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I would like to express my special

thanks of gratitude to my teacher
Mr. B.L. Heda Sir as well as our
principal Father Jonny Mathew who
gave me this golden opportunity to do
this wonderful project on topic Laser
security Alarm ,which also helped me
in doing lot of Research and i came to
know about so many new things i am
really thankful to them .
Secondly i would also like to thank my
parents and friends who helped me a
lot in finalizing this project within
limited time frame .

• LDR :- A photoresistor or Light

Dependent Resistor . The LDR acts as a
light sensor in this project .As the
intensity of the light falling on the LDR
decreases ,the resistance of the LDR
decreases and vice –versa . It is used in
combination with the laser to form the
light sensor and source .
• Resistor :- A resistor is an electrical
components that limits or regulates
the flow of electric current in an
electronic circuit .Resistors an also be
used to provide a specific voltage for
an active device such as a transistor .
• NPN Transistor:- NPN is one of the
two types of bipolar transistors
,consisting for layer of P-doped
semiconductor (the base) between
two N-doped layers. A small current
entering the base is amplified to
produce large collector and emitter
current .
• Laser pointer :- It is a small handheld
device with a power source (usually a
battery )and a laser diode emitting a
very narrow coherent low power laser
beam of laser light ,intended to be
used to highlight something of intrest
by illuminating it with a small bright
spot of coloured light .
• LED :- A emitter that emits visible
light through it.
• Battery :- A container consisting of
more than one cells , in which
chemical energy converts into
electrical energy and used as a power
source .
• Buzzer :- An electrical device that
makes a buzzing noise and used for
signalling .
• Battery clip :- A terminal of
connecting wire having spring jaws
that can be quickly snapped on a
terminal of a device ,such as a
battery, to which a temporary
connection is desired .
• Capacitor :- A device used to store an
electric charge, consisting of one or
more pairs of conductors seperated
by insulators .

Security is the most important factor

today. Tecnology develops day by
day in the world. The crime gang also
improves their technology toperform
their operations.
So technology of security should be
modern with time to protect the crime
works. We decide to make a security
project as my project . In this project
we have used laser light to cover a
large area .
We know laser light goes through
long distance without scattering effect.
It’s also visible only at source and
incident point ,otherwise invisible .
These two properties help us to
build up a modern security system.
which may named as “Laser Security”.
When any person object crossover
the laser line then the security alarm
start ringing and also the focus light will
“on ”to focus the entrance of
unauthorized person . We can make a
security boundary of single laser light
my using mirror at every corner of
reflection .

1. Connect a LDR to a 5k resistor . This will

pick up the laser light and enable the
alaram .
2. Use NPN transistor to link the resistor,a
5v siren and 9V battery . The attached
schematic should demonstrate how the
parts come together .Used an wooden
board to hold them in place and make
sure the board is small enough to fit
into the project box . Do not connect
the battery yet .
3. Use tape, glue or strips of velcro to
mount the two project boxeson either
side of the door you wish to protect .
4. Connect 9V battery to the 1st project
box and replace it in the exact position
is was in.
5. Turn the laser on with toggle switch and
make sure it lines up perfectly with
photocell.The alarm is now activated .If
anything breaks the beam the siren will
go off.

• This circuit is based on LDR ,a variable

resistor in which the resistance varies
according to the light intensity falling on
• The LDR and resistor R1 forms potential
divider network ,which is the important
part of our security alarm system.
• We have already discussed about how
transistor acts as a switch ,the same
principal is used here.
• The voltage drop across the LDR is used
to drive the transistor switch. When the
voltage drop is above cut in voltage
(0.6V) , the transistor is turned ON.
• LDR has low resistance (m ohm range ) in
the presence of light and high
resistance(M ohm ) in absence of light.
• In our security alarm ,a LASER light is
allowed to fall on LDR continously using
3 mirrors .
• Light from other sources should not be
allowed to fall on LDR , so place the LDR
in box with a single hole to pass laser.
• In the situation , the resistance offered
by LDR is too low ,Since the laser light is
continously allowed to fall on the LDR
surface .
• Thus the voltage drop acroos the LDR is
also low (V=IR [ohms law]) which is
insufficient to turn on the transistor ,so
the transistor remains in the OFF state .
• When a person makes a block to tje
continous flow of laser beam , then the
light falling on LDR gets blocked .Thus its
resistance increases to the high value in
order of Mohm range.
• While resistance increases the voltage
drop also increases,when this voltage
drop increase exceeds the cut in voltage
of silicon NPN transistor ,it will turn ON.
• Then current from Vcc starts flowing
ground via buzzer and transistor
,which makes the beep sound .
• The beep sound from security system
gives the indication of some security

1. LASER Security System Locks

Working :- Laser door alarm is
based on intruption of laser beam
.The laser pointer is used as the
source of light beam.
• If someone tries to break the laser
path ,then an alarm will be generated
in a few seconds .Normally laser door
alarm circuit will have to sections .
• First one, laser transmitter is a laser
pointer readily avilable .This is
powerd with 3volt DC supply and
fixed on one side of the door frame.
• The reciever will have photo
transistor at the front end .We use
NPN darlington photo transistor as a
laser sensor .
2.Laser System:- Laser technology
products will calculate distance by
measuring the time of flight of very
short pulses of infrared light. It is
different from traditional surveying
instrument mehod of measuring phase
shifts by comparing the incoming
wavelength with the phase of outgoing
light pulse.
• Solid objects will reflect back a certain
percentage of the emitted light
energy . It only needs to be a small
percentage for our sensitive detector
to pick it. We can measure the time it
takes for a laser pulse to travel to the
target and back with a reflection.By
knowing the speed of light .we can
calculate the distance traveled.It
calculate accurate area of house .
3.Theft Detection by laser system:- It can
be designed by simple electronic project
for demonstration in science exhibitions.It
can also be made as mini major project for
electric or electronic students .
• when making this laser security system
one can know everything about laser
beams and their installations .while
preapring laser security system , we
need to concentrate on the
microcontroller program and installed
with laser beam device .
• When using traditional photo resistors
for preaparing security systems one has
to consider the natural light phenomena.
Laser are strong in beam widhth and can
be focused on the perfect target .By
using Laser secirity system one can be
safe in the case of harmful effects to the
body.As the beam widhth used in the
system are not strong beam widhth
.Which are used in cutting devices .
4.Other uses of laser security system:-
The system are high tech innovations
that have gained popularity in home
and office security system . These are
used to be expensive solution for
security needs . Depending on costs
and fast technological advancements
laser security system becoming more
adaptable .

• Home security is rapidly growing field

and their are new and improved
burglar alarms popping up everyday.
• With rapid advancement of
technology the filled is turing out to
be an area full of scopes and chances
can be made to make it’s more
efficient .

Thankyou ........
St. Anselm’s Sr. Sec. School

SESSION 2018-19

NAME :- Ruchika Singh

CLASS :- 12th ‘A’

Subbmitted to :-

ROLL NO . :- 31

This is to certify that Ruchika Singh

,Student of class 12th science has
successfully completed the project of
physics during the session 2018-19 in
partial fulfillment of physics practical
Examination for the cirriculum of Central
Board Of Secondary Examination.


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