ITEEA SafetyPresentation 2014 Part1

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Designing Safer Learning

Environments for Technology and

Engineering Education

Classroom Safety Presentation

Part I
Created by Tyler S. Love and Ken Roy, Ph.D.
Videos by Luke Rhine
The opinions in this PowerPoint represent prudent practice on the subject based on
OSHA and other safety regulations but do not purport to specify all legal
standards. No warranty, guarantee, or representation is made by the authors or
the ITEEA as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contained herein.
They are intended to provide basic guidelines in the areas of employee and
employer safety and loss control/prevention.

Therefore, it cannot be assumed that all necessary warning and precautionary

measures are contained in this information. Users of the information should also
consult pertinent local, state, and federal laws and legal counsel for additional
safety prevention program components.

The implementation and promotion of SAFER practices in the laboratory/classroom

to prevent incidents and injuries to students, instructors, and visitors is the sole
responsibility of the instructor.
Upon the completion of this presentation Students
Will Be Able To:
1. Identify the proper use for each chemical, tool, and
machine in the lab. (STL 12)
2. Identify with 100% accuracy, the essential controls
needed to operate each tool and machine in the lab.
(STL 12)
3. Recognize safety hazards of each chemical, tool, and
machine in the lab. (STL 12 & 13)
4. Apply their knowledge from the presentations,
demonstrations, and their notes to answer all safety
tests questions with 100% accuracy. (STL 12)
STL = Standards for Technological Literacy
Upon the completion of this presentation Students
Will Be Able To:
5. Discuss the procedures in the correct order to safely
operate each tool and machine. (STL 12)
6. Demonstrate how the SAFER use of each chemical,
tool, and machine in the lab. (STL 12)
7. Analyze hazardous conditions in the lab and make
suggestions for safer solutions. (STL 12 & 13)

STL = Standards for Technological Literacy

Table of Contents
3D Printer General Laboratory

Band Saw
Hand and Portable
Power Tools
Belt/Disc Sander

CNC Machines

Laser Engraver/Cutter
Drill Press *Click on a machine picture to jump to those
safety slides. Click on the ITEEA logo on
any slide to return to the Table of Contents.
3D Printer Introduction
1.What is a 3D Printer?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever used one before?

4.What safety hazards do you

foresee with using the 3D
3D Printer Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using the
3D printer.

2. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with ANSI

Z87.1 markings while operating and observing the
3D printer, removing the model from the platform,
and removing the support material.

3. Run the printer at the temperature specified by the


4. Make all adjustments with the power turned off.

3D Printer Safety Guidelines
5. DO NOT touch the print nozzle.

6. Select the correct scale and other settings to print

your model.

7. Properly load the platform tray so it is level.

8. Doors of the printer must remain closed for the

entire operation.

9. Once printer is completely finished, remove the

platform (may still be HOT and require heat
insulated gloves), and carefully remove the model
using a putty knife.
3D Printer Safety Guidelines
10. Remove all support material from the printing
platform to ensure a smooth surface for the next
11. Some printers allow the removal of support
material by carefully using chisels, pliers, and
wire cutters.
12. Some support material must be removed using
hazardous chemicals. Refer to the manufacturer
instructions provided with these chemicals. To
avoid contact with skin, some removal chemicals
require the use of neoprene gloves, sanitized
chemical splash goggles with ANSI Z87.1
markings, and steel or plastic (not aluminum)
3D Printer Safety Guidelines
13. If chemical manufacturer specifies, have a source
of fresh water nearby to rinse chemical solutions
from your skin or the model.

14. Chemical removal should not be conducted in an

explosive atmosphere.

15. Only use the printer in a well-ventilated area

which can accommodate potentially hazardous
vapors and fumes!

16. Follow all safety precautions provided by the

3D Printer Demonstration

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the 3D printer in the
laboratory and how to
operate it in a SAFER way.
3D Printer Review
1. What is this machine used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with this machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating this machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of this machine?
5. When finished using this machine what
must you do?
Band Saw Introduction
1.What is a Band Saw?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever used one before?

