Basic ECG For Beginners
Basic ECG For Beginners
Basic ECG For Beginners
Right atrium
Right ventricle
partly by left ventricle and the left atrium mainly
the auricle.
It is bound by the right border, upper border, left
border and inferior border
The inferior (diaphragmatic ) surface :
Small surface
Made up of the left atrium mainly with the four
pulmonary veins with a small part of the right
atrium with the superior and inferior venae cava
Its located near the base of the heart
The left ventricle :
• Bachmann bundle
The SA node :
• located in the right atrium near the superior vena cava and in the epicardium
(near the surface of the heart)
• It is supplied by the sympathetic system through B1 and B2 receptors but
mainly B1
• It is also supplied by the vagus nerves through the muscarinic receptors
• The inter nodal tracts :
• There is three inter nodal pathways which conducts the electric
impulse to the atrium from the SA node and terminating at the AV
• The Bachmann bundle a large bundle that traverse through the right
and left atrium mostly carrying impulse from SA node to both atria at
same time
• They are as well supplied by sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers
: The basic anatomy (cont.)
Atrioventricular node :
• The node is located in the right atrium near the tricuspid valve
• It has three parts anatomically
• It is supplied by the sympathetic fibers and parasympathetic
Bundle of hiss :
• The bundle of hiss is a short structure which connects the AV
node with the right and the left bundle branches and it conveys
the impulse from the AV node to the ventricles from the atrium
• It perforates the fibrous ring (the cardiac skeleton) which
isolates the atria and the ventricles , so it is the only normal
connection between them
The basic anatomy (cont.) :
• The bundles :
• The bundle branches originate at the superior margin of the
muscular inter ventricular septum, immediately below the
membranous septum
• The left bundle branches off and the right bundle continues
downward , coursing on the right side of the septum down to the
apex of the right ventricle and to the papillary muscles
• The left bundle branches into anterior and posterior fascicle
although this is not true for some people
• The terminal Purkinje fibers :
• connect with the ends of the bundle branches to form interweaving
networks on the endocardial surface of both ventricles, which
transmit the cardiac impulse almost simultaneously to the entire
right and left ventricular endocardium. They penetrate only the inner
third of the endocardium
The depolarization and the
: Basic physiology
The nodes and the atrial conductive systems are supplied by 2 vagus
nerves and 2 sympathetic chains
The conduction system of the left ventricle (the left and the right bundles ,
and the purkinje fibers ) are supplied by the sympathetic nerves only
Bundle of hiss has no autonomic supply
The effect of the vagus and sympathetic systems differs from each other on
the SA and AV node (SA node affected first , and effects of the vagus starts
more rapid and terminates rapidly while sympathetic starts rapidly and
ends more slowly)
The Sino atrial node (SA node) is the normal and physiological pacemaker
of the heart as it is the fastest self-depolarizing tissue in the heart and it
discharges in a regular fashion with a fixed rate
In case of failure of the SA node other tissues in the conduction system
takes place and paces the heart according to its own arrhythmogenicity
: Basic physiology (cont.)
Section B:
• Diagnosing pericarditis
• Diagnosing myocarditis
ECG leads are the wires attached to the patient to record the electric
cardiac activity to be printed and analyzed by the machine
The leads can also refer to the different “angles” from which the ECG
machine sees and records the electric activity of the heart
The ECG has 12 standard leads “angles” :
• 6 limb leads which are called I, II ,III ,aVL ,aVR, and aVF
• 6 chest leads V1 , V2 , V3 , V4 , V5 , V6
• There is also the 3 leads system and the 5 leads system which are used in
ICU and intra operative monitors ,holter monitors and loop recorders
• The 3 lead system will record the limb leads I , II , III only and the five lead
system can record all the 6 limb leads and V1
• The 3 leads system has three wires attached to the patient
• The 5 leads system has 5 wires attached to the patient
• the 12 lead system has 10 wires attached to the patient
Introduction (cont.) :
The limb leads record the electrical activity of the heart on the vertical plane
( as if the patient is sliced coronaly and viewed electrically)
The chest leads record the electric activity on the horizontal plane (as if the
patient is sliced axially and viewed electrically)
The electric activity in the heart starts at the SA node normally and spreads
towards the base of the heart and then reflected back to the base so it will be
moving toward a certain lead “angle” and away from another lead at the same
time giving opposite views
Each lead has a positive terminal and a negative terminal
If there is no electrical activity the lead will not record anything and will give
an isoelectric line (the baseline)
If the electrical impulse is moving towards the positive terminal it will be
interpreted as a positive wave in the ECG (above the baseline) and if it moves
away from the positive terminal and towards the negative terminal it will be
interpreted as a negative wave in the ECG (below the baseline)
If the wave is perpendicular to the lead the negative and positive waves will be
equal to each other (biphasic wave)
