market. In order to compete with Coca Cola, PepsiCo
Differentiation strategy allows the PepsiCo to offers low prices to the consumers, due to the bulk
attract more and more consumers towards the production which leads to economies of scale, and
different features of the products. also decrease the operating costs of the
One of the ways in which PepsiCo is differentiating production facilities. Sometimes PepsiCo also
its products is by its packaging, which attracts the provides the consumers with promotional offers
consumers on the basis of value that it gives to the which have discounted prices.
PepsiCo brand Lays are being marketed as healthy
snack, as the products have less amount of
saturated fat, which differentiate it from other
substitute products in the market and provides
competitive advantage to the company.
Future Objectives for Brand awareness :