4.What safety hazards do you

foresee with using the Band
Band Saw Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using
the Band Saw.

2. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing,

and confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with

ANSI Z87.1 markings while operating the Band

4. Check all material for foreign objects before

Band Saw Safety Guidelines
5. Set the blade guard 1/8th of an inch above the
piece to be cut.

6. Check to ensure that all the safety guards are

in place and working correctly.

7. Have all cut lines clearly marked before

operating the Band Saw.

8. Hold the material away from the blade before

you turn on the Band Saw.
Band Saw Safety Guidelines
9. Hold the material firmly on the table while
cutting on the Band Saw.

10. Keep your fingers away from the cut line and
blade. 2 inches minimum.

11. When cutting a tight curve, first cut relief cuts

then push the work piece slowly without
twisting or bending the blade. Do not force the
work into the blade.

12. Do not cut a smaller radius than the blade

width will allow.
Band Saw Safety Guidelines
13. Use a V-Block to cut material that is round.

14. Turn off the Band Saw when finished cutting.

15. Wait for the Band Saw to come to a complete

stop before cleaning it.

16. Clean up all scraps and dust from the Band

Saw before you leave it.
Band Saw Parts
Operating the Band Saw
Band Saw Demonstration

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the Band Saw in the
laboratory and how to
operate it in a SAFER way.
Band Saw Review
1. What is this machine used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with this machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating this machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of this machine?
5. When finished using this machine what
must you do?
Belt/Disc Sander Introduction
1.What is a Belt/Disc Sander?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever used one before?

4.What safety hazards do you

foresee with using the Belt/Disc
Belt/Disc Sander Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using
the Sander.

2. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing,

and confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with

ANSI Z87.1 markings while operating the

4. Check all material for foreign objects before

Belt/Disc Sander Safety Guidelines
5. Check to ensure that all tables are at the
correct angle and secure.

6. Make sure the belt and disc are not loose,

torn, or clogged up.

7. Hold the material firmly on the table while


8. Keep your fingers away from the belt/disc.

Belt/Disc Sander Safety Guidelines
9. Use only the downward side of the disc while

10. Do not force material against sanding


11. Make all adjustments with the power off,

EXCEPT when adjusting the belt tension.

12. Hold the material away from the belt/disc

before you turn on the Sander.
Belt/Disc Sander Safety Guidelines
13.Turn off the Sander when finished.

14.Wait for the Sander to come to a complete

stop before cleaning it.

15.Clean up all scraps and dust from the Sander

before you leave it.
Belt/Disc Sander Parts
Operating the Belt/Disc Sander
Best Practices for the Belt/Disc Sander
Belt/Disc Sander Demonstration

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the Belt/Disc Sander in the
laboratory and how to
operate it in a SAFER way.
Belt/Disc Sander Review
1. What is this machine used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with this machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating this machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of this machine?
5. When finished using this machine what
must you do?
CNC Machines Introduction
1.What is a CNC Mill?
What is a CNC Lathe?

2. What are they used for?

3. Have you used either before?

4. What safety hazards do you

foresee with using these CNC
CNC Machines Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using
any CNC machine.

2. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing,

and confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with

ANSI Z87.1 markings while operating and
observing a CNC machine.

4. Make sure the power is turned off before

setting up the machine or making adjustments.
CNC Machines Safety Guidelines
5. Check spindle rotation, speed, depth of cut,
and all power feed adjustments before starting
the cut.

6. Run a simulation or dry run (without a tool bit)

before starting the final run to ensure all
movements are correct and prevent tool or
machine damage.

7. Keep set up tools off of machine and out of the

work area.
CNC Machines Safety Guidelines
8. Make sure the work piece is mounted or
clamped securely.

