By-Prateek Bebortha Regn No-1727524 Class-1MBA-H
By-Prateek Bebortha Regn No-1727524 Class-1MBA-H
By-Prateek Bebortha Regn No-1727524 Class-1MBA-H
Prateek Bebortha
Regn no-1727524
Activity 1- Paper Tearing
• Eliminate a group that makes a mistake in calling out or doing the actions.
1. Two or More Persons : A single individual can not form a group. For group
formation, at least two persons are must. There is no specific limit on the
maximum number of persons to form a group.
2. Collective Identity : Each group member knows one another. Each
member of the group perceives that he/she is a part of group.
3. Interaction : There is an interaction among the members of the group.
Each member shares his ideas with others through different communication
methods such as face-to-face, in writing, over the telephone and across a
computer network.
4. Common Purpose : The members of the group work to achieve some
common objective or purpose. In fact, it is the common purpose that binds
the group members together.
Types of Groups
How group dynamics affect decisions
• Conformity
• Group polarization
• Obedience to authority
• Bystander effect
Contribution to poor group dynamics
Weak leadership. This occurs when a team or group lacks a strong leader and a more dominant member of the group often takes charge. This
can lead to a lack of direction, power struggles, or a focus on the wrong priorities.
Excessive deference to authority. This can happen when group members want to be seen to agree with a leader, and therefore hold back from
expressing their own opinions.
Blocking. This happens when group members behave in a way that disrupts the flow of information in the group. People can adopt blocking
roles such as:
The aggressor. A member who is who often disagrees with others or is inappropriately outspoken.
The negator. A member who is often critical of others ideas.
The withdrawer. A member who doesn't participate in the discussion.
The recognition seeker. A member who is boastful or dominates the session.
The joker. A member who introduces humor at inappropriate times.
Groupthink. This happens when people place a desire for consensus above their desire to reach the right decision. This prevents people from
fully exploring alternative solutions.
Free riding. In this situation some group members take it easy and leave their colleagues to do all the work. Free riders may work hard
independently, but limit their contributions in group situations.
Evaluation apprehension. Team members' perceptions can also create a negative group dynamic. Evaluation apprehension happens when
people feel that they are being judged excessively or harshly by other group members, and they hold back their opinions as a result.