Human Behavior (OB)
Human Behavior (OB)
Human Behavior (OB)
( Organizational Behavior – OB)
Nature of science – Theory is a tool of science, it offers conceptual scheme by which the relevant phenomena
are systematized, classified and interrelated and summarized facts into : a) empirical generalization , b) system
of gaps in our knowledge.
Facts are also productive of theory in three ways:
1) Facts help initiate theories
2) They lead to reformation of existing theory
3) They change the forms and orientation of theory and they clarify and redefine theory
Why Study of Human Behavior?
Business organizations are made up of people interested in other people.
There is no phase in daily life of people associated with business and industry that is not in some way related to behavior.
Management is constantly trying to understand and influence the mental process of others and the only access we have
on the mental process of others is through a study of their behavior.
Finally, a knowledge of the principles of the human behavior will help one to acquire understanding, skills and desires
which will prepare him to work with others with increasing cooperation, understanding and effectiveness.
An Overview of Human Behavior in Organizations
For so long, man made serious attempt to be productive, economic or otherwise. He either individually or in group.
In his quest for fulfilling his dreams, he is always confronted with the risk of failure, and the risk is most often associated with
the human factor, i.e., him and the others.
It has become clear the quality and quantity of the output of the individual, the group, or the organization depend
heavily on the actions of the person.
It follows that those who have knowledge of human behavior are better equipped to interact with individuals, groups, or
OB is a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining and ultimately improving the attitudes and behavior of
individuals and groups in organization.
OB is the study of what people think, feel, and do in and around organizations.
It focuses is on employee behavior, decision, perceptions and emotional responses.
OB is important because it helps to fulfill our need to understand and predict the world in which we live.
Organizational Behavior (OB) is a discipline of social science that seeks explanations for human behavior in organizations.
OB draws on core disciplines such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, economics, communication, and law to create
and investigate multilevel explanations of why people engage in particular behaviors, and which behaviors under which
circumstances lead to better outcomes in organizations.
Created using an applied or pragmatic lens and tested with a wide range of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies,
most OB theories and research have direct implications or managers and for other organizational participants.
Not surprisingly, one focal area of OB research concerns safety in organizations, and a growing body of safety-oriented
literature in OB is based on data collected during simulation training across a variety of organizations such as hospitals,
airlines, nuclear power plants, and other high reliability organizations.
Organizational behavior has emerged as a separate field of study.
2. An Interdisciplinary Approach
OB is essentially an interdisciplinary approach to study human behavior at work.
It tries to integrate the relevant knowledge drawn from related discipline line psychology, sociology and anthropology
to make them applicable for studying and analyzing organizational behavior.
3. An Applied Science
The very nature of OB is applied. What OB basically does is the application of various researches to solve the organization
problems related to human behavior.
The basic line of difference between pure science and OB is that while the former concentrates of fundamental researches,
the latter concentrates on applied researches.
OB can be called science as well as art.
4. A Normative Science
OB is a normative science also.
While the positive science discusses only cause effect relationship, OB prescribes how the findings of applied researches
can be applied to socially accepted organizational goals.
OB deals with what is accepted by individuals and society engage in an organization.
OB is normative as well that is well underscored by the proliferation of management theories.
In explaining behavior as a goal, OB needs to systematically describe how people behave under a variety of conditions,
and understand why people behave as they do.
The first objective is to describe how people behave under various conditions. For example, as a manager, I have
information about a particular junior officer that he comes office in late and leaves the office early.
The goal of organizational behavior is to understand why people behave as they do. Managers have to understand the
reasons behind a particular action. For example, as a manager, I must find out the reason why the junior officer is coming
late and going earlier.
OB must be used to predict behavior so support can be provided to productive and dedicated employees, and measures
could be instituted to control the disruptive and less productive ones.
Predicting future behavior of employee is another goal of organizational behavior. Usually, managers would have the capacity to predict
why the employees are committed to the organization or not.
For instance, I have to realize why he wants to leave my organization, how I can hold the officer in my organization, what should be
done by me in this situation or what my role is etc.
OB can offer some means for management to control the behavior of employees.
As control is an important component of effective performance, the usefulness of OB must not be overlooked.
The final goal of organizational behavior is to control and develop a friendly atmosphere for the organization.
Since managers are responsible for the overall performance of an organization, they must develop workers’ teamwork,
skill and commitment.
Managers should take necessary action for themselves. In the above case, I can increase the financial benefits of the
officer if it is not satisfactory for him or I can help him to solve his personal problem, or I can negotiate him to solve any
organizational problem.
The goals of OB [organizational behavior] are to explain, predict, and influence behavior. Managers need to
be able to explain why employees engage in some behaviors rather than others, predict how employees will
respond to various actions and decisions, and influence how employees behave.
So, organizational behavior is a human tool for human benefit. It is mainly used to analyze the human behavior in all types of
organizations, such as business, government, school and services organizations.
So, in order to manage the human resources properly, we need describe, understand, predict, and control human behavior.
The fundamental elements of organizational behavior are discussed below:
1. People/ Employee:
The employee is one of the very important parts of an organization. There is no any
alternative in an organization without employee/people. You know, there may be
many parties in an organization. Some party may be formal and some may be
These parties are not stable rather than mobile. Actually, today's Human Organization
is tomorrow's future.
Organization and employee are connected to each other and it will remain forever.
2. Structure:
This is the second steps of organizational behavior. Actually, Structure means the
formal relationship with on the job employee of an organization.
There is created different types of position for doing work nicely in the organization.
