STS Report
STS Report
STS Report
Information is poised to replace matter as the primary stuff of the universe, von Baeyer suggests; it will
provide a new basic framework for describing and predicting reality in the twenty-first century. Despite its
revolutionary premise, von Baeyer's book is written simply in a straightforward fashion, offering a
wonderfully accessible introduction to classical and quantum information. Enlivened with anecdotes from
the lives of philosophers, mathematicians, and scientists who have contributed significantly to the field,
Information conducts readers from questions of subjectivity inherent in classical information to the blurring
of distinctions between computers and what they measure or store in our quantum age. A great advance in
our efforts to define and describe the nature of information, the book also marks an important step forward
in our ability to exploit information--and, ultimately, to transform the nature of our relationship with the
physical universe.