9. Make sure all doors to the work area are fully


10. Remain with machine for the duration of its


11. If a malfunction occurs, immediately press the

emergency stop button and contact the
CNC Machines Safety Guidelines
12. Brush away chips and shavings only when
the machine is completely stopped.

13. Use the proper tools to tighten the bit/cutter

head in the collet chuck, then remove all tools
from the work area before operating the CNC

14. Carefully remove bit when finished (BIT MAY


15. Clean up area when finished and return the

CNC to the home position.
CNC Machine Demonstrations

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the CNC Machines in the
laboratory and how to
operate them in a SAFER
CNC Machines Review
1. What is each machine (CNC mill and CNC
lathe) used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with each machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take before
operating each machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps for a
SAFER operation of each machine?
5. When finished using each machine what must
you do?
Drill Press Introduction
1.What is a Drill Press?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever used one before?

4.What safety hazards do you

foresee with using the Drill
Drill Press Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using
the Drill Press.

2. Remove all jewelry and gloves, eliminate loose

clothing, and confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with

ANSI Z87.1 markings while operating the Drill

4. Center punch all holes to be drilled.

Drill Press Safety Guidelines
5. Check the end of the drill bit – Make sure it is
not square.

6. Make all adjustments with the power turned


7. Use the chuck key to tighten the drill bit in the

Drill Press Safety Guidelines
8. REMOVE THE CHUCK KEY before turning on
Drill Press.

9. Make sure drill bit lines up with the hole in the

center of the table to avoid drilling into the

10. Back up stock being drilled to avoid


11. Clamp material to the table – It should extend

to left.
Drill Press Safety Guidelines
12.Check the depth stop.

13.Do not force the drill bit through the material.

14.Carefully remove drill bit when finished


15.Clean up the Drill Press and area around it.

Drill Press Parts
Operating the Drill Press
Best Practices for the Drill Press
Drill Press Demonstration

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the Drill Press in the
laboratory and how to
operate it in a SAFER way.
Drill Press Review
1. What is this machine used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with this machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating this machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of this machine?
5. When finished using this machine what
must you do?
General Lab Safety Introduction
1.What is a Laboratory?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever worked in one before?

4.What safety hazards do you foresee

with working in the lab?
Laboratory Safety Guidelines
1. Sanitized safety glasses for solids and chemical
splash goggles for hazardous chemicals, both
with ANSI Z87.1 markings, are required to be worn
by all occupants.

2. Follow all directions the first time they are given.

3. Respect all people, chemicals, tools, and


4. Be courteous in language and actions, and

respect others and their property.

5. Be on time and prepared to participate.

Laboratory Safety Guidelines
6. Running, playing, yelling, and throwing objects are
NEVER allowed.

7. Food and drink are NEVER allowed in the laboratory.

8. Working in the laboratory while impaired is NEVER


9. Students must pass all chemical safety, and tool and

machine safety tests with 100% accuracy.

10. Students will only be able to use tools and machines

when they have obtained permission from the
instructor and the instructor is in the laboratory.
Laboratory Safety Guidelines
11. Students should not work alone in the laboratory.

12. Students should wear proper clothing that protects

their arms, legs, and feet from injury. Open toed
shoes are NEVER permitted in the laboratory.

13. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing, and

confine long hair.

14. Never use dull or damaged tools.

15. Only the operator is allowed in the machine safety

zone while a machine is running unless otherwise
specified by the instructor.
Laboratory Safety Guidelines
16. Do not talk to anyone while operating a tool or

17. Only carry what you can safely handle.

18. Clean up spills, scraps, and dust immediately.

19. IMMEDIATELY report any injury (no matter how

minor), faulty equipment, and other unsafe conditions
to the instructor.

20. When in doubt, seek assistance from the instructor.

21. Know how to operate laboratory safety controls – eye

wash, shower, etc
Appropriate Clothing for the Laboratory
Laboratory Tour

• Instructor will now show

students the laboratory and
demonstrate all safety
controls and hazards in the
Laboratory Safety Review
1. What is the laboratory used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with the laboratory?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before entering the laboratory?
4. What precautions must you take while in
the laboratory?
5. When finished using the laboratory what
must you do?
Hand and Power Tool Safety
1.What are hand tools?
What are portable power tools?

