Acoustic Ultrasonic Electronic: Electromagnetic Spectrum

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Principal source of energy for images is Electromagnetic spectrum

Other sources:
Computer-synthetic images generated by computer for modeling and
Electromagnetic waves can be conceptualized as a propagating
sinusoidal waves of varying wavelengths or can be thought of as a
stream of massless particles each travelling in wave like pattern and
moving at the speed of light. Each massless particle has bundle of
energy. Each bundle of energy is called PHOTON. If spectral bands
are grouped acc. to energy per photon spectrum is obtained. This is
known as electro magnetic spectrum.
Spectrum ranges from gamma rays at one end to radio waves at
other end
Gamma Ray Imaging
Application in this field include nuclear medicine and astronomy. In nuclear
medicine approach is to inject a patient with a radioactive isotope which when
decays emits gamma rays.These emissions are collected and gamma ray
detectors convert them into image. used to locate sites of bone pathology.
Another modality of nuclear imaging is PET (positron emission tomography).
Patient is given radioactive isotope which when decays emits positron. When
positron meets an electron both are annihilated and two gamma rays are given
off. These are detected and a tomographic image is created using basic principles
of tomography . A star in the constellation of Cygnus exploded about 15,000
years ago generating a superheated stationary cloud known as Cygnus loop that
glow in spectral array of colors.
X-ray imaging
Application areas: Medical,industry, astronomy
Medical & Industry : X-rays are generated using an x-ray tube which is a vacuum tube
with a cathode and an anode. The cathode is heated and free electrons are released.
These electrons flow at high speed towards positively charged anode. When it strikes
the nucleus energy is released in the form of x-ray radiation. The energy (penetration
power of x-rays is controlled by voltage applied across anode and number of x-rays
is controlled by current applied across the filament of the cathode.
Patient is placed between x-ray source and the film sensitive to x-ray energy. The
intensity of X-ray is absorbed as it passes through patient's body and remaining
energy falling on the film develops it in the same way as light develops photographic
In digital radiography, digital images are obtained as:
By digitizing x-ray film
X-rays after passing through the patient directly fall onto devices that convert x-rays
to light. The light is captured by light sensitive digitizing system.
Angiography: This is used to obtain angiograms of blood vessels. A catheter (small
hollow tube )is inserted into an artery or a vein in the groin. The catheter is threaded
into the blood vessel and guided to the area being studied. When the catheter
reaches the site under investigation, an x-ray contrast medium is injected through the
catheter. This enhances contrast of the blood vessels and enables the radiologist to
see any irregularities or blockages.
Angiography is a major area of image processing where image subtraction is used to
enhance further the blood vessels being studied.
CAT(Computerised axial tomography): Each cat image is a slice taken
perpendicularly through the patient.
Patient is moved in longitudinal direction and numerous slides are taken. Ensemble
of all these slides forms 3-D rendition of inside of patient.
Industrial processes use higher energy x-rays. Used to examine flaws in
manufacturing such as missing components or broken traces. Industrial CAT scans
are used when the parts can be penetrated by X-rays.
X-rays used in astronomy.
Imaging in ultraviolet band
Applications in this band include lithography ,industrial inspection,
microscopy, lasers, biological imaging and astronomical observations.
Florescence Microscopy: Mineral fluorspar fluoresces when UV light falls on it.
Florescence microscope uses an excited light to irradiate a specimen and
separates weaker radiated fluorescent light from the brighter excitation light.
Thus only the emission light reaches the eye or detector. The resulting
fluorescing areas shine against a dark background with sufficient contrast to
permit detection. Darker the background more efficient the instrument.
Method is used for studying materials that can be made to fluoresce either in
their natural form(primary fluorescence)or when treated with chemicals capable
of fluorescing(secondary fluorescence).
Imaging in the Visible and Infrared region
Light microscopy
Remote Sensing
Law enforcement
Remote Sensing includes several bands in the visual and infrared
regions of the spectrum. These are called Thematic Bands. This
satellite obtain and transmit images of Earth from space for
purpose of monitoring environmental conditions on the planet.
Bands are expressed in terms of wavelength. This is known as
multispectral imaging. Area includes features such as buildings,
roads, vegetation and a major river(Potomac) going through the
Images of population centers are used to assess population growth
and shift patterns, pollution and other factors harmful to the
Differences between visible and infrared images are noticable as
river is more defined in Bands 4 and 5.
Another area of imaging in visible band is automated
visual inspection of manufactured goods. eg:
to inspect controller board for CD-ROM Drive for
missing parts
Machine look for missing pills
Look for bottles not filled upto acceptable levels
Clear plastic part with unacceptable air pockets in it
Batch of cereals for presence of anomalies like
burned flakes
Detection of flat lens deformation in intraocular
Thumb print processing for automated search of a
database for matches
Image of paper currency for automated counting
reading of serial number for purpose of tracking and
identifying bills
Automated licence plate reading for traffic monitoring
and surveillance
Imaging in microwave Band
RADAR: collects data over virtually any region at any time any
region regardless of weather or ambient lightning conditions.
Some waves can penetrate clouds, and under certain condition
can also see through vegetation, ice and extremely dry sand.
RADAR is the only way to explore inaccessible regions of
Earth's surface. It works like flash camera in which it provides
its provides its own illumination and take a snapshot image.
Instead of camera radar uses an antenna and digital computer
processing to record its images. Reflected microwave energy is
reflected toward the radar antenna.
Imaging in Radio Band
Medicine And Astronomy
Radio waves are used in MRI(MagneticResonance Imaging)
Patient is placed in a powerful magnet and passes radio waves
through body in short pulses. Each pulse causes a responding
pulse of radio waves to be emmitted by patient’s tissues. The
location and strength of these signals is determined by
computer which produces 2-d section of the patient.
Examples in which other imaging modalities are Used
Although imaging in the electromagnetic spectrum is dominant by
far, there are a other number of imaging modalities that are also
acoustic imaging, electron microscopy, and synthetic imaging.
Imaging using “sound” finds application in geological exploration,
industry, and medicine. Geological applications use sound in the
low end of the sound spectrum while imaging in other areas use
ultrasound. The most important applications of image processing
in geology are in mineral and oil exploration. For image acquisition
over land, one of the main approaches is to use a large truck and
a large flat steel plate. The plate is pressed on the ground by the
truck, and the truck is vibrated through a frequency spectrum up to
100 Hz. The strength and the speed of the returning sound waves
are determined by the composition of the earth below the surface.
This are analyzed by computer, and images are generated from
the resulting analysis.
For marine acquisition, the energy source consists usually of two air guns
towed behind a ship. Returning sound waves are detected by hydrophones
placed in cables that are towed behind the ship, laid on the bottom of the
ocean, or hung from buoys. The two air guns are alternately pressurized to
2000 psi and then set off. The constant motion of the ship provides a
transversal direction of the motion that, together with the returning sound
waves, is used to generate a 3-D map of the composition of the earth below the
bottom of the ocean.

