Robbins Eob13ge Ppt07
Robbins Eob13ge Ppt07
Robbins Eob13ge Ppt07
Copyright ©2016 Pearson Education Limited.
After studying this chapter
you should be able to:
1. Describe the three key elements of motivation.
2. Evaluate the applicability of early theories of
3. Contrast the elements of self-determination
theory and goal-setting theory.
4. Demonstrate the differences between self-
efficacy theory, equity theory, and expectancy
5. Identify the implications of employee job
engagement for management.
Copyright ©2016 Pearson Education Limited. 7-3
What Is Motivation?
Theory X Theory Y
Motivation Factors
• Quality of • Promotional
Hygiene Factors
supervision opportunities
• Pay • Opportunities for
• Company policies personal growth
• Physical working
• Recognition
• Relationships • Responsibility
• Job security • Achievement
Self-Determination Theory
Goal-Setting Theory
Management by Objectives
Self-Efficacy Theory
Equity Theory
Organizational Justice
Expectancy Theory