: The limb leads
The limb leads is the term applied to the 6 “angles” which view the heart
from the vertical (frontal) plane
The limb leads “electrodes” are attached to the patient limbs (right and left
arms and legs)
Originally there was 3 leads : I,II,III
Augmented leads were invented later on to enhance the recording ability of
the ECG : aVL , aVR , aVF (Goldberger leads)
Leads I,II,III are bipolar leads which has a positive and a negative terminals
Leads aVL,aVR,aVF are called unipolar leads which compares its results to
an imaginary reference point(modified central Wilson`s terminal) in the
centre of the heart-in other words each limb is the positive terminal and all
other limb leads are combined together to form the negative terminal
All limb leads are related to each other through the Einthoven triangle and
the Einthoven law
The limb leads (cont.) :
Leads II ,III and aVF are called inferior leads as they “look” at
the inferior surface of the heart
I , aVL are called high lateral leads as the “look” at the high
lateral surface of the heart
All of the limb leads have their positive terminal towards the
left side in accordance to the main electrical axis of the heart
aVR is opposite to all limb leads as it has it`s positive terminal
placed on the right arm opposite to the main electrical axis of
the heart
All leads records the electrical activity of the heart at the same
time but the inferior leads best records the inferior surface and
the lateral leads best records the lateral surface of the heart
The Einthoven triangle and law :
Lead aVF is directed from an imaginary point at the centre of the heart
towards the left lower limb so its vector is directed vertically towards the
left lower point and +90 degree will be at the left lower limb (positive
electrode) and -90 degree will be at the imaginary point(negative electrode)
Lead aVR is directed from an imaginary point at the centre of the heart
towards the right arm so its vector is directed obliquely towards the right
arm and -150 degree will be at the right arm (positive electrode) and +30
degree will be at the imaginary point(negative electrode)
Lead aVL is directed from an imaginary point at the centre of the heart
towards the left arm so its vector is directed towards the left arm and -30
degree will be at the left arm and +150 degree will be at the imaginary point
All these vectors are combined together forming the hexaxial reference
system its also called the Cabrera system
The chest leads were later on inverted after the limb leads and the
augmented leads
Chest leads (pericordial leads) is the term applied to the 6 “angles”
which views the heart from the vertical plane
Chest leads are called the V leads (for ventral)
There are the standard chest leads V1-V6
The chest leads “electrodes” are attached on the chest wall of the
The chest leads are unipolar leads and each electrode compares its
results to an imaginary reference point (modified Wilson's central
terminal) in the centre of the chest-in other words each lead is the
positive terminal and all the other limb leads are considered to be
the negative terminal
The chest leads (cont.) :
There are extra leads which are not part of the standard 12
lead ECG but are useful in some clinical situations , they
include :
• Posterior chest leads : which “looks” at the posterior wall of the
heart and are named V7-V9
• Right chest leads which “looks” at the right side of the heart
and the right ventricle specifically and are named V1R-V6R
’The ‘paper
The shape and the structure of the ECG paper :
In order to give the ECG the standard shape the ECG
machine must print on the paper with a certain speed
and certain amplitude to give the standard intervals on
the ECG paper
Standardization is important to allow ECG comparison
and detect progressive lesions
The ECG machine should be calibrated to compare its
readings to 1 mV
The paper speed should be 25 mm/sec
On the basis of these settings the intervals will be
adjusted according to the standard
Out of standards :
• Double voltage :
• In this case the ECG will compare its readings to 2mmV
• In this case the height of each small box will represent
0.2 mV and the height of the large box will represent
• Should be used when the ECG has low amplitude
interfering with the ECG interpretation waves too small
to be seen correctly
Out of standards (cont.):
• Half speed :
• The ECG will be printed at a speed of 12.5mm/sec
• In this case each small box will represent 0.02 sec or
20 mSec in length and each large box will represent 0.1
sec will 100mSec
• Rarely used clinically but can be used if the rhythm is
too slow to be interpreted and to detect certain patterns
in tachy or brady arrhythmias
Out of standards (cont.):
They are beats not originating from the sinus node but the originate from the
atria themselves or from the AV node and this can be known by the duration
of the PR interval :
• If the PR interval is less than 0.12 sec or 120 mSec then its originating from
the AV node
• If the Pr interval is more than 0.12 sec or 120 mSec then its originating
from the atria (right or left)
• If the focus is near the SA node it will give a P wave similar to the sinus
• They cause depolarization of the ventricles causing cardiac contractions
• They are followed by a compensatory pause as the cardiac tissue remain in
the refractory period resisting further depolarization
• They are sporadic and usually asymptomatic and occur in normal individuals
but may indicate irritable myocardium due to ischemia or certain drugs
Multifocal atrial tachycardia :