Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development

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Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a stage theory of moral development. In this, he identified
six stages in the gradual progression of individuals’ concept of right and wrong. The six
stages are grouped into three levels as given below.


1 Pre conventional 1 Obedience & Punishment
2 Individualism & Exchange
2 conventional 3 Good Boy – Good Girl
4 Law & Social Order
3 Post conventional 5 Social Contract
6 Universal Ethical Principles
Pre Conventional Morality

Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment Stage 2: Individualism and

This is the first stage of moral development At this stage, children become self absorbed and
usually found in small children. A small egotistical. Though they acknowledge individual
number of adults never grow out of this stage. points of view, actions are judged on the basis of
A child in this stage assumes that it how they serve individual needs. A child at this
should obey all the rules made by the authority, stage believes he or she is generous but is in fact
without question. Parents, teachers, self absorbed. He or she is likely to expect a
reward for every non selfish act and will do a
etc. are seen as authority figures. The child’s favor to get a favor. Here disobedience and
sense of right and wrong is determined by
wrong doing are avoided in self interest .
what gets punished and what doesn’t.
Conventional Morality
Stage 3: Good Boy – Good Girl Stage 4: Law and Social Order
At this stage, people become concerned with
society as a whole. Emphasize will be on
Usually this stage occurs when children maintaining the social order. Following the
enter their teens where they see the law, discharging one’s duties, respecting
approval of peers as very important. authority, etc. are considered important as
Importance will be for nice behavior they help maintaining the social order.
and conformity. Nice behavior includes Moral judgement will be based on views
good intentions, sympathy, empathy, taking into account the impact on society as a
love and trust for others in any whole. Written law is of the most important
interpersonal relationship. They expect here. Majority of adults do not grow
to live up to the expectation levels. beyond this stage.
Post Conventional Morality
Stage 5: Social Contract Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principles

This is the highest level of moral reasoning

People at this stage are aware of the importance of according to Kohlberg. Here moral reasoning
maintaining the social order but not at the expense is based on conscience, abstract reasoning and
of individual rights. They know that rigid laws must an evolved sense of justice that go beyond rules
be changed for the welfare of the people. They and laws. Very few people who have higher
value differing opinions, contrasting beliefs and ethical principles reach this stage. Dignity and
diverse values. Laws must be formed by the society value of humanity are given priority to social
only through consensus. People at this stage believe customs and written laws. The principles of
that a good society should function for the welfare justice are universal and are applicable to
of all everyone. For an example, a law framed by a
majority through a democratic procedure is not
morallyright if it hurts a minority or even a single
individual. People at this stage will have no
self interest.
Carol Gilligan was a student of Kohlberg and her theory is founded on the inadequacy of Kohlberg’s
theory to explain female psychology of moral development Gilligan’s theory was based on care and
contextual reasoning. She argued that the moral sense of female revolves around the ethics of care
and compassion and women give more importance to relationships than men do. Gilligan’s theory
proposes three stages and unlike Kohlberg’s theory, the transition to higher stages is due to
increased self awareness rather than cognitive development.

Care Based Morality & Justice Based Morality

Gilligan proposed the Stages of the Ethics of Care theory, which addresses what makes actions right
or wrong. Gilligan's theory focused on both care based morality and justice based morality
Care Based Morality principles:

• Emphasizes interconnectedness and universality.

• Acting justly means avoiding violence and helping those in need.
• Care based morality is thought to be more common in girls because of
their connections to their mothers.
• Because girls remain connected to their mothers, they are less
inclined to worry about issues of fairness.
Justice Based Morality principles:

• Views the world as being composed of autonomous individuals who

interact with another.
• Acting justly means avoiding inequality.
• Is thought to be more common in boys because of their need to
differentiate between themselves and their mothers.
• Because they are separated from their mothers, boys become more
concerned with the concept of inequality

Researchers have found a tendency for males to adopt the justice perspective and for females
to be more likely than males to adopt the caring perspective.

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