2. What are they used for?

3. Have you ever any before?

4. What safety hazards do you foresee

with using hand and power tools?
Hand and Power Tool Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using
any tool.

2. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing,

and confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with

ANZI Z87.1 markings while operating any tool.

4. Wear hearing protection (ear plugs or ear

muffs) when necessary.
Hand and Power Tool Safety Guidelines
5. Only use a tool for its intended purpose (ex. a flat
screwdriver is not a chisel).

6. Select the correct tool to safely complete the task.

7. Use tools in the proper environment (i.e. Do not

use a grinder that emits sparks around flammable
vapors or dust).

8. Do not use hand tools with loose or damaged


9. Do not use portable power tools which have

frayed, cut, or separated cords from the tool
Hand and Power Tool Safety Guidelines
10. Keep tools and equipment well maintained (i.e.
blades sharp, cords well maintained, guards in
good working order, etc.).

11. On all metal portable power tools make sure that

a 3-pronged grounding type plug is always used.

12. When working outside always use a "Ground

Fault Circuit Interrupter" (GFCI) type extension
cord, and do not put extension cords around your
or shoulders when using portable power tools.
Hand and Power Tool Safety Guidelines
13. Keep hands clear of all cut lines or areas of

14. Never leave a blade or tool unattended.

15. Do not leave any tool hanging over the edge a

workbench or table.

16. If hot, do not touch the tool, and let it tool cool
down before returning it to its proper location.

17. Ask the instructor for safety information specific

to each tool.
Hand Tools In The Laboratory
Hand and Power Tools

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the location of
hand and power tools in the
laboratory and how to
operate them in a SAFER
Hand and Power Tools Safety Review
1. What are some different tools which were
demonstrated, and what are they used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with these tools?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before using these tools?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps for
a SAFER use of these tools?
5. When finished using these tools what must
you do?
Jointer Introduction
1.What is a Jointer?

2.What is it used for?

3.Have you ever used one before?

4.What safety hazards do you

foresee with using the Jointer?
Jointer Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using the

2. Remove all jewelry, eliminate loose clothing, and

confine long hair.

3. Always wear sanitized safety glasses with ANSI

Z87.1 markings while operating the Jointer.

4. The guard should be covering the cutterhead at all

times when not operating the machine.

5. Make all adjustments with the power off.

Jointer Safety Guidelines
6. Be sure to check all material for loose knots, nails
and other foreign objects.

7. Do not place your hands within 12 inches of the


8. Students should NOT adjust the height of the

outfeed table.

9. Only joint boards with the grain.

10.Stand off to the left and out of line of the

Jointer Safety Guidelines
11. Never joint stock less than 12 inches long.

12. Cut with the concave side of the board facing


13. Hold firmly against the fence and the table.

14. A push stick is required when hands would pass

over or within 2 inches of the cutterhead.

15. Adjust the infeed table to cut 1/32 of an inch per

Jointer Safety Guidelines
16. Never make cuts more than 1/16 of an inch thick.

17. Material should be pushed through, not pulled.

18. Run stock the entire way through the jointer until
the cutterhead guard has returned over the throat
and knives.

19. Turn off, and wait for the cutterhead to come to a

complete stop before cleaning it.

20. Clean up all scraps and dust from the Jointer

before you leave it.
Jointer Parts
Operating the Jointer
Best Practices for the Jointer
Jointer Demonstration

• Instructor will now

demonstrate the parts of
the Jointer in the laboratory
and how to operate it in a
SAFER way.
Jointer Review
1. What is this machine used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with this machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating this machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of this machine?
5. When finished using this machine what
must you do?
Laser Engraver/Cutter Introduction
1.What is a Laser Engraver?
What is a Laser Cutter?

