Contrastive Studies-History and Development
Contrastive Studies-History and Development
Contrastive Studies-History and Development
Traditional period
End of 19th century until after WWII Benjamin Lee Whorf uses term contrastive linguistics in his article languages and Logic (1941) Inauguration of structuralism : Ferdinand de Saussure The Prague Circle Strong interest in the study of phonology
Main works reflect that interest 1892. Grandgent, Ch. German and English Sounds 1892. Roorda, P. Dutch and English Compared 1894. Vitor, W. Elemente der Phonetik des Deutschen, Englischen und Franczischen 1906. Passy, P. Petite phontique comparee des principales langues europennes 1908. Soames, L. An Introduction to English, French and German Phonetics 1933. Yuen Ren Chao A Preliminary Study of English Intonation (with American Variants) and its Chinese Equivalents.
Field work by American structural linguists; description of native American languages ; comparisons with Indo-European languages 1941. Whorf B.L. Languages and Logic ...might be termed contrastive linguistics. This plots the outstanding differences among tongues in grammar, logic and general analysis of experience.. (Whorf:1941) Points to the difference between comparative and contrastive linguistics Leonard Bloomfield points to the importance of contrasting categories of different languages
more in Europe
Henry Sweeet, Jan Baudouin de Courtenay, Otto Jespersen, Charles Bally Summary of the traditional period Initially CA focused on main european languages , then broadened interest to native American and Chinese languages Focus on phonology/phonetics still haphazard activity, no programme
Classical period in CL
1945 1965 CA becomes systematic, scientific, practical and academic discipline In US particularly, development of second language learning and teaching, studies of bilingualism, language planning influence the direction of CA
The most efficient materials are those that are based upon a scientific description of the language to be learned, carefully compared with a parallel description of the native language of the learner."(Fries 1945: 9,
Teaching and Learning English as a Foreign Language. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.)
1948. Reed, D. Lado, R.and Yao Shen: The Importance of the Native Language in Foreign Language Learning 1949. Fries, C.and Pike, K. Co-existent Phonemic Systems 1953 Weinreich, U. Languages in Contact. Introduces the notion of INTERFERENCE
Interference, or negative transfer, represents the
instances of mother tongue influencing the learning/use of second/foreign language, thus causing mistakes/errors
Focal moment
1957. Lado, Robert. Linguistics across Cultures . Inauguration of modern contrastive analysis!!! 1962-1965. Ferguson, C. The Contrastive Structure Series: results of systematic comparison of English paired with 5 languages at the levels of phonology and grammar. Thus 10 publications
Modern period
1965 to this day A large number of contrastive projects all over the world Bibliographies and selected bibliographies First serious critical views Many large international conferences that marked the development of the discipline
1968. Washington, Georgetown University. 19th Annual Round Table: Contrastive Linguistics and its Pedagogical Implications 1971. Honolulu-Hawaii Pacific Conference on Contrastive Linguistics and Language Universals 1970. Zagreb Conference
Estonian English (Taru, Estonia) Finnish English (Jyvaaskyla, Finland) Dutch-English (Luven, Holland) English Hungarian (Budapest, Hungary) PAKS German (Stuttgart, Germany) Polish- English (Poznan, Poland) YSCECP English Serbo-Croat Spanish, Romanian, Sweedish ..
COntrastive Linguistics and LAnguage Typology in Europe CoLLaTE is an international research network set up in 1996 with funds from the Flemish National Science Foundation (FWO) to bring together, promote and co-ordinate fragmented research efforts in the field of contrastive linguistics bridge the gap between theoretical and applied research so that (fundamental) contrastive research is put into practice, e.g. in language teaching and NLP and MT applications archive bibliographical and other data and make them accessible. These objectives will be developed and aimed at through yearly organised thematic symposia and/or workshops , the exchange of materials and knowhow between the participating research units; making available a bibliography on contrastive linguistics the preparation of joint Flemish and/or European research projects. The research units participating in CoLLaTE are Core research unit: The CONTRAGRAM group
Flemish partners: The 'Psychopedagogical Studies of Language and Language Acquisition' research unit of the University of Gent (head: Prof. M. Spoelders) The Centrum voor grammaticaal en lexicaal betekenisonderzoek/Centre de Smantique Grammaticale et Lexicale of the University of Leuven (Prof. L. Melis) The core research unit and its two Flemish partners constitute the steering committee of the network. Other Belgian partners: The Centre for English Corpus Linguistics of the University of Louvain (Prof. S. Granger) The 'Unit d'tudes nerlandaises' of the University of Louvain (Prof. L. Beheydt) The Ecole de Langues Vivantes of the University of Namur (Prof. P. Kelly) The Department of Germanic Languages of the Free University of Brussels (Prof. P. Van de Craen)
International partners: The Corpus Linguistics Group of the University of Birmingham (U.K.) (Prof. J. Sinclair) The INTERSECT Project of the University of Brighton (U.K.) (Dr. R. Salkie) The Syntaxe, Interprtation et Lexique unit of the University of Lille (France) (Prof. D. Corbin) The Dpartement de Linguistique franaise of the Universit de Provence (France) (Prof. C. Blanche-Benveniste) The Forschungsgruppe Valenzforschung of the 'Institut fr deutsche Sprache' in Mannheim (Germany) (Prof. H. Schumacher) The Odense Valency Dictionary Project of the University of Odense (Denmark) (Prof. L. Schsler) The Dpartement de franais of the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) (Prof. H. Srensen) The Text-based Contrastive Studies in English unit of Lund University (Sweden) (Dr. B. Altenberg ) The Institut des langues romanes of the University of Uppsala (Sweden) (Prof. L.-G. Sundell) The research group Gramtica contrastiva ingls-espaol of the University of Huelva (Spain) (Prof. M. Martnez Vzquez)