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 Living cells are in a dynamic state maintained by metabolism
 catabolism is to supply energy while anabolism is for energy storage
 purpose of catabolic pathways is to convert the chemical energy in
food to molecules of ATP
 the mitochondria are the sites of catabolic pathways which yield ATP
 it is made of 2 membranes
outer = permeable to small molecules and ions
= no transporting membrane proteins
= not folded
inner = resistant to penetration of any ions and most uncharged
= transport membrane proteins abound for transfer of materials
= highly folded
 All mitochondrial enzymes are synthesized in the cytosol
translocator outer membrane (TOM) channels
where enzymes cross into the intermembrane space

 chaperone-like translocator inner membrane (TIM) complexes

accepts and inserts enzymes into the inner membrane

 enzymes are located only inside the inner membrane, thus, substrates
must pass the 2 membranes ----- products leave the same way

 matrix is the inner nonmembranous portion of the mitochondrion

where enzymes for the citric acid cycle are located

 the cristae (infoldings) project into the matrix and is the locale of
enzymes involved in the oxidative phosphorylation
 Has 2 parts
1. Citric acid cycle (TCA cycle or Krebs cycle)
2. Oxidative phosphorylation (electron transport chain, phosphorylation)

A. Agents for storage of energy and transfer of phosphate groups

AMP --- contain heterocyclic amine adenine and D-ribose
ADP --- sugar joined together by N-glycosidic bond
ATP --- to form adenosine; further linked to Pi

 when one phosphate group is hydrolyzed from each of these…

ATP = 7.3 kcal/mol
ADP = 7.3 kcal/mol
AMP = 3.4 kcal/mole
 ATP molecules in the cells do not normally last longer than about 1 minute,
thus, a high turnover rate (40 kg ATP/day is manufactured and degraded
B. Agents for transfer of electrons in biological redox
– coenzymes, NAD+ and FAD, both contain an ADP core in the
structure which is the link of the coenzyme to the apoenzyme

NAD+= +charge is due to the nitrogen

=operative part is the nicotinamide part which gets
H+ and e-
molecules FAD=operative part is the flavin part which gets reduced

reduced forms are NADH AND FADH2

C. Agent for transfer of acetyl groups
– CoA is the acetyl-transporting molecules linked via a
thioester bond (high energy bond) 7.51 kcal/mol
– CoA contain ADP linked to pantothenic acid and
– active part is mercaptoethylamine
CH3 - c - s - CoA
Citric acid cycle
 Common catabolism of carbohydrates and lipids
begins when they are broken down into 2-carbon
products (acetyl units)
 transported by CoA as acetylCoA C 2

Step 1 C6

•acetylCoA enters the cycle by combining with CO2

a C4 compound called oxaloacetate to produce C5
• addition of -CH3 group of acetylCoA to the C4
C=O of the oxaloacetate
• hydrolysis of the thioester to produce the C6 C2
compound citrate Carbon balance
• enzyme used is citrate synthase
Step 2
 citrate ion is dehydrated to cis-aconitate
 cis-aconitate is hydrated back to isocitrate
 enzyme used is aconitase

Step 3
 isocitrate is oxidized to produce oxalosuccinate and decarboxylated
at the same time to produce a C5 -ketoglutarate (can be made into
glutamic acid)
 enzyme used is ICD
 required NAD+
Steps 4 and 5
 removal of another CO2 from -KG to produce succinate
 uses a complex enzyme system
 production of a high energy compound, GTP

Step 6
 succinate is oxidized by FAD to produce fumarate (by
removal of 2 hydrogen)
 fumarate has a trans-double bond
 enzyme used is succinate dehydrogenase
Step 7
 fumarate is hydrated to give the malate ion (C 4)
 enzyme used is fumarase

Step 8
 final step is the oxidation of malate by NAD + to give
 enzyme used is malate dehydrogenase
 An acetyl unit enters the TCA cycle and 2 CO2 molecules are given off
How does the TCA cycle produce energy?
– Production of GTP
– most of the energy is produced via reactions that convert NAD+ to
– NADH and FADH2 carries the e- and H+ that will produce ATP in
 Stepwise degradation and oxidation of acetate in the TCA cycle for
most efficient extraction of energy
 Other advantages of the TCA cycle

1. By-products provide raw materials for amino acid synthesis as

per need
2. The many-component cycle provides an excellent method for
regulating the speed of catabolic reactions
 In summary, the overall reactions in the TCA
GDP + Pi + CH3 - CO - S - CoA + 2H2O + 3NAD+ + FAD


CoA + GTD + 2CO2 + 3NADH + FADH2 + 3H+

 feedback mechanism occurs when
NADH + H+ accumulates - inhibit steps 1, 3 and 4
ATP accumulates - inhibit steps 1, 3 and 4
acetylCoA is in abundance - cycle accelerates
presence of ADP and NAD+ - stimulates ICD

 The reduced coenzymes, NADH and FADH2, are end products

of the TCA cycle

 they carry H+ and e-, thus, have the potential to yield energy
when these combine with oxygen to form water
EXO 4 H+ + 4e- + O2 2H2O + energy

 involves a number of enzymes embedded in the inner

membrane of mitochondria arranged in an (assembly line)
increasing affinity for e-
The sequence of the electron - carrying enzyme systems starts with