2. What are they used for?

3. Have you ever used either before?

4. What safety hazards do you

foresee with using these machines?
Laser Engraver/Cutter Safety Guidelines
1. Ask for instructor’s permission before using the
Laser Engraver or Cutter.

2. Always wear the proper sanitized eye protection

with ANSI Z87.1 markings while operating and
observing the Laser Engraver or Cutter.

3. Never leave the Laser Engraver or Cutter

unattended during operation.

4. Ensure exhaust system is working for proper CO2


5. All parts of the machine must be fully grounded,

in case the static electricity cuts out.
Laser Engraver/Cutter Safety Guidelines
6. Flammable and explosive substances are not
allowed near the Laser Engraver or Cutter.

7. Any total reflection objects or diffuse objects are

prohibited inside the machine to prevent the laser
beam from reflecting out to hurt people.

8. Do not attempt to engrave/cut: nylon, ABS,

polyethylene, Lexan/polycarbonate, PVC, vinyl,
Teflon, or carbon fiber. Also, do not inhale glass

9. Make all adjustments with the power turned off.

Laser Engraver/Cutter Safety Guidelines
10. Before cutting, ensure the lens housing (laser
head and gantry) will not collide with any objects
on the honeycomb (cutting) table.

11. Do not push and/or pull the laser head and its

12. The cover must remain down and in place during

the entire operation.

13. The continuous working time for the Laser

Engraver or Cutter can't exceed 5 hours.
Laser Engraver/Cutter Safety Guidelines
14. If applicable, the water cycle must be kept clean
and at a temperature recommended by the

15. Small sparks and smoke are acceptable, but large

flames are not.

16. If there are large flames or the machine

malfunctions, immediately cut off the power supply.

17. When the operation is finished, carefully remove


18. Follow all safety guidelines provided by the Laser

Engraver or Cutter manufacturer.
Laser Engraver/Cutter
• Instructor will now
demonstrate the parts of
the Laser Engraver/Cutter in
the laboratory and how to
operate it in a SAFER way.
Laser Engraver/Cutter Review
1. What is each machine (Laser Engraver
and Laser Cutter) used for?
2. What are some of the safety hazards
associated with each machine?
3. What safety precautions must you take
before operating each machine?
4. In the correct order, what are the steps
for a SAFER operation of each machine?
5. When finished using each machine what
must you do?
Additional Safety Resources
• Flinn Scientific
• Safety videos, PD training courses, case law
• ITEEA Council for Supervision and Leadership
• Safety Videos and Tests
• Maryland State Dept. of Education: Science Education Safety Manual
• Legal information and safety guidelines applicable to technology
• Maryland Technology Education Facilities Guidelines
• Guidelines for designing safe facilities
Free Safety Posters
• Technology and Engineering Education Association of Pennsylvania (TE
PA Deptartment of Education Safety Guide
• Extensive safety manual with tests and posters
• Virginia Tech: Dept. of Agriculture and Extension Education
• Extensive safety tests for numerous tools and machines
About the Authors
Tyler S. Love [email protected] Dr. Ken Roy [email protected]
• Ph.D. Candidate and Graduate Assistant in • ON STAFF AT Glastonbury Public Schools
the Integrative STEM Education Program (CT)
at Virginia Tech • Director of Environmental Health & Safety
• B.S. – Technology Education from the • Safety Compliance Officer
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
• MAEd – Curriculum and Instruction from PRIVATE SAFETY PRACTICE
Virginia Tech • National Safety Consultants, Manager &
• Graduate Certificate – Higher Education Senior Safety Consultant
Administration from Virginia Tech • Authorized OSHA Instructor
• Chief
EXPERIENCE AND RELATED Science Safety Consultant/Columnist/Author
PUBLICATIONS for the National Science Teachers
• Former Technology Educator in the Association (NSTA)
Maryland Public School System • Safety Compliance Officer for the National
• ITEEA practitioner safety article Science Education Leadership Association
• Journal of Technology Studies research safe
ty article

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