Marketing Plan: Asad Ali Khan (FA18-BBA-005) Asad Ali (FA18-BBA-023) Abdur-Rehman (FA18-BBA-010)

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Marketing Plan

Asad Ali Khan (FA18-BBA-005)

Asad Ali (FA18-BBA-023)
Abdur-Rehman (FA18-BBA-010)
Marketing Plan
A marketing plan is a comprehensive document that
outlines a company’s overall marketing effort. It is a
blueprint that outlines how a company will implement
its marketing strategy, and use a combination of
resources to achieve business objectives including
sales targets or customer acquisition.
Components of MP
Market research.
Target market.
Competitive analysis.
Market strategy.
Market research.

Research is the backbone of the marketing plan.

Market research is the process of gathering
information about your business's buyers personas,
target audience, and customers to determine how
viable and successful your product or service would be,
and/or is, among these people.
Target market.
 A well-designed target market description identifies
your most likely buyers. In addition, you should
discuss at least two or three levels of segmentation. A
language tutoring business might target both students
and foreign-born employees who want to improve
their English.

 What is the perception of your brand in the

marketplace? Develop compelling branding and
marketing messages that clearly communicate how
you want to be perceived.
Competitive analysis.

 You need to know who your competitors are and how

your products and services are different. What is the
price point at which your competitors are selling, and
what segment of the market are they aiming to reach?
Knowing the ins and outs of your competitors will help
you better position your business and stand out from
the competition.
Market strategy.

 Your marketing strategy is your path to sales goals.

Ask yourself “How will I find and attract my most
likely buyers? This strategy should be good and should
be applicable. It should be made while looking at the
market conditions. A strong yet flexible market
strategy should be made so the deviating conditions
don’t have much adverse effects on sales.

 Develop a month-by-month schedule of what you

plan to spend on marketing. Also include a “red light”
decision point. For each activity, establish a metric
that tells you to stop if it’s not generating sufficient
return on investment (ROI).

Marketing plan metrics are measurements that let

advertisers, marketers, business owners and others
judge how well a marketing or ad campaign is working.
Campaigns can have different goals, such as increasing
sales or improving brand recognition,
and marketers have an array of metrics available to
track their progress

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