First Referral Unit
First Referral Unit
First Referral Unit
Historical background
CSSM Programme- setting up FRUs at the
community health centers/sub-district
level hospitals.
RCH Programme
-Supply of Emergency
Obstetric Drug Kit
-Provision for Private
Anesthetic Services
Drug and Cosmetics Rule
Tenth Plan: Recommended Approach
Identified establishment of fully functional
and operational FRUs as the priority area
for the provision of Emergency Obstetric
and New-born Care.
Selection of sites
Under the RCH Programme
funds were provided to CHCs and district
Equipment Kits Supplied Under
CSSM Programme
Human resources: Re-deployment
and multi-skilling
Policy options for human resource
Facilities to manage Obstetrical and
medical emergencies.
strength of 4 medical officers (surgeon,
obstetrician, physician and pediatrician)
was recommended.
Adequate number of Medical Personnels
including nursing staffs.
In-patient wards.
Re-deployment & multi-skilling
Strengthening of BPHCs and PHCs will be
done in a need based manner.
All the block PHCs shall have minimum 30
indoor beds with complete facilities for
institutional delivery and usual indoor
treatment care.
Well-functioning PHCs running with
indoor facilities will be identified and their
infrastructure strengthened.
The existing manpower will be
strengthened by withdrawing and posting
of manpower from PHCs that are
providing only OPD services.
Write an
assignment on
standing orders
followed in FRU in
case of obstetrical