Fig. shows a cross-sectional image of well known 3-D model against which the
performance of seismic imaging algorithms is tested. The arrow points to a
hydrocarbon trap. This target is brighter than the surrounding layers because of
the change in density in the target region is larger.

Seismic interpreters look for these bright spots to find oil and gas. The layers
above also are bright, but their brightness does not vary as strongly across the
Although ultrasound imaging is used routinely in manufacturing, the best
known applications of this technique are in medicine, especially in
obstetrics, where are unborn babies are imaged to determine the health of
their development. A byproduct of this examination is determining the sex of
the baby. ultrasound images are generated using the following basic

1. The ultrasound system (a computer, ultrasound probe consisting of a source

and receiver, and a display.) transmits high frequency (1 to 5 MHz) sound
pulses into the body.
2. The sound waves travel into the body and hit a boundary between tissues
(e.g. between fluid and soft tissue, soft tissue and bone). Some of the sound
waves are reflected back to the probe, while some travel on further until
they reach another boundary and get reflected.
3. The reflected waves are picked up by the probe and relayed to the
4. The machine calculates the distance from the probe to the tissue or organ
boundaries using the speed of the sound in tissue (1540 m/s) and the time
of each echo’s return.
5. The system displays the distance and intensities of the echoes on the
screen. Forming a two dimensional image.
In a typical ultrasound image, millions of pulses and echoes are sent and received
each second. The probe can be moved along the surface of the body and angled to
obtain various views. Fig. shows several examples.
Electron microscopes function as their optical counterparts, except they use a
focused beam of electrons instead of light to image a specimen. The operation of
electron microscopes involves the following basic steps: a stream of electrons is
produced by an electron source and accelerated toward the specimen using a positive
electrical potential. This stream is confined and focused using metal apertures and
magnetic lenses into a thin, focused, monochromatic beam. This beam is focused
onto the sample using a magnetic lens. Interactions occur inside the irradiated
sample, affecting the electron beam. These interaction and affects are detected and
transformed into a image, much the same way in that light is reflected from, or
absorbed by, objects in a scene. These basic steps are carried out in all electron
microscopes, regardless of type.
A transmission electron microscope (TEM) works much like slide projector. a
projector shines a beam of light through the slide , as the light passes through
the slide, it is affected by the contents of the slide. The transmitted beam is then
projected onto the viewing screen, forming an enlarged image of the slide. TEMs
work the same way, except that they shine a beam of electrons through a
specimen. The fraction of the beam transmitted through the specimen is
projected onto a phosphor screen. The interaction of the electrons with the
phosphor produces light and therefore ,a viewable image.

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