Jakarta Declaration

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Jakarta Declaration

 Theme : “New players for New Era, Leading Health

Promotion into 21st century.
 4th
International Conference on Health
Promotion, held in Jakarta, Indonesia on July
21- 25th , 1997.

 First
conference to be held in developing

 First
to involve Private sectors in supporting
health Promotion.
Major Action Areas

1.Health promotion is a key

2.Health promotion makes a

3.New responses are


4.Call for action

1.Health Promotion is a Key

 Health, basic Human right.

 Health promotion is essential element of health.
 Determinants of Health : new challenges.
 Changing Demographic trends , Social-
behaviour and biological changes threaten the
health and wellbeing.
New & re-emerging infectious diseases,
greater recognition of Mental health
problems-requires an urgent response.
2. Health promotion makes a
 Research& Case studies from around the
world provide convincing evidence that
Health Promotion is effective.

 Combinations of the five strategies (Ottawa

charter) are more effective then single track

 Particular
settings offer practical
opportunities for the implementation of
comprehensive strategies.
 Participation is essential to sustain efforts.

 Health learning fosters participation.

3. New responses are needed
1  Promote social responsibility for
2 Increase investments for
health development
Priorities 3 Consolidate and expand
for H.P. partnerships for health
In 21ST
Century Increase community
4 capacity and empower the

5 Secure an infrastructure for

health promotion
Promote social responsibility for health
Both the public and private sectors should promote
health by pursuing policies and practices that:
 avoid harming the health of individuals
 protect the environment and ensure sustainable

use of resources.
 restrict production of and trade in inherently

harmful goods and substances such as tobacco.

 safeguard both the citizen in the marketplace and

the individual in the workplace.

 Include equity-focused health impact

assessments as an integral part of policy

Increase investments for health development
 In many countries, current investment in health is
inadequate and often ineffective. Increasing
investment for health development requires a truly
multi-sectoral approach. for example, additional
resources for education and housing as well as for the
health sector.
 Investments for health should reflect the needs of

particular groups such as women, children, older

people, and indigenous, poor and marginalized
Consolidate and expand partnerships for health
 Health promotion requires partnerships for health
and social development between the different
sectors at all levels of governance and society.
Existing partnerships need to be strengthened and
the potential for new partnerships must be

 Partnerships offer mutual benefit for health

through the sharing of expertise, skills and
resources. Each partnership must be transparent
and accountable and be based on agreed ethical
principles, mutual understanding and respect. WHO
guidelines should be adhered to.
Increase community capacity and empower the individual

 Health promotion is carried out by and with people,

not on or to people.
 Improving the capacity of communities for health
promotion requires practical education, leadership
training, and access to resources.
 Both traditional communication and the new
information media support this process. Social,
cultural and spiritual resources need to be
harnessed in innovative ways.
Secure an infrastructure for health promotion

 To secure an infrastructure for health

promotion, new mechanisms for funding it
locally, nationally and globally must be found.
Incentives should be developed to influence the
actions of governments, nongovernmental
organizations, educational institutions and the
private sector to make sure that resource
mobilization for health promotion is maximized.
 All countries should develop the appropriate

political, legal, educational, social and economic

environments required to support health
4.Call for action
In order to speed progress towards global health
promotion, the participants endorse the formation
of a global health promotion alliance.

Priorities for the alliance include:

 Raising awareness of the changing determinants of
 Supporting the development of collaboration and
networks for health development.
 Mobilizing resources for health promotion.
 Accumulating knowledge on best practice.
 Enabling shared learning.
 Promoting solidarity in action.
 Fostering transparency & public accountability in
health promotion.
The declaration recognizes that:
1. Participation is necessary for change.
2. Health literacy is essential for participation -
emphasizes the need for access to education and
information and hence, the empowerment of
individuals and communities.
3. Combinations of five strategies for health promotion
-build healthy public policy, create supportive
environments, strengthen community action, develop
personal skills, and reorient health services, are more
effective than "single-track approaches".
 https://www.who.int/healthpromotion/confer

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakarta_Declara

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