Complex I
 largest complex
 some 40 subunits, among them a flavoprotein and
several FeS clusters
 CoQ or ubiquinone is associated with complex I
 oxidizes the NADH produced in the citric acid cycle
and reduces the CoQ
NADH + H+ + CoQ -- NAD+ + CoQH2
 some of the energy released in this reaction is used
to move 2H+ across the membrane (matrix to
intermembrane space)
Soluble in lipid,
thus, can move
laterally within
the membrane
Complex II
 also catalyzes the transfer of e- to CoQ from
the oxidation of succinate in the TCA cycle,
producing FADH2

 energy derived from this is not enough to

pump two protons across the membrane nor
a channel for such transfer is possible
Complex III
 an integral membrane complex contains 11 subunits, including cytochrome b,
cytochrome C1 and FeS clusters

 delivers the e- from CoQH2 to cytochrome c

 the complex has 2 channels through which two H+ are pumped from CoQH2
into the intermembrane space

 since each cyt c can pick up only electron, 2 cytochrome c’s are needed:

CoQH2 + 2 cyt c (reduced)

CoQ + 2H+ + 2 cytochrome c (oxid)

 each cytochrome has an iron-ion-containing heme center embedded in its own

protein and the letters used to designate them were given in order of their
Complex IV
 known as cytochrome oxidase, contains 13 subunits-most importantly,
cyt 3, a heme that has an associated copper center

 an integral membrane protein complex

 e- moves from cyt c  cyt a  cyt 3  cleavage of O-O bond

 oxidized form of the enzyme takes up two H+ from the matrix for each
oxygen atom forming H2O which is released into the matrix
1/2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e- -- H2O

 during this process, two more H+ are pumped out of the matrix and into
the intermembrane space (energy driving this process comes from the
energy of water formation)

 this final pumping into the intermembrane space makes a total of

6H+/NADH + H+ and 4H+/FADH2 molecules


proposed that the electron transport is accompanied
by an accumulation of protons in the intermembrane
space of the mitochondrion, which in turn,

creates an osmotic pressure

protons driven back to mitochondrion under this

pressure generate ATP
How do the e- and H+ transports produce the chemical
energy of ATP?
The energy in the e- transfer chain creates a proton gradient

Spontaneous flow of ions from a A continuous variation in the

region of high concentration to a H+ conc along a given region
region of low concentration results
in a driving force that propels the
protons back to the mitochondrion  H+ conc in intermembrane
through the proton translocating space than matrix
ATPase in the inner membrane of
mitochondrion catalyzing
ADP + Pi ATP + H2O
 Proton translocating ATPase is a complex “rotor
engine” made of 16 different proteins
– has Fo sector, embedded in the membrane, contains the
proton channel
– the proton channel composed of 12 subunits rotate every
time a proton passes from the cytoplasmic side
(intermembrane) to the matrix side of the mitochondrion

rotation is transmitted to the F1 sector “rotor”

- F1 sector contains 5 kinds of • Rotor (γ &  subunits)

• catalytic unit ( &  subunits)
polypeptides surrounds the rotor & makes the
- the F1 catalytic unit converts the ATP
mechanical energy of the rotor to • stator unit () for stability of
chemical energy of the ATP the whole complex

A molecule of
ATP synthesized / pair of translocated H+
Accumulated H+ storage of electrical energy (due to flow of charges)
in the form of chemical energy

Pump H+ out Hydrolysis of ATP

• ONLY when the two parts of the proton translocating ATPase, F 1

and Fo, are linked is energy production possible

• disruption of the interaction between F1 and Fo is disrupted –

energy transduction is lost
 Protons that enter a mitochondrion combine with the electrons
transported through the electron transport chain and with oxygen to form
Electron/H+ transport Each O2 molecule
 the net result of the two processes ATP formed
we breathe in

2H2O Combines with 4H+

ions & 4 e-

 The oxygen has two functions

Coming from the
1. Oxidize NADH to NAD+ and FADH2 to FAD so that NADH and FADH2
these molecules can go back and participate in the molecules (TCA
TCA cycle cycle

2. Provide energy for the conversion of ADP to ATP

which is indirectly accomplished
ATP formation is driven by the entrance of H+ into the mitochondrion

HOH from O2 ------- increase in H2O depleted the H+ conc

O2 is not utilized but is needed for cell’s survival !

 The overall reactions in oxidative phosphorylation is

NADH + 3ADP + 1/2 O2 + 3Pi + H+ NAD+ + 3ATP + H2O

FADH2 + 2ADP + 1/2 O2 + 2Pi FAD + 2ATP + H2O

 The energy released during electron transport is now finally built into the ATP molecule
 each pair of protons entering a mitochondrion results in the production of one ATP
 for each NADH molecule, we get 3 ATP molecules
 for each FADH2 molecule, only 4 protons are pumped out of the mitochondrion, thus,
only 2 ATP molecules are produced for each FADH2
 combining the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation:
– for each c2 fragment entering the TCA cycle
A. we obtain 3NADH x 3ATP/NADH = 9ATP
1GTP = 12ATP

B. uses up to 2O2 molecules

one c2 fragment is oxidized with two molecules of O2 to produce two molecules
c2 + 2O2 + 12 ADP + 12 Pi 12 ATP + 2CO 2
 Activity of many enzymes is controlled and regulated by
Phosphorylase b Phosphorylase (seryl-PO4)

Glycogen glucose

Body maintains a high conc of K+ inside the cells, low outside the cells
– the reverse is true for Na+
– special transport proteins in the cell membranes constantly pump K+
into and Na+ out of the cells
– pumping requires energy via hydrolysis of ATP to ADP
– with this pumping, the charges in and out of the cell are unequal which
generates electrical potential
– chemical energy of ATP is transformed into electrical energy which
operates in neurotransmission
 ATP is the immediate source of energy in muscle contraction
– as ATP binds to myosin the actin-myosin complex
(contracted muscle) dissociates and the muscle relaxes
– when myosin hydrolyses ATP, it interacts with actin once
more, and new contraction occurs

 a molecule of ATP upon hydrolysis to ADP yields 7.3 kcal/mol

= some of this energy is released as heat and used to maintain
body temperature.
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