Bandaging: Process of Covering A Wound and An Injured Part
Bandaging: Process of Covering A Wound and An Injured Part
Bandaging: Process of Covering A Wound and An Injured Part
To prevent contamination of wound by holding dressing in position
Trianglular bandage
Roller bandage
Special bandage:
1. Wash Hands, wear gloves if necessary 2. Assist patient to comfortable position(bed, chair and support the body part to be bandage)d 3. Always stand in front of the part/victim to be bandaged except when applying bandage to head ,eye and ear.
8. Always start bandaging from inner to outer aspect and far to near end
9. When bandaging a joint ensure flexibility of the joint except if immobilization is required
10. Always start and end with two circular turns 11. Cover the area 2 inches above and 2 inches below the affected area/wound 12. Overlap turns and slightly stretch the bandage. 13. Cover 2/3 of the previous turn 14. If possible/leave fingertips or toe tips exposed for observation, for adequacy of blood circulation 15. End the bandage at the outer side of the not end bandage on wound or at the back of the body
14. Assess circulation,motion and sensation to badages 15. Question the patient regarding comfort 16. Wash your hands 17. Evaluate following criteria
Type of bandage applied Area to which applied Assessment of circulation, motion and sensation Length of time device off and condition of skin underneath (reapplication )
Wrap an elastic bandage from the distal area to the proximal area to promote venous return. Avoid leaving gaps in bandage layers or exposed skin surfaces because this may result in uneven pressure on the body part. Observe the patient for an allergic reaction because some patients can't tolerate the sizing in a new bandage. Laundering it reduces this risk.
Launder the bandage daily or whenever it becomes limp; laundering restores its elasticity. Always keep two bandages handy so one can be applied while the other bandage is being laundered.
When using an elastic bandage after a surgical procedure on an extremity (such as vein stripping) or with a splint to immobilize a fracture, remove it only as ordered rather than every 8 hours.
If the patient will be using an elastic bandage at home, teach him or a family member how to apply it correctly and how to assess for restricted circulation. Tell him to keep two bandages available so he'll have one while the other is being laundered.
Arterial obstruction
Record the date and time of bandage application and removal; the application site, bandage size, skin condition before application, skin care provided after removal, and complications; the patient's tolerance of the treatment; and any patient teaching.
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