1) The project required building a skeletal load-bearing structure using only popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins that could withstand a minimum load of 1.25kg.
2) Different joining methods were explored, including tying sticks with strings, interlocking, using pins. The final structure combined methods using pins and strings.
3) Load testing was conducted in phases up to 12.5kg before failures began to occur in the joints and bracings. Analysis found V-bracing best distributed loads down the structure.
1) The project required building a skeletal load-bearing structure using only popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins that could withstand a minimum load of 1.25kg.
2) Different joining methods were explored, including tying sticks with strings, interlocking, using pins. The final structure combined methods using pins and strings.
3) Load testing was conducted in phases up to 12.5kg before failures began to occur in the joints and bracings. Analysis found V-bracing best distributed loads down the structure.
1) The project required building a skeletal load-bearing structure using only popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins that could withstand a minimum load of 1.25kg.
2) Different joining methods were explored, including tying sticks with strings, interlocking, using pins. The final structure combined methods using pins and strings.
3) Load testing was conducted in phases up to 12.5kg before failures began to occur in the joints and bracings. Analysis found V-bracing best distributed loads down the structure.
1) The project required building a skeletal load-bearing structure using only popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins that could withstand a minimum load of 1.25kg.
2) Different joining methods were explored, including tying sticks with strings, interlocking, using pins. The final structure combined methods using pins and strings.
3) Load testing was conducted in phases up to 12.5kg before failures began to occur in the joints and bracings. Analysis found V-bracing best distributed loads down the structure.
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The key takeaways are understanding forces in skeletal structures and learning about different joint methods, load distribution, and how each part of a structure impacts the whole.
The purpose of the project was to produce a skeletal load bearing structure using limited materials that could withstand a minimum load of 1.25kg.
The materials used were limited to popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins. No adhesive materials were allowed.
Underst andi ng Forces i n Skel et al St ruct ures
G R O U P ME MB E R S J a n n a h J a i l a n i ( 0 3 1 0 2 1 0 ) M e e r a N a z r e e n ( 0 3 0 9 6 3 0 ) S h a r i f a h D i y a n a ( 1 0 0 6 A H 7 8 3 7 3 ) S o h Y o u S h i n g ( 0 3 0 8 3 1 0 ) S u r a y y n S e l v a n ( 0 3 0 9 8 1 8 ) BUILDING CONSTRUCTION 2 [ ARC 2513 ] C ON T E N T PA GE I NT RODUCT I ON
I N T R OD U C T I ON This project required us to produce a skeletal load bearing structure that can stand up to a minimum of 1.25kg load. The materials used, however, were limited to popsicle sticks, toothpicks, threads and pins. No adhesive materials were allowed and the structure was to stand on top of an A5 base. The number of popsicle sticks were limited to 100 pieces only. Once the structure has been completed, it must be tested and an analysis in the form of a report must be produced. D E S I GN C ON C E P T The design concept of our structure was a result from researching and analyzing different types of braces possible with the use of popsicle sticks. Due to the prohibition of using any adhesive material, different methods have been experimented and applied to the structure in order to achieve the maximum strength and bearing weight.
The key elements that were highlighted and included:
1. Joints Suitable joining methods to hold the structure together that allows a higher load to be bore. Example: Pins, string
2. Form The form of the structure is a consequence of the shapes used as the base of the structure. Example: Triangle, square
1. Bracing Proper and sturdy bracing allows the load to be distributed equally between parts, providing the structure with stability and strength. Example: V-bracing P H A S E S E X P L O R A T I O N J O I N T I N G S Y S T E M S Method 1 Popsicle Sticks Tied With Strings With Bracings
Connecting the popsicle sticks using string allows flexible joining among the popsicle sticks. The bracing actually helps to strengthen the joint system. Method 2 Interlocking Popsicle Sticks
Interlocking the popsicle sticks is strong as it can withstand high pressure but it can only be done in certain angle (90 degree). Method 3 Popsicle Sticks Tied With Strings With A Cut Hole
This method is not as efficient as the previous two methods as the strings came off easily and the cut hole is not really helping the popsicle sticks to be tied together with the string. P H A S E S E X P L O R A T I O N J O I N T I N G S Y S T E M S Method 4 Popsicle Sticks Connected Using Pin
The pin helps the joints to held closely together but the popsicle sticks crack slight especially under high tension. The Combination Method Popsicle Sticks Connected Using Pin And String
Using pin and string to tie the popsicle sticks make it much stronger although there is still a slightly crack on the popsicle sticks.
