Universal Grammar and Second Language Learning

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Grammar and
By Muhammad holdhon
What is universal grammar?
A typical way in to the Chomskyan
position is through a simple conundrum
(Baker 1979): an adult native speaker of a
language knows things he could not have
learnt from the samples of speech he has
heard; since this knowledge is not based
on his experience of the world, it must
come from some property inside his own
To acquire language need
 Positive
 Negative evidence
how can a speaker of a second
language know things he could not
have learnt from the language he
has encountered?

 1. Is the programme that is on television any good?

 2. Is the programme that on television is good?

 Chomsky's Universal Grammar and
Second Language Learning Vivian Cook
 http://www.viviancook.uk/Writings/Papers

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