Couples Therapy: The Relationship As The Client
Couples Therapy: The Relationship As The Client
Couples Therapy: The Relationship As The Client
marriage since the '50s document increased emphasis on selfdevelopment, flexible and negotiable roles, and open communication about problems. Surveys show similarly dramatic changes in criteria for "marital satisfaction".
These changes reflect increases in individualism and our
standard of living, as well as improved contraceptive methods and greater availability of abortions.
Could you conceive of staying in a marriage unless you're happy?
Current statistics
The American divorce rate has increased dramatically
the failure rate for second marriages is 10% higher. Median duration is 7.2 years.
More marriages now end in divorce than death (true since
Couple therapy is a growing industry: From 1,000 licensed
therapy (compared to over 75% in individual therapy) -and a third of those who improve have problems later on (Bray & Jouriles).
foundation of affection and friendship "validation sequences ability to resolve disagreements positive sentiment override a 5 to 1(or better) compliment-criticism ratio is optimal as the ratio decreases, marriage satisfaction decreases Amount of conflict relatively unimportant (all relationships have conflict)
Personal attacks (name calling) Dredging up the past Losing focus (and the kitchen sink)
Criticism (more common in women) Defensiveness Withdrawal (more common in men) Contempt
the 5 to 1 ratio (optimal) respect partner's opinions and emotions compromise often resolve problems to mutual satisfaction
arguments, conflict may or may not be resolved Vacillate between heated arguments and passionate reconciliation
Compatibility of interaction styles sometimes more predictive of relationship success than the style itself
They are stories about what love ideally should be They play out in our day-to-day experiences in relationships They influence who we are attracted to and who we are compatible with They are a lens through which people experience events
Stories come from past experiences, thoughts, and feelings about relationships Stories can and do change, but new stories start with old stories Stories are affected by cultural norms
Asymetrical stories (generally not healthy) teacher-student sacrifice government police investigation (detective/suspect) horror collection
Coordination stories (usually healthier) travel garden:processing | attention sewing business Narratives fantasy war
Goals of therapy
The most-studied form of couple therapy -- Behavioral Marital Therapy Help partners negotiate behavior change Teach more effective communication skills (e.g., active listening, how to argue) Gottman (microskills) Avoid the 4 horsemen and other forms of destructive fighting Focus on and encourage positive sentiment override
Latest research findings Improving "communication skills" may not be the key to resolving many couple problems (Baucom; Burleson & Denton). Good will between partners may be more important than good communication skills Good language and communication skills can even make bad marriages worse (e.g., keeps problem salient)
Several promising new approaches Acceptance therapy (focus on interrupting partners' attempts to change each other) Solution-focused therapy (intervention aims to identify exceptions to the problem and reinforce strengths in the couple's relationship)
Therapeutic techniques
Maintain balanced approach (dont show favoritism)
Have members of the couple talk to each other, not
the therapist
Anticipate backsliding (habits are hard to change)