The Combination Method Cross Bracing Using Pin And String
For the bracing part, we decided to use string to tie the popsicle sticks together and also connecting it using pin and bend the excess pin. It helps the bracing to be held together closely. P H A S E S E X P L O R A T I O N L O A D B E A R I N G S Y S T E M S 1. VERTICAL LOAD BEARING SYSTEM The vertical force that acts on the structure is called the compression force. This force squashes the structure, shortening it. The vertical members intend to transfer the load to the structures below.
2. HORIZONTAL LOAD BEARING SYSTEM The horizontal force acting upon the structure is called the tension force. The horizontal members of the structure intend to transfer this tension downwards to the member below it.
3. ARCHED LOAD BEARING SYSTEM The structure that is subjected to both compression and tension force is being bent. When compressed, the arch functions as a system in which the load is transferred equally throughout the structure.
From top left, anti-clockwise: Cross bracing structure, V- bracing structure, arch member, digital model of a v-shaped structure, triangular shaped member Acting Load Compression Force Tension Force P H A S E S C O N S T R U C T I O N Step 1 Connecting Main Component
Connecting the popsicle sticks by using pins to strengthen the joint system and creating a modular component. The bracing helps in supporting the component. Step 2 Reinforcing Main Component
The joints are then reinforced by tying of strings . This makes the component stronger and more stable. Step 3 Slotting Of Components
The components are then slotted together. The pins are slotted in between the popsicle sticks of another component. P H A S E S C O N S T R U C T I O N Step 4 Connecting square component
Four modular components are slotted together to form a square base. This strengthens the form of the tower. Step 5 Reinforcing square component
The square components are then reinforced by tying strings at all of the joints. This stabilizes the square form. Step 6 Building the tower
Three square modular components are then placed on top of each other to create a tower. The joints are then reinforced and tied together by using strings. P H A S E S L O A D T E S T I N G FINAL WEIGHT OF EACH TEST:
1 ST TEST 6.6 KG 2 ND TEST 7.5 KG 3 RD TEST 12.5 KG The initial testing was to test our base structure which consisted of V bracing in the middle of each sides. The popsicle sticks were connected and reinforced with threads as well as pins on each end. This test was conducted by using laptops and a bottle full of water. At the weight of 6.6 KG, the structure had leaned towards its side due to the lack in strength of the threads. F I R S T T E S T 1.2 KG 2.4 KG 3.6 KG 6.6 KG BASE STRUCTURE The second testing was done to a 3 level of the similar structure in the first trial with actual weight load. However each structure was not tied up or connected together. The middle structure was placed upside down for a better load flow. At the weight of 7.5KG, the structure started to wobble. The testing was stopped as the structure cannot support anymore weight as they were not connected properly. Nevertheless, the tying method of the thread has been reinforced and standardized for each part. S E C O N D T E S T 2.5 KG 5 KG 6.25 KG 7.5 KG The final testing for the structure has been done after all of the 3 structures were connected properly with a proper tying with the thread on each 4 sides. On the initial for this testing started off with a 2 KG of weight which progressively increases up until it reached 12.5 KG. T H I R D T E S T P H A S E S L O A D T E S T I N G 2.5 KG 5 KG 7.5 KG 10 KG 11.25 KG 12.5 KG A N A LY S I S L O A D D I S T R I B U T I O N After analysis, we concluded that the V-bracing would be the best fit for our structure. This is because of the point load area that is located at the top that transfers the load equally to the next modular structure located below. The square base gives more area for the load to be distributed to the ground. TENSION FORCE COMPRESSION FORCE 1 2 2 3 Popsicle stick 1 transfers the loads horizontally to the vertical popsicle sticks 2. While this happens, the load transfers equally to popsicle stick V-bracing 3. 1 2 3 3 The compression force acting on popsicle stick 1, is transferred downwards vertically. The load applied to point 2, is transferred equally on the V-bracing towards popsicle stick 3, which is horizontal. A N A LY S I S T I M E L A P S E Weight (kg) 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 Changes To The Structure Weight (kg) 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 Changes To The Structure A N A LY S I S R E S U L T S Failure 1
The popsicle stick detached from the tower as the pin was not strong enough due to high tension. In order to overcome this problem, we could drill the holes instead of using hammer. This method will prevent the popsicle sticks to crack. Failure 2
The string was loosen which caused the bracing to split. The solution for this is by using toothpick so that the popsicle sticks can be attached tightly. Thus, the bracing will be strong enough. Failure 3
The tower lost its balance as the bracing was split as shown and causing it to fall. One way to solve this is by making the base more stable, example creating a bigger base, change the way of bracing, etc. C ON C L U S I ON By completing this project, we have a deeper understanding towards the importance of building construction in architectural design. We are able to explore construction design, structural analysis, skeleton strength and load distribution through this project. This gives us knowledge on different joint methods and how each structure reacts to a system. Every single structure in a system is as equally important to make it stand. Through constructing structures and load testing, we were able to learn important points that would help improvise our final structure.
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