Logistic+Regression - Done

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Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression
Extends idea of linear regression to situation
where outcome variable is categorical

Widely used, particularly where a structured
model is useful to explain (=profiling) or to predict

We focus on binary classification
i.e. Y=0 or Y=1

Why Not Linear Regression?
Technically, you can run linear regression with a 0/1
response variable and obtain an output

But the resulting model will not make sense

For instance:
Predictions will mostly not be 0 or 1
Coefficient interpretation will not make sense
The Logit
Goal: Find a function of the predictor variables that
relates them to a 0/1 outcome

Instead of Y as outcome variable (like in linear
regression), we use a function of Y called the
Logit can be modeled as a linear function of the
The logit can be mapped back to a probability,
which, in turn, can be mapped to a class

Step 1: Logistic Response Function
p = probability of belonging to class 1

Need to relate p to predictors with a function that
guarantees 0 p 1

Standard linear function (as shown below) does

q = number of predictors
The Fix:
use logistic response

Equation 8.2 in textbook
Step 2: The Odds
eq. 8.3
eq. 8.4

The odds of an event are defined as:
p = probability of event

Or, given the odds of an event, the probability of the
event can be computed by:
We can also relate the Odds to the
To get this result, substitute 8.2 into 8.4
q q
x x x
e Odds

2 2 1 1 0
eq. 8.5
Step 3: Take log on both sides
This gives us the logit:

log(Odds) = logit (eq. 8.6)
q q
x x x Odds
2 2 1 1 0
) log(
Logit, cont.
So, the logit is a linear function of predictors x
, x

Takes values from -infinity to +infinity

Review the relationship between logit, odds and

Personal Loan Offer
Outcome variable: accept bank loan (0/1)

Predictors: Demographic info, and info about their
bank relationship
Data Preprocessing
Partition 60% training, 40% validation
Create 0/1 dummy variables for categorical
Single Predictor Model
Modeling loan acceptance on income (x)

Fitted coefficients (more later): b
= -6.3525, b
= -0.0392

Seeing the Relationship
Last Step: Classify
Model produces an estimated probability of being a

Convert to a classification by establishing cutoff

If estimated prob. > cutoff, classify as 1

Ways to Determine Cutoff
0.50 is popular initial choice

Additional considerations (see Chapter 4)
Maximize classification accuracy
Maximize sensitivity (subject to min. level of specificity)
Minimize false positives (subject to max. false negative
Minimize expected cost of misclassification (need to
specify costs)

Example, Cont.
Estimates of s are derived through an iterative
process called maximum likelihood estimation

Lets include all 12 predictors in the model now

XLMiners output gives coefficients for the logit,
as well as odds for the individual terms
Estimated Equation for Logit
(Equation 8.10)
Equation for Odds (Equation
Converting to Probability

Interpreting Odds, Probability
For predictive classification, we typically use
probability with a cutoff value

For explanatory purposes, odds have a useful
If we increase x
by one unit, holding x
, x

constant, then
is the factor by which the odds of belonging to
class 1 increase
Loan Example:
Evaluating Classification Performance
Performance measures: Confusion matrix and % of

More useful in this example: lift
Problem: As in linear regression, if one predictor is
a linear combination of other predictor(s), model
estimation will fail
Note that in such a case, we have at least one
redundant predictor

Solution: Remove extreme redundancies (by
dropping predictors via variable selection see
next, or by data reduction methods such as PCA)
Variable Selection
This is the same issue as in linear regression
The number of correlated predictors can grow
when we create derived variables such as
interaction terms (e.g. Income x Family), to
capture more complex relationships

Problem: Overly complex models have the
danger of overfitting

Solution: Reduce variables via automated
selection of variable subsets (as with linear
How well does model fit the data?
Popular measures:
Deviance ( = std. dev. estimate in XLMiner)
Multiple R

Goodness of fit measures are used in explanatory
data analysis (profiling), not much in classification
(where we look at classification accuracy with
validation data)

P-values for Predictors
Test null hypothesis that coefficient = 0
Useful for review to determine whether to include
variable in model
Key in profiling tasks, but less important in
predictive classification
Complete Example:
Predicting Delayed Flights DC to NY
Outcome: delayed or not-delayed

Day of week
Departure time
Origin (DCA, IAD, BWI)
Destination (LGA, JFK, EWR)
Weather (1 = bad weather)
Delayed Flights: Summary
Bold numbers are delayed flights on Mon Wed
Regular numbers Thurs - Sun
Data Preprocessing
Create binary dummies for the categorical variables

Partition 60%/40% into training/validation
The Fitted Model (not all 28 variables

Model Output (Validation Data)
Lift Chart

After Variable Selection
(Model with 7 Predictors)
7-Predictor Model
Note that Weather is unknown at time of prediction
(requires weather forecast or dropping that predictor)
Logistic regression is similar to linear regression,
except that it is used with a categorical response
It can be used for explanatory tasks (=profiling) or
predictive tasks (=classification)
The predictors are related to the response Y via a
nonlinear function called the logit
As in linear regression, reducing predictors can
be done via variable selection
Logistic regression can be generalized to more
than two classes (not in XLMiner)

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