Inside the nucleus is another organelle called the nucleolus. The nucleolus is
responsible for making ribosomes.
The circles on the surface of the nucleus are the nuclear pores. These are where
ribosomes, and other materials move in and out of the cell.
Mitochondria are membrane-enclosed organelles distributed through
the cytosol of most eukaryotic cells. Their main function is the
conversion of the potential energy of food molecules into ATP.
correct shipping address, the proteins produced in
the ER, should be correctly sent to their respective
Both these subunits are necessary for protein synthesis in the cell. When
the two units are docked together with a special information unit called
messenger RNA, they make proteins.
Some ribosomes are found in the cytoplasm, but most are attached to the
endoplasmic reticulum. While attached to the ER, ribosomes make
proteins that the cell needs and also ones to be exported from the cell for
work elsewhere in the body.
The fluid mosaic model describes the structure of the
plasma membrane.Different kinds of cell membrane models
have been proposed, and one of the most useful is the
Fluid-mosaic model. In this model the membrane is seen as
a bilayer of phospholipids in which protein molecules are
The cell wall protects the cellular contents; gives rigidity to the
plant structure; provides a porous medium for the circulation and
distribution of water, minerals, and other small nutrient molecules;
and contains specialized molecules that regulate growth and protect
the plant from disease. A structure of great tensile strength, the cell
wall is formed from fibrils of cellulose molecules, embedded in a
water-saturated matrix of polysaccharides and structural
Cell wall & Plasmodesmata- In addition to cell membranes, plants have
cell walls. Cell walls provide protection and support for plants.
cell membranes materials cannot get through cell walls. This
would be a problem for plant cells if not for special openings called
These openings are used to communicate and transport materials
between plant cells because the cell membranes are able touch and
therefore exchange needed materials.
Vacuoles and vesicles are storage organelles in
cells. Vacuoles are larger than vesicles. Either
structure may store water, waste products, food,
and other cellular materials. In plant cells, the
vacuole may take up most of the cell's volume.
The membrane surrounding the plant cell vacuole is called the
Differences between Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic cells
Bacterial cells also contain flagellum, plasmid and capsule.
Many organelles:
Few present, none
Organelles •Double membranes e.g.: nucleus,
membrane bound mitochondria & chloroplasts
•Single membrane e.g.: GA, ER &