Essential Guidance Services

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Essential Guidance

Source: NCERT
Praveen Sharma, KV Bhimtal

Guidance is providing general

information to the client or student as
per his or her needs
Counselling on the other hand is in depth
understanding of individual. It is individual or client
centred and helps him or her to explore himself or
It is based on respect and trust , confidentiality.
People are different and unique
Self validation and acceptance of real self by the client
Empathy and not sympathy for the client by

Need for guidance and


It is a holistic approach
Emphasises holistic development
Helps in realisation of full
filling human potential
Helps in recognition of human uniqueness
helps in accepting individual needs and
helps in fostering new skills
helps in nurturing creativity
helps in self exploration and finding solution to
problems by the student himself

Essential guidance services are part of

school support programmes. Normally
education is associated with academic
services. But to supplement this
service support services are required
which develop the potential of a child
to the fullest.
These may be broadly classified into
three categories:

Child Regulatory services & Accounting services

Guidance services
and coordination
and guidance

It is basically meant to familarise students to new
situations and enable them to adjust to these
situations. It involves
Familiarisation with the layout of school or
institution layout
Curriculum offered
School rules and regulations
Examination system
Faculty etc..
Basically the motive is to make the student relaxed,
feel at ease and make necessary progress and transit
from one situation to another.

Orientation may be a group or individual activity. For

effective orientation

It should be for all students in a planned manner

normally in the beginning of the session.
It should cover different areas also like non
instructional activities, hobbies and other cultural
It t should be need based i.e. different for primary,
scondary and senior secondary
An orientation programme may be organized for
new students, parents, through visits by personnel
from other future schools/ academies etc

The STUDENT Inventory Services

It helps the teacher
counselor/counselor to know all
about the students in order to give
them proper guidance. It includes:
Interpreting relevant information

Data collected normally


Personnel and family data,

Psychological test data,
Achievement data
Anecdotal records
Teachers ratings etc..

Most common source of data collection is

CRC(Cumulative Record Card)

and normally constitutes of

Personal Information
Family Information
Schools attended: reason for leaving previous school
Information about dwellings
Health & Physical record
Scholastic Achievements Record
Co-scholastic record
Information on psychological tests if any
Personality traits
Educational & vocational plan of the child
Any other information about the child
Here it is important that the information about the child should be
objective and unbiased

Techniques for collecting

information for CRC
Non Testing techniques like interviews,
observation, rating scales, questionnaires,
inventories, checklists, self description, essay,
autobiographies provide necessary information
about personality traits and intelligence.
Testing techniques like standardized
psychological tests for intelligence, aptitude,
interest and personality characteristics
Here it is necessary that the information
collected should be validated and cross

Career Information services

These normally includes ,professional training and Occupational & career
Aspects of this service includes:
Collection of information which may be from Primary sources like
workers/professionals working in institutions and organizations Or Secondary
sources like career literature and material brought out by Govt., NGO,
Types of material includes Handbooks, pamphlets, job monographs, booklets,
brouchers, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, films, CDs, Field reviews,
Survey reports etc.
Appraisal of Information: whether it is relevant, accurate, reliable and
Classification and filing of information : on the basis of titles, educational
classifications, stream based etc.
Dissemination of information to students:
(a) on Personal basis
(b) Group method: career talks, career exhibitions, field trips to institutions &
organizations, group discussions, quizzes etc
Evaluation of career information: on the basis of source Govt. source, NGO or

Career counseling process:

Rapport building
Listening to the client
Collect clients all relevant information by different methods or
Collect relevant occupational information material
Provide this information to the student
Ask him to explore the world of work on the basis of information
given to him
Exploration of Self (self analysis) by the student
Exploration of educational and professional training required by
the client
Selection of some occupations
Matching the occupations with self traits
Selection of few occupations of choice & fitness
Final selection of occupation

Counselling Service:

Counselling service is the heart or

pivot around which all services revolve.
Counselling is one to one helping
relationship which focuses on
individual growth, adjustment, problem
solving and decision making needs.

Normally it should be done by a

trained professional and not by
teachers or career teachers

Pre requisites of counseling:

Rapport building
Infrastructure should be normal like
almirah, chair, table, posters display
boards. So that the student feels
comfortable and relaxed and not in
an interrogation room

Placement service:
This service helps to get into the right
profession, courses of study, technical
training or a job
Normally institutions use Campus Selections ,
interviews and aptitude tests for placements.
Here aim is to capitalize on the talent,
abilities and interest of the child we can get
him enrolled in hobby classes, extracocurricular activities, academies, literary
clubs etc..

The counselor/ teacher can also guide

them how to :
Prepare a resume or bio-data
Writing applications
Preparing for interviews
Use personal contacts
Use alumni students to guide and get new
students placed in their relative fields
Prepare briefs about the student and Give
recommendation letters to employment
agencies on the basis of information
obtained from CRC

Co-ordination and consultation:

In the consultation service the counsellor by

outreaching to parents, teachers, administrators
etc. and coordinating with them and try to help
the client through a third party.
This more in need because of increasing number
of people needing counseling and lack or
shortage of trained professionals.
Here it is necessary to possess communication
and other interpersonal skills to establish a
contact and liaison with various community
agencies and coordinating with them.

Prevention services:

These involve large scale awareness

programmes for creating awareness among the
upcoming generation about personal, social
problems and issues to prevent occurrences of
mental and physical problems.
The goal here is to prevent rising of problems
by creating a healthy environment by trying to
reduce factors causing boredom, stress, fatigue
among students , identifying disadvantaged
groups and, first generation learners etc. and
providing necessary assistance to them.

Research and evaluation services:

These are useful to create new programmes

and for monitoring the effectiveness of f
the programmes being implemented in the
school. Various methods can be used like
survey, interview, observation etc.
This leads to :
Finding out new ways for serving the
current students needs.
Determine the influence and value of the
school activities for the improvement of the

Which services is the pivot of
guidance services?
Difference between guidance and
What are support services and why
are they required?

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