Market Integration
• Contributions of the different financial &
economic institutions that facilitated the
growth of the global economy
• History of the global market
• The growth & dynamics of multinational
corporations that are emerging in today’s
world economy
International Financial Institutions
• World Economies have been brought closer together by
• Reflected in the phrase: when the American economy
sneezes, the rest of the world catches a sold
• It is not only the economy of the US but also other
economies in the world that have a significant impact on
the global market & finance
The Bretton Woods System
• Fear of the recurrence of lack of cooperation
among nation-states, political instability and
economic turmoil, reduction of barriers to
trade & free flow of money among nations
became the focus to restructure the world
economy & ensure global financial stability
The General Agreement on Tariffs &
Trade & the World Trade Organization
• Was established in 1947
• Was a forum for the meeting of
representatives from 23 member countries
• Focused on trade goods through
multinational trade agreements conducted in
many rounds of negotiation
• Headquarter is located in GenevA Switzerland w/ 152 member
• An independent multilateral organization that became
responsible for trade in services , non-tariff related barriers to
trade and other broader areas of trade liberalization
Neoliberalism- general idea where WTO is based
- this means that by reducing or eliminating barriers,
all nations will benefit
Criticisms to WTO
1. Trade barriers created by developed countries cannot be
countered enough by WTO, especially in agriculture
a. the emerging markets in the Global South made the majority
in WTO, but they suffered under the industrial nations w/c
supported the agriculture w/ subsidies
b. grain prices increased & food riots occurred in many
members of WTO
2. The decision-making process were heavily influenced by larger
trading powers while excluding smaller powers in meetings
3. International Non-Government Organizations are not involved
The International Monetary Fund(IMF) &
The World Bank
• Were founded after the World War II
• Established because of peace advocacy after the war
• Aimed to help the economic stability of the world
• Basically banks but they are started by countries
instead of individuals
• Richest countries handled most of the financing & had
the greatest influence
• Were designed to complement each other
• Unfortunately the reputation of these
institutions have been dwindling, mainly due
to practices such as lending the corrupt
governments or even dictators and imposing
ineffective austerity measures to get their
money back
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development,
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and the
European Union