Islamic Civilization and Culture2
Islamic Civilization and Culture2
Islamic Civilization and Culture2
Islamic Civilization
and Culture
Dignity of Man
Social Justice
Moral Values
Rule of Law
The Philosophy of Civilization(1923),Albert
Schweitzeroutlines two opinions:
One purelymaterialand the other material andethical
"the sum total of all progress made by man in every
sphere of action and from every point of view in so
far as the progress helps towards the spiritual
perfecting of individuals as the progress of all
The world crisis was from humanity losing the ethical idea
of civilization
Vital elements
Cultural Identity
Complexity of System
Cultural Identity
Consists of the beliefs, behaviors, objects and other
characteristics common to the members of a particular group
or society
Through culture, people define themselves, conform to
society's shared values, and contribute to society
Culture includes many societal aspects:
language, customs, values, norms, mores, rules, tools,
technologies, products, organizations, and institutions
Institutionrefers to clusters of rules and cultural meanings associated with
specific social activities.
Common institutions are the family, education, religion, work,
Complexity of system
Social scientists such as V. Gordon Childe have named a number of traits that
distinguish a civilization from other kinds of society.[23] Civilizations have been
distinguished by their means of subsistence, types of livelihood, settlement patterns,
forms of government, social stratification, economic systems, literacy, and other
cultural traits.
Art and Architecture
Collective Consciousness
Fall of a civilization
Ibn Khaldn's Muqaddimah
He suggested repeated invasions from nomadic peoples limited
development led to social collapse
Edward Gibbon's work The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Final act of the collapse of Rome was the fall of Constantinople to the
Ottoman Turks in 1453 CE
The decline was natural and inevitable effect of immoderate greatness
Prosperity ripened the principle of decay; the cause of the destruction
multiplied with the extent of conquest;
Time or accident had removed the artificial supports, the stupendous
fabric yielded to the pressure of its own weight
Bryan Ward-Perkins, in his book The Fall of Rome and the End of
The collapse of complex society meant that even basic plumbing
disappeared from the continent for 1,000 years. Similar Dark Age
collapses are seen with the Late Bronze Age collapse in the Eastern
Mediterranean, the collapse of the Maya, on Easter Island and elsewhere
Jeffrey A. McNeely
That past civilizations have tended to over-exploit their forests, and that such abuse of important resources
has been a significant factor in the decline of the over-exploiting society
Thomas Homer-Dixon in "The Upside of Down: Catastrophe, Creativity, and the Renewal of
The fall in the energy return on investments; the energy expended to energy yield ratio, is central
to limiting the survival of civilizations. The degree of social complexity is associated strongly, with
the amount of disposable energy environmental, economic and technological systems allow. When
this amount decreases civilizations either have to access new energy sources or they will collapse