3. Technology:
Technology is a very important primary aspect of organizational structure in the
modern age. Technology supplies essential resource and equipment to the
employee for doing their work efficiently.
Thus technology effect on their activity.
Employees are not able to finish their work with the bare hand.
They build the buildings, prepare the design of the devices, determine the working process, assemble the resources with the
help of technology.
4. Social System:
Everything around us is society and everyone in the social lives together. The social system determines the organizational
work environment and from which the organization can operate.
As people cannot live alone just like organization cannot run alone its job.
The organization has to do its activity with the help of the employee.
5. Environment:
There is no any organization where they can survive alone. Every organization has to work on the internal and external
Management has to come near to all the staff to maintain a good working environment.
Finally, it can be said that Organizational Behavior and Organizational Structure are deeply affected by the above fundamental
Actually, the main objectives of Organizational Behavior are to develop the good working environment for the people, nation,
society and the country.
The Benefits of Studying Organizational Behavior (OB)
The study of OB offers certain benefits. They are as follows:
1. development of people skills;
2. personal growth
3. enhancement of organizational and individual effectiveness
4. sharpening and refinement of common sense
For instance common sense dictates that persons working in hot and humid places cannot perform well.
Common sense , however, cannot easily provide information on the exact temperature that will make them work at
optimum levels.
In those types of concerns, knowledge of OB may be very useful.
Frederick W. Taylor was the well-known disciple of the scientific management movement.
The primary purpose of scientific management was the application of scientific methods to increase the individual worker’s
Taylor used scientific analysis and experiment to increase worker output.
He did it by regarding individuals as equivalents of machine parts and assigned them specific repetitive tasks.
Elton Mayo and his research team conducted the Hawthorne studies in 1920 to determine what effect hours of work,
periods of rests and lighting might have on workers fatigue and productivity.
It was discovered that the social environment have an equivalent if not greater effect on productivity than the physical
Mayo concluded that social interaction is a factor for increased productivity.
A great contributor is the psychologist Sigmund Freud who brought the idea that people are motivated by far more than
conscious logical reasoning.
Freud believed that irrational motives make up the hidden subconscious mind, which determines the major part of people’s
Through an approach called behaviorism , another eminent psychologist, J.B. Watson, formulated the theory about learned
This theory indicates that a person can be trained to behave according to the wish of the trainer.
B.F Skinner extended Watson’s theory with his own theory of behavior modification.
Skinner concluded that when people receive a positive stimulus like money or praise for what they have done, they will
tend to repeat their behavior.
When they are ignored and receive no response to the action, they will not be inclined to repeat it.
The humanist movement is another important aspect in the development of OB.
It is composed of a group of psychologists and three prominent contribution – Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls and Abraham
Fritz Perls’ contribution is the Gestalt psychology wherein the person is seen as being plagued by numerous split or
conflicting desires and needs, which dissipate energy and interfere with the person’s ability to achieve his potential.
The object of Gestalt psychology is to integrate conflicting needs into an organized whole, in which all parts of a person
work together towards growth and development.
For his part, Abraham Maslow forwarded his model which espouses the idea of developing the personality toward the
ultimate achievement of human potential.
This process is referred to as self-actualization.
To achieve this objective, the person must work his way up the succeeding steps of a hierarchy of needs.
Ethics and Organizational Behavior
May an organization used whatever means, fair or foul , to achieve its objectives?
It is alright for a firm to ask employee to obtain confidential information through espionage regarding the operations of
a competitor?
It is right for organizations to allow executives to play favorites in the workplace ?
These and similar behaviors in the organization happen every now and then.
If allowing such actions become the norm rather than the exception, would it be to the best interest of everyone especially
employers and employee?
Answers to the foregoing questions permeate a body of principles that modern man tries to consider in the pursuit of his goal.
Philosophers maintain the view that a society that has low regard to morals will disintegrate after a period of time.
To avoid chaos and destruction, and to make life in society possible, adherence to the practice of moral principles regulating
human relations become necessary.
The above concerns bring us to the topic or organizational ethics.
What is Ethics?
Ethics refers to the set of moral choices a person makes based on what he or she ought to do.
Organization Ethics. These are moral principle that define right or wrong behavior in organizations.
Organizational ethics are the principals and standards by which businesses operate, according to Reference for
Business. They are best demonstrated through acts of fairness, compassion, integrity, honor and responsibility.
Ethical Behavior. This refers to behavior that is accepted as morally good and right as opposed to bad and wrong.
Ethical behavior is characterized by honesty, fairness and equity in interpersonal, professional and academic relationships
and in research and scholarly activities.
Ethical behavior respects the dignity, diversity and rights of individuals and groups of people.
Ethical Issues
There are important ethical issues that confront organizations.
They consist of the following:
1. conflict of interest
2. fairness and honesty
3. communication
4. relationships within the organization
A conflict of interest exists when a person is in the position of having to decide whether to advance the interests of
the organization or to operate in his or her own personal interest.
For instance, the purchasing officer of a university is in a situation where there is conflict of interest when he owns the
shop that sells office supplies to the university.
In organization which practices ethical behavior, people do not accept bribes to influence the outcome of a decision.
People can become victims of organizations that provide false and misleading information about their products and services,
For instance, a recruitment firm makes it appear that the employment conditions they describe to the job applicants
would be identical to what the foreign employer would offer.
This practice is of course highly unethical.
Within the organization, people may still be performing unethical acts.
For example, employee A developed an idea that will be very useful to the organization.
Employee B steals the idea and presents it to the top executive before employee A could present it himself.
This action is highly unethical and it is to the detriment of the organization if such actions are allowed to flourish.